

Their publications are available on Eric Gaigneaux's and Damien Debecker's personal pages.

You will find here some of the most representative publications of the lab:

Baldovino Medrano, Victor G.; Farin, Benjamin; Gaigneaux, Eric M. (2012).
Establishing the role of graphite as a shaping agent of vanadium - aluminum mixed (hydr)oxides and their physicochemical properties and catalytic functionalities.
ACS Catalysis (2012), p. 322-336. doi: 10.1021/cs200465h.

Debecker, Damien P.; Stoyanova, Mariana; Colbeau-Justin , Fréderic; Rodemerck, Uwe; Boissière, Cédric; Gaigneaux, E.; Sanchez, C. et al. (2012).
One-pot aerosol route to MoO3-SiO2-Al2O3 catalysts with ordered super microporosity and high olefin metathesis activity.
Angewandte Chemie (International Edition) (2012), p. 2129-2131. doi: 10.1002/anie.201106277.

A New Bio-Inspired Route to Metal Nanoparticle-Based Heterogeneous Catalysts
D.P. Debecker, C. Faure, M.-E. Meyre, A. Derré and E.M. Gaigneaux
Small, 4 (2008) 1806-1812 
Delaigle, Romain; Debecker, Damien P.; Bertinchamps, Fabrice; Gaigneaux, Eric M. (2009).
Revisiting the Behaviour of Vanadia-Based Catalysts in the Abatement of (Chloro)-Aromatic Pollutants: Towards an Integrated Understanding.
Topics in Catalysis (2009), p. 501-516. doi: 10.1007/s11244-009-9181-9. 

Arendt, Eglantine; Ghislain, S.; Gaigneaux, Eric M. (2010).
Operando investigation of the catalytic behavior of Wells-Dawson heteropolycompounds in the oxidation of propene. I
Catalysis Today (2010), p. 227-240. doi: 10.1016/j.cattod.2009.11.020. 
Non-hydrolytic sol-gel routes to heterogeneous catalysts
D.P. Debecker and P. Hubert Mutin


Exploring, tuning and exploiting the basicity of hydrotalcites for applications in heterogeneous catalysis (review paper)
D.P. Debecker, E.M. Gaigneaux and G. Busca
Chemistry-A European journal, 15 (2009) 3920-3935
One-step non-hydrolytic sol–gel preparation of efficient V2O5-TiO2 catalysts for VOC total oxidation
D.P. Debecker, K. Bouchmella, R. Delaigle, P. Eloy, E.M. Gaigneaux, P.H. Mutin
Applied Catalysis B : Environmental, 93 (2010) 38-45
Flame-made MoO3/SiO2-Al2O3 metathesis catalysts with highly dispersed and highly active molybdate species
D.P. Debecker, B. Schimmoeller, M. Stoyanova, C. Poleunis, P. Bertrand, U. Rodemerck, E.M. Gaigneaux
Journal of Catalysis, 277 (2011) 154-163
A non-hydrolytic sol-gel route to highly active MoO3-SiO2-Al2O3 metathesis catalysts
Damien P. Debecker, Karim Bouchmella, Mariana Stoyanova, Uwe Rodermerck, Eric M. Gaigneaux and P. Hubert Mutin
Catal. Sci. Technol. 2 (2012) 1157-1164


Sustainable aqueous route to highly stable suspensions of monodispersed Nano Ruthenia
C. Sassoye, G. Muller, D.P. Debecker, A. Karelovic, S. Cassaignon, C. Pizarro, P. Ruiz, C. Sanchez