Reaching the CENTAL


> Reaching the CENTAL

> By caryour route thanks to Via Michelin

> From the railway station :

Once at the station, head towards the "Place de l'Université". Go down "Rue Charlemagne", i.e. the main shopping street, until you reach the "Grand-Place"  where you will find the UGC cinema on your left as well as the Aula Magna a bit further on. Walk in the direction of the big clock which is right in front of you then turn right at the end of the "Grand-Place". Walk up the small slope for about 50 meters and you will reach the "Place Cardinal Mercier". The main entrance to the "Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres" is on your left (look for a big double door). Once inside, take the stairs on your right. You just arrived at the Cental !

Centre de Traitement Automatique du Langage/
Natural Language Processing Centre
Université Catholique de Louvain
Collège Erasme, 1er étage
Place Blaise Pascal, 1
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve