Thermodynamics and fluid mechanics

TFL Louvain-La-Neuve


The TFL division has been achieving researches in energy and fluid mechanics for more than 40 years. Now these two main research tracks are shared among five academics plus 2 senior scientists and 25 researchers. Profs. Grégoire Winckelmans and Philippe Chatelain are active in advanced numerical simulations for aerodynamics, turbulent and vortical flows. Profs. Hervé Jeanmart and Yann Bartosiewicz perform researches in energy, while Prof. Miltiadis Papalexandris makes the link between these two main axis by leading theoretical and numerical research in reactive flows in porous and granular media. Moreover 2 senior scientists, Dr. Matthieu Duponcheel, and Dr. Jean-Marie Seynhaeve, come to transversally support the research by leading either some funded projects or external contracts/engineering services.
This theoretical work is also supported by experimental activities in the lab in order to validate numerical models or for dedicated experimental projects. The experimental component is possible because the strong technical team who is able to achieve a test rig from its design to its realization, its commissioning and its testing. This involves different and complementary skills such as technical drawing (1 designer), machining/assembling (2 technicians) and electricity/electronic/data acquisition systems (2 electro-mechanics technicians).