Program of activities


The goal of the Fund is to address the challenges that arise when thought and action are engaged to further the democratic ideal and to promote a way of thinking in which universal ideals coexist with the specificities of national or local cultures, and include concrete conditions for the exercise of citizenship. In a manner befitting its goal and in close partnership with civil society, the Fund will undertake the four following projects:

(1) an international research seminar series on the theme of “Democracy, Cultures, and Action”;
(2) the promotion of two Phd. thesis in political sociological and law/sociology of law;
(3) Training activities : on the one hand university training schemes designed for emerging leaders in civil society from across the world who are working for social change that seeks to further the democratic ideal, and the PeaceJam project on the other hand, which aims to foster a culture of peace among the global youth, following the tracks of thirteen Nobel Peace Prize winners ;
(4) and a multilingual information platform covering democracy and human rights developments in Burma.