Technological platforms were created to ensure logistic support to research activities
ASM: Structural Molecular Analysis
SUCH: Surface characterisation: XPS, ToF-SIMS, AES, ...
LAS&O : Lasers & Optics
MICA : MIcroscopic ChAracterization of functional and nanostructured materials
Technical workshops and a chemicals store also provide services to the members of the institute and of the university.
Electromechanic workshop
Pascal VALVASSORI, Lavoisier building (C.366)
Jean-Marc DELFORGE, Boltzmann building (A-169.20)
Axel WILLEMS, Lavoisier building (B.064)
Mechanical workshop :
Hervé LAURENT, de Hemptinne building (f.011)
Glass-blowing workshop:
You can request the manufacture, transformation or repair of your laboratory glass instruments.
Jacques NEUMANN (Lavoisier building) can also advise you regarding the purchase of
laboratory glass via the Lavoisier store
Lavoisier chemicals store
Jessica VENICX and Pascal COLSON, Lavoisier building (A.028).
Many other instruments, tools and simulation softwares are available at the level of the research divisions of IMCN. See the research division pages for more information.