BRAIN-be MEMEX WWI (1/1/2014 au 31/12/2017)
Projet interdisciplinaire : psychologie - histoire - politologie -littérature

The First World War, with its unprecedented violence and unexpected duration, generated many complex and tragic experiences, which, over time have been interpreted and reinterpreted.
The aims of this project are to bridge these two themes – experiences and memories of the war – in order to honor Belgium's WWI heritage.
This heritage will be archival and literary, as well as material and monumental. Four research topics are envisioned, which will cover four axes: war time experience, heritage, literature and memory.
In this interdisciplinary project, psychological, literary, political and historical approaches will complement one another.

Coordination: Olivier Luminet et Laurence van Ypersele (UCL)

Autres partenaires: ULB : Olivier Klein,  U Gent : Antoon Vrints,  KULeuven : Elke Brems,  CEGES: Chantal Kesteloot

BRAIN-be TRANSMEMO (15/01/2017 – 14/10/2019)

Projet interdisciplinaire : psychologie cognitive et sociale - histoire - politologie

The legacy of World War II has had a lasting impact on Belgium. The striking absence of any unifying national or patriotic memory of the war contrasts with the still dominant but historically incorrect dichotomist perception of a collaborationist Flanders and a resistant Wallonia.

The aim of this project is to explore how personal memories of the war are transmitted across generations in families of resisters and collaborators on both side of the linguistic border, and how these memories can impact identities and attitudes of the family members. The analyses will be inter-disciplinary, combining psychological, social, cognitive, historical and political perspectives.

Chercheurs : Olivier Luminet, Valérie Rosoux, Aline Cordonnier et Pierre Bouchat (UCL)

Autres partenaires : UGent : Bruno De Wever, Koen Aerts; CEGES: Nico Wouters et Florence Rasmont