Past Projects

Below are listed recent projects that have come to an end.







Geographical Mobility of Factors (ARC 09/14-019) (2009 - 2014)

Financing : Action de Recherche Concertée (ARC), Communauté Française de Belgique

Promoters: Fr. Docquier, H. Sneessens, J. Thisse, H. Vandenbussche and B. Van der Linden

Project description


Sustainability (ARC 09/14-018) (2009 - 2014)

Financing: Action de Recherche Concertée (ARC), Communauté Française de Belgique

Promoters: D. de la Croix, R. Boucekkine and Axel Gosseries

Project description


Impact of a safety net program on ultra-poor households in rural Pakistan (2008-2013)

Financing : Fondation Ford

Promoter: W. Parienté

Project description:

Access to productive resources provides the opportunity to exit poverty, yet many of those living in extreme poverty lack the capital input necessary to receive higher education or buy productive assets. This project aims at evaluating the impact of improved access to productive assets on poverty.


Supporting youth entrepreneurship in disadvantaged areas in France (2008-2013)

Financing: Fonds d’expériementation pour la jeunesse. Ministère de l’éducation nationale, France.

Promoter: W. Parienté

Project description:

Evaluation of the effect of business development training for the youth in disadvantaged areas. This research project aims at evaluating the effect of these types of policies on income, employment but also on self esteem and social integration.


Discrimination in the Labor Market: Effect on Employees’ Performance (2010-2013)

Financing: Fonds d’expérimentation pour la jeunesse. Ministère de l’éducation nationale, France.

Promoter: W. Parienté

Project description:

Discrimination research often attempts to distinguish between two sources of discrimination: statistical discrimination and tastebased discrimination. This project uses a field experiment in a large firm to test for a third source. It tests whether managers’beliefs that workers will perform poorly actually cause poor performance (a « self-ful-filling prophecy»).


Does Human and Social Capital help in Entrepreneurship? Evidence from a randomized experiment in Morocco (2010-2013)

Financing: Millennium Challenge Corporation

Promoter: W. Parienté

Project description:

This research project aims at understanding the role of improved access to human and social capital on the development of small businesses. The identification of these two factors is analyzed program for small businesses in Morocco.


Quality, incom-elasticity of demand and macroeconomic volatility (2011-2013)

Financing: Fonds Spéciaux de Recherche (FSR)

Promoter: Fl. Mayneris

Project description:

The present project addresses two questions. Does the response of trade to changes in demand depend on the quality content of traded goods? What are the consequences in terms of macroeconomics volatility ofthe quality upgrading process occurring in developed countries? We use firm-product-destination country data from French customs and develop an original method to identify high-end product exporters.


Les soutiens financiers à la création d’emploi (“WOLDEMP”) (2012-2013)

Financing: Maison des entreprises wallonnes

Promoters: M. Dejemeppe and B. Vanderlinden

Project description:

A range of labor market policies will soon no more be chosen nor managed at the Belgian Federal level. A non-negligible part of these policies are either hiring subsidies or employment subsidies. The budget of the Walloon region devoted to the labor market will be multiplied by more than two after this regionalization. The report written by M. Dejemeppe and B. Van der Linden has three aims. First, it summarizes the international literature about the effects of hiring and employment subsidies. Second, it describes the performance and the functioning of the Walloon labor market along the three last decades. From this description, it then improves the diagnostic of the causes of two serious and lasting problems: a high unemployment rate, especially of a long-term duration, and a low participation rate. Finally, it proposes a way of allocating the means that will be regionalized with a focus on hiring and employment subsidies.