Major news and events since November 2013
Nov. 2013: 4-hand glovebox from Innovative Technology, with an integrated microscope and a deep freezer, is installed. We thank FNRS for the funding!
Dec. 2013: Fabrice Morelle got FRIA fellowship from FNRS. Congratulations!
Jan. 2014: 4-hand Mbraun Labmaster glovebox with an integrated microscope is installed. We are grateful to the ESRF (Harald Müller and Axel Kaprolat) for this donation!
Jan. 2014: the first paper of Iurii Dovgaliuk comes out in J. Phys. Chem. C.
Jan. 2014: an experiment at SNBL / ESRF.
Feb. 2014: two reviews on hydrides are published in Materials Today (IF = 6) with our Danish colleagues. See one and the other .
Feb. 2014: Volumetric (Sieverts) instrument is installed: Hiden IMI-HTP system, 200 bar upper limit, -186 °C to 500 °C, two detachable reactors, immersion sample holder for 77 K. We thank FNRS for the funding!
Feb. 2014: experiments at SNBL / ESRF and ID15 / ESRF. The first in-situ ball milling of hydrides!
Mar. 2014:
Mar. 2014: we gave a public lecture with demos at "Printemps de Sciences" in UCL, entitled "Stockage de l'hydrogène, matériaux nouveaux et cristallographie"
Mar. 2014: three group members visited Laborama exhibition in
Apr. 2014: Yaroslav Filinchuk stayed four weeks in I2CNER,
Apr. 2014: A long-term (2 years) proposal for Materials Science Beamline at Swiss Light Source is accepted! It got the highest score among all proposals! It is devoted to in-situ ball milling, in collaboration with
May 2014: Our first collaboration works with the group of Tom Leyssens were accepted in CrystEngComm and Crystal Growth & Design. Powder diffraction has linked our groups with the help of Nikolay Tumanov.
May 2014: an experiment at SNBL / ESRF.
May 2014: our paper was accepted in JACS
June 2014: MAR300 diffractometer was installed on the second port of the rotating anode generator.
July 2014: five oral presentations were given by the members of our group at the International Symposium on Metal-Hydrogen Systems, MH2014 in
Sep. 2014: Two papers were accepted, from Voraksmy and from Iurii.
Oct. 2014: Two postdocs paid by WBI come from
Oct. 2014: Iurii Dovgaliuk got the best poster award for his presentation at the Belgian Crystallographic Symposium in
Nov. 2014: Experiment at ID15 / ESRF (France)
Dec. 2014: Damir Safin gave an invited talk at the Belgian Synchrotron contact group meeting in Namur.
Dec. 2014: Experiment at MS / SLS (
Dec. 2014: After 3 years of postdoctoral stay, Voraksmy Ban leaves our group, going to SLS / PSI (
Jan. 2015: FNRS granted us funding for a state of the art TGA/DSC-MS instrument installed in an Ar-filled glovebox.
Jan. 2015: Two internship students, Youssef Khay and Thibault Peeters, will stay with us for three weeks.
Jan. 2015: Kasper Møller, a visiting PhD student from
Jan. 2015: Prof. Hai-Wen Li from International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research,
Mar. 2015: Experiment at SNBL / ESRF (France)
Mar. 2015: Yaroslav Filinchuk gives an invited talk at SMEC 2015 in
Mar. 2015: Experiment at MS / SLS (