> "CENTAL" projects

> Projects in collaboration with other UCL centres
- VALIBEL : Automated tagging of texts transcribed from oral corpora. Funding by FRFC from FNRS (2002 > still undergoing)
- Collaboration with CETIS
- Centre for English Corpus Linguistics (CECL) : Collaboration on the International Corpus of Learner English - ICLE – project (2002)
- CEGN : Centre d’Etudes sur Grégoire Nazianze (1999 > still undergoing)
- PRLG : Projet de Recherche en Lexicologie Grecque (Greek Lexicology Research Project) (1990 > still undergoing)

> International/intervarsity scientific collaboration
- Projet AdEN: Adolescents et Ecrit Numérique [2008-2013] (Programme ANR, Formes et mutations de la communication : processus, compétences, usages). Le projet AdEN associe cinq équipes de recherche de l'Université de Poitiers, de l’Université de Technologie de Troyes, de l’UCL (Belgique), de la Northern Illinois University (USA) et de l’Université de Valencia (Espagne).
- GALILEI project : Université Libre de Bruxelles – Analytic Mechanics Service & CFAO - CONCORLEX project : Multi-level linguistic exploitation of text resources available on the Internet - Université de Marne-la-Vallée, Institut Gaspard Monge (IGM), Accord de Coopération CGRI-FNRS-CNRS.
- CONCORLEX project : Multi-level linguistic exploitation of text resources available on the Internet
- Université de Marne-la-Vallée, Institut Gaspard Monge (IGM), Accord de Coopération CGRI-FNRS-CNRS.
- IDILL project 'Digital Language Learning: An Integrated Perspective' project : initiated within the framework of Kaleidoscope, European Network of Excellence, this project deals with the integration of natural language processing (NLP) to computer assisted language learning (CALL). For instance, one of this project’s achievements is the IDILL web site, which is a collaborative tool introducing resources about NLP applied to CALL. http://www.idill.org/
- UrgentieAS: Urgentielexicon ArtsenStage Ontwikkeling meertalig medisch lexicon voor artsenstage. Corpusanalyse van geanonymiseerde patiëntenprotocols en medische RSS- corpora. Speciale aandacht voor multidimensionaliteit in lexicale fiches en lexiconstructuur. Koppeling oefenmodules en lexicon op digitale leeromgeving. (2006-2008)

> Collaborations with private partners
- Apixio (San Matteo, Californie, USA) : NLP for Health Information Systems.
- Bitong (Bruxelles) : Recherche et extraction d'informations sur le Web. [2010-2011]
- Agence de Stimulation Technologique (Wallonie) : Thésaurus multilingue pour l'indexation sur le portail « innovons.be ».
- Agence Belga (Brussels) B-ontology: biographical information extraction (2005 > 2007)
Funding by the Institute for the encouragement of Scientific Research and Innovation of Brussels (IRSIB)
- Bureau Van Dijk (Brussels) Syntactic analysis and intelligent document indexation. (2004-2005)
- Educational Testing Service (Princeton, NJ) Automatic text material extraction processing for English language tests development. (2001-2003)
- RTL-TVI Generalist thesaurus for video sequences indexation. (2001-2002)
- Systran Methodolgy for the adaptation and assessment of multilingual lexical resources for machine translation. (2003)
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