ARC Discussion Papers
Updated on March 22, 2012
ARC Reprints and Books
*Bauwens, L., Hafner, C. and D. Pierret (2012), Multivariate volatility modeling of electricity futures, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Forthcoming
*Bauwens, L., Hafner, C. and S. Laurent (Eds.),Handbook of Volatility Models and Their Applications, Wiley, 2012 (in press )
*Autin, F., Freyermuth, J.M. and R. von Sachs (2011), Ideal denoising within a family of tree-structured wavelet estimators,Electronic Journal of Statistics, 5, 829-855, 2011 (ISBA RP2011/07)
*Bauwens, L., Hafner, C.M. and S. Laurent (2011), Volatility Models,Chapter prepared for the Handbook of Volatility Models and their Applications - edited by Luc Bauwens, Christian Hafner and Sébastien Laurent, forthcoming in 2012, Wiley
*Bauwens, L. and J.V.K. Rombouts (2011), On marginal likelihood computation in change-point models, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Forthcoming
*Eichler, M., Motta, G. and R. von Sachs (2011), Fitting dynamic factor models to non-stationary time series, Journal of Econometrics 2011, Special Issue on "Factor Structures for Panel and Multivariate Time Series Data", 163, 51-70, 2011 (ISBA RP2011/13)
*Guillotte, S., Perron, F. and J. Segers(2011), Non-parametric Bayesian inference on bivariate extremes (previously RP1111), Journal of the Royal Society. Series B, Statistical Methodology, 73, 3, 377-406, 2011
*Gudendorf, G. and J. Segers (2011), Nonparametric estimation of an extreme-value copula in arbitrary dimensions, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 102, 37-47, 2011
*Hafner, C.M. and H. Manner (2011), Multivariate time series models for asset prices
Handbook of Computational Finance, Springer Verlag, Forthcoming
Handbook of Computational Finance, Springer Verlag, Forthcoming
*Hafner, C.M. and H. Manner (2011), Dynamic stochastic copula models: Estimation, inference and applications, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Forthcoming
*Hafner, C.M. and O. Reznikova (2011), On the estimation of dynamic conditional correlation models, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Forthcoming
*Hafner, C.M. and Shin-Huei Wang (2011), Estimating autocorrelations in the presence of deterministic trends, Journal of Time Series Econometrics, Forthcoming
*Manner, H. and J. Segers (2011), Tails of correlation mixtures of elliptical copulas
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics , 48, 153-160, 2011
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics , 48, 153-160, 2011
*Motta, G., Hafner, C. and R. von Sachs (2011), Locally stationary factor models: identification and nonparametric estimation, Econometric Theory, 27, 6, 1279-1319, 2011
*Roueff, F. and R. von Sachs (2011), Locally stationary long memory estimation
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 121, 813-844, 2011
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 121, 813-844, 2011
*Segers, J. (2011), Comments on: Inference in multivariate Archimedean copula models
Test, An Official Journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research, 19, 1, 2011
Test, An Official Journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research, 19, 1, 2011
*Van Dijk, D., Munandar, H., and C.M. Hafner (2011), The Euro-introduction and non-Euro currencies, Applied Financial Economics, 21, 95-116, 2011
*Bauwens, L., Preminger, A. and J. Rombouts (2010), Theory and inference for a Markov switching GARCH model,The Econometrics Journal, 13, 218 - 244, 2010.
*Bauwens, L., Preminger, A. and J. Rombouts (2010), Theory and inference for a Markov switching GARCH model,The Econometrics Journal, 13, 218 - 244, 2010.
*Bauwens, L. and G. Sucarrat (2010), General-to-specific modeling of exchange rate volatility: a forecast evaluation, International Journal of Forecasting, 26(4), 885-907, 2010.
*Böhm, H., Ombao, H., von Sachs, R. and J. Sanes (2010), Classification of multivariate non-stationary signals: the SLEX-shrinkage approach, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 140, 3754-3763, 2010.
*Daskovska, Simar and Van Bellegem (2010), Forecasting the Malmquist productivity index
Journal of Productivity Analysis, 33, 97-107, 2010.
Journal of Productivity Analysis, 33, 97-107, 2010.
*Degen, Lambrigger and Segers (2010), Risk concentration and diversification: Second-order properties, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 46, 541-546, 2010.
*Freyermuth, J.M., Ombao, H. and R. von Sachs (2010), Tree-structured wavelet estimation in a mixed effects model for spectra of replicated time series, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 105, 490, 634-646, 2010.
*Genest, C. and J. Segers (2010), On the covariance of the aymptotic empirical copula process
Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 101, 1837-1845, 2010.
Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 101, 1837-1845, 2010.
*Gudendorf, G. and J. Segers (2010), Extreme-value copulas
Copula Theory ant its applications (Warsaw, 2009) ( Jaworski, P., Durante, F., Hardle, W. and Rychlik, W. eds).,Lecture Notes in Statistics - Proceedings, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 127-146, 2010.
Copula Theory ant its applications (Warsaw, 2009) ( Jaworski, P., Durante, F., Hardle, W. and Rychlik, W. eds).,Lecture Notes in Statistics - Proceedings, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 127-146, 2010.
