The Institute for Multidisciplinary Research in Quantitative Modelling and Analysis (IMMAQ) de l'Université catholique de Louvain – Belgium informs you of the launch of the «FSR Post-doc 2018» call for postdoc fellowships by the Université catholique de Louvain. These fellowships – for a period of 24 months – are addressed to researchers who have not stayed or worked in Belgium for more than 12 months over the last 3 years, and with maximum 5 years of postdoctoral experience.
Candidates must also apply in parallel to the Mandates of the F.R.S.-FNRS: https://www.frs-fnrs.be/index.php/appel-reglements.
The application for a postdoctoral fellowship needs to be supported by the Research Centre in which the applicant intends to work. Interested candidates are invited to follow this procedure:
- For Monday, November 20, 2017: send a CV (first three pages of the application form) and a preliminary project (1-2 pages). This should be sent by email to severine.dinjar@uclouvain.be.
- Friday, December 8: shortlisted candidates will be informed by the research centre.
- December 8, 2017 to January 29, 2018: Preparation of the application, with the support of the research centre.
- January 29, 2018: deadline for submission of applications: crec-adre@uclouvain.be.
Research Topics
Research in IMMAQ is organized around these broad areas:
- Actuarial Sciences
- Economics
- Econometrics
- Quantitative Finance, Macro-Finance, Corporate Finance, Behavioural finance and Financial econometrics
- Operations Research
- Statistics and Biostatistics
Here are some examples of general themes that can be supported:
- Energy network regulation, efficiency analysis (models and methods, both parametrics and non-parametrics) (Per Agrell)
- Supply chain and international logistics modelling (Per Agrell)
- The economics of digitization (Paul Belleflamme)
- Macroeconomic adjustment in small commodity producing countries (Vincent Bodart)
- Integer programming approaches for large-scale network pricing and design problems (Daniele Catanzaro)
- The chip-firing game on graphs: economic implications and integer programming approaches (Daniele Catanzaro)
- Order Placement Strategies and Retail Investors (Catherine D’hondt and Rudy de Winne)
- Impact Evaluation of Development and Labor Market Interventions (Muriel Dejemeppe, William Parienté and Bruno Van der Linden)
- Stochastic complex systems and stochastic computations for spatial-temporal data (Zhengyuan Gao)
- Convex optimization (François Glineur and Yurii Nesterov)
- Multi-omics data integration in personnalized medicine (Bernadette Govaerts)
- Hedging and pricing of financial derivatives under uncertainty (D. Hainaut)
- Modelling of financial contagion with Hawkes and switching processes (D. Hainaut)
- Macro Finance, term structure of interest rates, forecasting (Leonardo Iania)
- The interaction of Behavioral Economics and Industrial Organization (Johannes Johnen)
- The theory and empirics of poverty and social exclusion (François Maniquet)
- Comparative development and marriage institutions (Fabio Mariani)
- political regimes, conflict and demographic dynamics (Fabio Mariani)
- urban development in pre-industrial economies (Fabio Mariani)
- Evaluation of social impact of social enterprises (Marthe Nyssens)
- Mission drift of social enterprises (Marthe Nyssens)
- Role of social enterprises in the social and ecological transition (e.g. commons, collaborative economy, functional economy) (Marthe Nyssens)
- Fiscal Policy, Monetary Policy, Government Debt Management (Rigas Oikonomou)
- Application of operations research in power system operations and electricity market analysis, with a specific focus on sustainable growth through demand response and renewable energy integration (Anthony Papavasiliou)
- Graphical models and extreme value analysis (Johan Segers)
- Quantitative and Economic Geography : urban landscape morphometrics; exploring and visualizing spatial big data (Isabelle Thomas)
- Economics of Ageing: the barriers to employment beyond the age of 50 (Vincent Vandenberghe)
- Economics of Ageing: productivity vs dependency (Vincent Vandenberghe)
- Social and economic networks (Vincent Vannetelbosch)
- Globalization and firm-level innovation in developing countries (Gonzague Vannoorenberghe)
- The economics of deep trade agreements (Gonzague Vannoorenberghe)
- Does international trade raise the economic risk faced by firms and employees? (Gonzague Vannoorenberghe)
- Dynamic modeling of stochastic recovery rates with application to credit risk (Frederic Vrins)
- Corporate finance, labor economics and investment (Yue Zhang)