The Aung San Suu Kyi Fund for Democracy, Cultures, and Action will be endowed through the University of Louvain. It has two academic affiliations with the institutes with which the Fund’s four founders are affiliated: IACCHOS (Institute for the Analysis of Change in Contemporary and Historical Societies) and JUR-I (Institute pour la recherche interdisciplinaire en sciences juridiques, or Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on the Law). The Fund is governed by three main structures, whose composition and competences are stipulated in a set of bylaws:
- The GOVERNING BOARD consisting of the four academic promoters of this program, researchers working in the context of the program, and a representative of the Louvain Foundation. Outside consultants may be included in some or all of the Governing Board’s meetings. The Board oversees the Fund’s projects, monitors the coherence of its major research orientations, and establishes its working budget. It delegates the day-to-day management of the Fund to an EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.
- The STEERING COMMITTEE has been appointed in order to ensure that the Fund maintains close ties to the civil society. The members of this Committee will have been selected from civil society organizations or have been selected for their expertise related to the Fund’s subject. The Steering Committee discusses the projects undertaken by the Fund with the Governing Board and seeks counsel wherever necessary. Its distinguished members are:
- The EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, responsible for day-to-day management, consists of the four academic founders, assisted by additional members (full-time researcher engaged by the Fund, administrative assistant, etc.).