*Guillotte, S., Perron F. and J. Segers (2010), Nonparametric Bayesian inference on bivariate extremes, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 2010.
*Hafner, C.M. and O.B. Linton (2010), Efficient estimation of a multivariate multiplicative volatility model, Journal of Econometrics, 159, 55-73, 2010.
*Hafner, C. and A. Preminger (2010), Deciding between GARCH and stochastic volatility via strong decision rules, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 140, 790-805, 2010.
*Hafner, C. and O. Reznikova (2010), Efficient estimation of a semiparametric dynamic copula model, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 54, 2609-2627, 2010.
*Omey and Segers (2010), Generalised regular variation of arbitrary order
Banach Center Publications, 90, 111-137, 2010.
Banach Center Publications, 90, 111-137, 2010.
*Schwarz and Van Bellegem (2010), Consistent density deconvolution under partially known error distribution, Statistics and Probability Letters, 80, 236-241, 2010.
*Schwarz, Van Bellegem and Florens (2010), Nonparametric frontier estimation from noisy data, Festschrift in honour of Léopold Simar, (Springer), in press, 2010.
*Bauwens and Galli (2009), Efficient importance sampling for ML estimation of SCD models
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 53, 1974-1992.
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 53, 1974-1992.
*Bauwens and Storti (2009), A component GARCH model with time-varying weights
Studies in nonlinear dynamics & econometrics 13/2, article 1.
Studies in nonlinear dynamics & econometrics 13/2, article 1.
*Bauwens and Hautsch (2009), Modelling financial data with point processes
Handbook of Financial Time Serie, Torben G. Andersen, Richard A. Davis, Jens-Peter Kreiss, Thomas Mikosch(eds), Springer Verlag.
Handbook of Financial Time Serie, Torben G. Andersen, Richard A. Davis, Jens-Peter Kreiss, Thomas Mikosch(eds), Springer Verlag.
*Ben Omrane and Hafner (2009), Information spillover, volatility, and the currency markets
International Econometric Review. Forthcoming.
International Econometric Review. Forthcoming.
*Böhm and von Sachs (2009), Shrinkage estimation in the frequency domain of multivariate time series. (STAT DP 2007-06), Journal of Multivariate Analysis 100, 913-935.
*Hafner (2009a) GARCH modelling, Encyclopedia of Complexity and System Science, ed. by R.A. Meyers, Springer Verlag. Forthcoming.
*Hafner (2009b), Causality and forecasting of temporally aggregated multivariate GARCH models, The Econometrics Journal, 12, 127-146.
*Hafner and Franses (2009), A generalized dynamic conditional correlation model: simulation and application to many assets, Econometric Reviews. Forthcoming.
*Hafner and Herwartz (2009a), Testing for causality in variance using multivariate GARCH models, d’Economie et de Statistique. Forthcoming.
*Hafner and Herwartz (2009b), Testing for linear vector autoregressive dynamics under multivariate generalized autoregressive heteroskedasticity, Statistica Neerlandica. Forthcoming.
*Hafner and Manner (2009), Multivariate time series models for asset prices
Handbook of Computational Finance, Springer Verlag. Forthcoming.
Handbook of Computational Finance, Springer Verlag. Forthcoming.
*Hafner and Preminger (2009a), Asymptotic theory for a factor GARCH model
Econometric Theory 25, 336-363.
Econometric Theory 25, 336-363.
*Hafner and Preminger (2009b), On asymptotic theory for multivariate GARCH models
Journal of Multivariate Analysis. Forthcoming.
Journal of Multivariate Analysis. Forthcoming.
*Böhm and von Sachs (2008), Structural shrinkage of nonparametric spectral estimators for multivariate time series, Electronic Journal of Statistics 2, 696-721.
*Gao, Gijbels and Van Bellegem (2008), Nonparametric simultaneous testing for structural breaks, Journal of Econometrics 143, 123-142.
*Hafner (2008), Temporal Aggregation of Multivariate GARCH Processes, Journal of Econometrics, 142, 467-483.
*Hafner and Herwartz (2008), Analytical quasi maximum likelihood inference in multivariate volatility models, Metrika 67, 219-239.
*Ombao and Van Bellegem (2008), Local coherence analysis of non-stationary signals
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 56, 2259-2266.
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 56, 2259-2266.
*Van Bellegem and von Sachs (2008), Locally adaptive estimation of evolutionary wavelet spectra, The Annals of Statistic, 36, 1879-1924.
*Bauwens, Hafner and Rombouts (2007), Multivariate mixed normal conditional heteroskedasticity, Computattional Statistics and Data Analysis 51, 3551-3566.
*Bauwens and Rombouts (2007), Bayesian inference for the mixed conditional heteroskedasticty model, The Econometrics Journal 10, 408-425.
*Bauwens and Rombouts (2007), Bayesian clustering of many GARCH models
Econometric Reviews 26, 365-386.
Econometric Reviews 26, 365-386.
*Hafner and Rombouts (2007a), Semiparametric multivariate volatility models
Econometric Theory 23, 251-280.
Econometric Theory 23, 251-280.
*Hafner and Rombouts (2007b), Estimation of temporally aggregated multivariate GARCH models, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 77, 629-650.