BAAHE 2017 - Let’s Inter-Act! Innovative Teaching Practices in English Studies, Friday 1 December 2017


décembre 01, 2017

20 € for non baahe and non students


Collège Érasme, Place Blaise Pascal 1


The detailed programme of the conference can be found here

The book of abstracts can be found here

Conference theme

The conference aims to share and critically reflect on innovative teaching practices. The last two decades have offered teaching professionals numerous innovative tools and approaches to help them rethink – and sometimes even completely redesign – their teaching. The affordances of technologies and new pedagogical approaches have impacted the teaching of English as a foreign language, English cultural studies, linguistics, literature, translation and interpreting studies, and teacher training in general. Participants are invited to present the new practices they have implemented (or consider implementing) in their teaching and discuss both the strengths and opportunities but also potential weaknesses and/or threats linked to those practices. This event will bring together BAAHE members and sympathizers to meet and create further collaborations. Teaching assistants and other junior researchers involved in teaching are also encouraged to participate.

Keynote speaker

Mark Pegrum We are pleased to announce that Prof. Mark Pegrum (University of Western Australia) has accepted our invitation to give a keynote presentation on “Revisiting Mobile Learning: Seizing New Opportunities for Language Learning and Cultural Exploration”.


The field of MALL, or Mobile-Assisted Language Learning, has developed based on the premise that mobile devices offer the potential to enhance language learning and literacy learning, as well as cultural exploration. But this potential can be realised in different ways and to different degrees: simply using mobile devices, in and of itself, is not sufficient. This presentation will examine a number of successful mobile language and literacy learning projects, seeking to determine the key factors that underpin their success.
It will be shown that with the emergence of a new generation of mobile context-aware technologies, we can build on the personalised and collaborative learning facilitated by web 2.0 and social media, but we can go much further. There are greater opportunities than ever before to foreground authentic learning in everyday contexts, while simultaneously heightening student engagement through gamified approaches. To capitalise on this potential, it is essential for educators to develop appropriate mobile learning designs.
Drawing on Pegrum's (2014) 3-Level Mobile Learning Framework, Burden & Kearney's (2017) Mobile Pedagogical Framework, and Clandfield & Hadfield's (2017) Weak & Strong Interaction Model, this presentation suggests that the optimal mobile learning designs should involve activities where the devices, the learners, and the learning experiences are all mobile; where the three dimensions of personalisation, collaboration, and authenticity are foregrounded; and where both weak and strong interaction are present.
The presentation goes on to illustrate the potential of mobile augmented reality (AR) language and literacy learning projects - in the form of games or gamified learning trails - most of which also incorporate elements of cultural exploration. After mentioning well-known North American and European examples, the presentation focuses on recent developments in gamified learning trails in the Asian region. It will include examples of projects from a range of countries such as Singapore, Indonesia and Hong Kong, where students learn English and other languages collaboratively in real-world settings, while developing digital literacies and 21st century skills, and exploring culture.
In summary, the paper will demonstrate that with appropriate mobile learning designs, mobile devices can effectively become lenses on learning which open up a range of possibilities for personal, collaborative and authentic learning in everyday settings.


Local organizing committee

Scientific committee

  • Lieselotte Brems (Université de Liège)
  • Frank Brisard (Universiteit Antwerpen)
  • Lieven Buysse (KU Leuven Campus Brussel)
  • Bernard De Clerck (Universiteit Gent)
  • Marcel Lebrun (Université catholique de Louvain)
  • Frederik Van Dam (KU Leuven, Radboud University Nijmegen)
  • Lieven Vandelanotte (Université de Namur)



Participation in the conference is free of charge for BAAHE members and students. Non-BAAHE members will be charged a modest fee of €20. This fee includes the coffee breaks and access to all the conference sessions, including the afternoon workshops.
All participants can order lunch (selection of sandwiches, soup and desserts + drink) for an additional €10.

All participants (including speakers) are kindly requested to register online (see below) and, if applicable, to transfer the fee and money for the lunch to the following bank account by 17 November 2017:

IBAN: BE43370128836501

Make sure you include the following message: “FIRST NAME_LAST NAME_BAAHE 2017_FEE or LUNCH or FEE+LUNCH”

Registrations and/or lunches cancelled after 24 November will not be eligible for a refund.


The conference will be held at the Faculty of Philosophy, Arts and Letters, Université catholique de Louvain.
Information about how to reach Louvain-la-Neuve can be found here.
A map of the campus can be found here
Address: Place du Cardinal Mercier
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve - Belgium

Important dates

  • Abstract submission (closed): 16 June 2017
  • Notification of acceptance: 31 July 2017
  • Registration opening: 15 October 2017
  • Conference date: 1 December 2017


Contact us
Postal address: BAAHE 2017
Collège Erasme
Place Blaise Pascal, 1
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

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