A propos

Le Centre de droit privé compte dix-huit académiques, vingt-et-un assistants, deux collaborateurs scientifiques ainsi que trois secrétaires et une chargée d'études documentaires. 

Les recherches du Centre s'articulent autour d'axes transversaux et spécifiques :

A propos


En 1983, dans le contexte de départementalisation des facultés de l’UCL, la faculté de droit se dotait de cinq départements, parmi lesquels le Département de droit pénal et de criminologie (DPCR).


Research in the CeDIE focuses on the various disciplines, namely public international law, private international law, European law and human rights. Members of the Center study, in a comparative perspective, the evolution of each of these disciplines and their interactions. The analysis of the rule of law rests on that of its factors of development, whether or not legal, and tends to extract the elements for theoretical syntheses. This analytical approach aims to establish connections, mainly between public international law and private international law, and between them and European law.

Centre Charles De Visscher pour le droit international et européen

The Charles De Visscher Center for International and European Law (CeDIE) carries out research activities in international issues, and in particular in public international law, private international law, European law and human rights.

The Center of International Law was created in 1963 and became the Charles De Visscher Center in 1973. Its title honors Professor Charles De Visscher (1884-1973), who has marked public international law after the war. He was, among others, President of the Institute of International Law, Judge at the International Court of Justice, and Minister.