UCL Promotor : Pierre Defrance
UCL Collaborators : Jozo Jureta, Julien Lecointre, Xavier Urbain
External collaborations : R.K. Janev (Forschungszentrum, Institut für Plasmaphysik, Euratom Association, Jülich, D), D. Belic (Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, SRB), T. Kereselidze (State University, Tbilisi, Georgia, GEO), M.O.A. El Ghazaly ((NCMP), King Abdulaziz City for Science (KACST), Riyad, South Arabia, KSA), B. Mitchell (Univ. Rennes, F)
Funding : project IISN-FNRS
Convention IISN-FNRS « Atomes, ions et rayonnement » 2010 – 2014
Convention Association "Euratom-Etat belge" pour la fusion contrôlée, avec le Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas de l'École Royale Militaire, Professeur M. Van Schoor 2010-2013
Inelastic collisions of moderate energy electrons with molecular ions generally induce excitation and ionization reactions, which mainly result in the dissociation of the target.
Experimental studies are performed in a crossed electron ion beams set up. A particular attention is carried in careful identifying the various concerned processes, and in the kinetic energy analysis of the dissociation products.
The concerned ions are essentially those ions which play a role in atmospheric or thermonuclear plasmas. For example, they are atmospheric ions (H2+, N2+, O2+, CO+, CO2+, ...), hydro(deutero)carbons ions belonging to the methane and the ethane families (CmHn+ or CmDn+) as well as XH+ or XD+ ions where X stands for Be, C, N, O and for rare gases (He, Ne, Ar, Kr) frequently introduced in tokamaks.