Job Description
IRES and DEMO obtained financing to conduct research on “Globalization, International Migration and Income Inequality”. In September 2018, a new ARC project on “New approaches to understanding and modelling global migration trends” (GLOBMIG), and a new EOS project on “Winners and Losers from Globalization and Market Integration: Insights from Micro-Data” will start. The objectives of these projects are to gain understanding of the long-run root drivers of international migration, to produce integrated projections of migration, population, and global inequality, and to use the knowledge base to assess the effectiveness and policy coherence of the legal framework. Research should go beyond the state of the art in combining traditional and new sources of data (e.g., Big Data on cell-phone owners’ mobility, worldwide opinion surveys on migration intentions, geo-referenced data on population changes, comparative data on immigration laws and policies), in developing new methodologies for processing and analyzing them, and in modelling the complex interactions between international migration, internal migration, and the sociodemographic, climatic, legal and economic environments. The candidate will be expected to contribute to some of these projects, to work in close collaboration with Prof. Philippe Bocquier (Demography) and Prof. Frédéric Docquier (Economics) as well as with their partners in Law and Computer Science, and to interact with local PhD students in the same field of interests. The candidate should have conducted promising theoretical or empirical doctoral research and be interested in migration economics or demography.
General Conditions
Candidates should normally have successfully defended their PhD thesis in Economics or in Demography before starting the fellowship. They must have a proven record of high quality research on migration-related issues. In addition, should not have stayed more than 12 months in Belgium during the last three years. The starting date of the fellowship mentioned above can be somewhat postponed. Appointments are research positions for two years, with a possibility to extend for a third year. Net salary is of the order of 2400 euros per month. Members of the EU are covered by the Belgian social insurance scheme. Non-members are only insured for health care and can receive child benefit. The candidate will share her/his time between IRES and DEMO. More information about IRES and DEMO can be found at https://uclouvain.be/en/researchinstitutes/immaq/ires (IRES) or https://uclouvain.be/fr/instituts-recherche/iacchos/demo (DEMO). These centres will provide her/him with office space, computer facilities, assistance in finding suitable accommodation, etc. Candidates who will defend their PhD thesis after the beginning of 2018 can be considered as well. The net salary will be smaller as long as the PhD is not completed.
Should be sent to frederic.docquier@uclouvain.be, philippe.bocquier@uclouvain.be, and severine.dinjar@uclouvain.be not later than June 30, 2018.
The core of this email should contain the following information:
- your name,
- your current affiliation (university, research center, etc.),
- your main fields of research in a number of keywords,
- two names and addresses (including e-mail) of persons who can be contacted for reference on the candidate, (v) an URL-link at which a sample of research papers in pdf format can be downloaded.
The two following pdf-files should be sent in attachment:
- a complete curriculum vitae,
- a statement of research interests.
Submissions that do not obey the mentioned instructions will not be considered.