Information platform on human rights in Myanmar


The Aung San Suu Kyi Fund “Democracy, Cultures, and Action” is extremely concerned by the current political unrest in Myanmar, as well as by the numerous reports of violent situations, human rights violations and ethnic cleansing, notably in the Rakhine State amongst the Rohingyas communities.

This platform has been created in order to provide a better understanding of the situation and to give resources for action. Its content includes links to information websites of multiple sources, as well as official reports by international organizations. It will also relay initiatives supported or endorsed by the Fund. A thorough assessment of the situation has been done by the members of the Fund and its results are compiled in a file that can be accessed freely.

In December 2016, a letter signed by the four scholars of the Fund was sent to the State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, which voiced our concerns about the human rights situation in Myanmar. We conveyed to her our feeling that “the magnitude of the atrocities needs to be met with a clear message”, an “unequivocal condemnation of the violence targeted at the Rohingya People”, and that this message “is becoming more urgent by the day”.



International Reports

- OHCHR : The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

- Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar

- CEDAW : Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women - Conclusions

- CRC : Committee on the Rights of the Child – Concluding Observations

- UNDP : United Nations Development Programme




Information sites on Burma

The Irrawaddy : Independant website displaying news and political analyses on Burma/Myanmar. Created by activists of the students movement exiled in Thailand. Language : English.

Tea Circle Oxford : Publication of analysis and research reports on Burma/Myanmar by scientific experts principally from the University of Oxford. Language : English.

InfoBirmanie : French associative platform issueing information, news, advocacy and support to civil society. Language : French.

BurmaNet News : Blog providing coverage of news and opinions on Burma/Myanmar from all around the world. Language : English.

Burma News International : Umbrella website gathering information and news reports from twelve news organisations, some of which centered on minorities of Burma/Myanmar.




Observation mission in Myanmar


Report by Matthieu de Nanteuil – May 2017