Conference paper
Bartosiewicz Research Group
Lamberts, Olivier ; Chatelain, Philippe ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Flow within a Supersonic Ejector. ICHMT International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer (Napoli (Italy), du 28/05/2017 au 01/06/2017).
Bartosiewicz, Yann. Large Eddy SImulation for Heat transfer in liguid metals. Lecture Series, Von Karman Institute.
Bartosiewicz, Yann. Large Eddy Simulation for Heat transfer in liquid metals. Thermal-hydraulics and chemistry of liquid metal cooled reactors, VKI lecture series.
Buckingham, Sophia ; Koloszar ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Winckelmans, Grégoire. Large-eddy simulation of turbulent heat transfer at low prandtl number over a backward facing step. NURETH 17 (Xi'an (China), du 04/09/2017 au 09/09/2017).
Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Low Prandtl Turbulent Heat Transfer in Unconfined or Wall-Bounded Configurations: DNS of a Mixing Layer and of an Impinging Jet. NURETH 17 (Xi'an (China), du 04/09/2017 au 10/09/2017).
Lorieul, Gaël ; Chatelain, Philippe ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Low-Prandtl heat transfer in free-surface flows: assessment of a Vortex Particle Mesh method. NURETH 17 (Xi'an (China), du 04/09/2017 au 10/09/2017).
Lamberts, Olivier ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Chatelain, Philippe. Analysis of Energy and Exergy Fluxes in a Supersonic Ejector. Heat Powered Cycles HPC 2016 (Nottingham, UK). In: Heat Powered Cycles 2016 Proceedings, 2016. 978-0-9563329-5-0.
Biferi, Giulio ; Mazzelli, Federico ; Little, Adrienne ; Garimella, Srinivas ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. CFD Modeling of High-Speed Condensation in Supersonic Nozzles, Part II: R134a. Fourth International Conference on Computational Methods for Thermal Problems ThermaComp2016 (Atlanta, USA).
Bartosiewicz, Yann. How CFD could help to unveil the secrets of ejectors. Heat Powered Cycles Conference HPC2016 (Nottingham, UK). In: Heat Powered Cycles Conference 2016 Proceedings, 2016. ISBN 978-0-9563329-5-0.
Lamberts, Olivier ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Chatelain, Philippe. On the use of momentum and kinetic energy tubes for analyzing transport phenomena in sa supersonic ejector. 12th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, HEFAT 2016 (Malaga, Spain).
Lorieul, Gaël ; Chatelain, Philippe ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Performance assessment of Eulerian versus Eulerian-Lagrangian level set implementations for the simulation of two-phase flows. 9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow ICMF-2016 (Firenze, Italy).
De Lorenzo, Marco ; Lafon, Philippe ; Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Physical and numeraicl investigations for the development of a new experimental facility for studying blowdown phenomena. ICONE 24 (Charlotte, USA).
Lafon, Philippe ; Essadki, Mohamed ; Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Assessment of two phase critical flow models and implementation in fast transient fluid dynamics software. ASME 2015 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference PVP2015 (Boston, USA, du 19/07/2015 au 23/07/2015). doi:10.1115/PVP2015-45559.
Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie ; Duponcheel, Matthieu ; lecompte, Yves ; Poncelet, Alain ; Rubay, Jean ; Willemet, Marie ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Energizing the TCPC Fontan circulation by an autonomous jet-pump: towards an optimal design. IMECE 2015 (Houston, USA).
Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Implementation and Assessment of the Delayed Equilibrium Model for Computing Flashing Choked Flows in a Multi-Field CFD Code. NURETH16 (Chicago, USA, du 30/08/2015 au 04/09/2015).
Bartosiewicz, Yann. Le cycle à éjecteur pour produire du froid avec de la chaleur. CIFQ2015 (Sherbrooke, Canada, du 08/06/2015 au 10/06/2015).
Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie ; De Crécy, A. ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Uncertainty Analysis of Delayed Equilibrium Model (DEM) using the CIRCE Methodology. NURETH16 (Chicago, USA, du 30/08/2015 au 04/09/2015).
Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie. Delayed equilibrium model of flashing choked flows relevant to LOCA and implementation in system codes. ICONE22 (Prague, Czech Republic, du 07/07/2014 au 11/07/2014).
Little, Adrienne ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Garimella, S.. First-Principles Analysis of Ejector Flow Field and Condensation Effects with Experimental Implementation. IMECE (ASME) (Montréal, Canada, du 14/11/2014 au 20/11/2014).
Roelofs, F. ; Shams, A. ; Otic, I. ; Bottcher, M. ; Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Lakehal, D. ; Baglietto, E. ; Lardeau , S. ; Cheng, X.. status and perspective of turbulence hat transfer modelling for the industrial application of liquid metal flows. THINS workshop (Modena, Italy, du 19/01/2014 au 23/01/2014).
Bartosiewicz, Yann. Fundamental of two-phase flows and modeling of two-phase choked flows. VKI lecture series.
Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie. Metastable models of the liquid phase for two-phase choked flows relevant to LOCA and validation experiments. IMECE2013 (San Diego, USA, du 15/11/2013 au 21/11/2013).
Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Manconi, M. ; Bricteux, Laurent. Numerical simulation of forced convection in liquid metal condition. IMECE2013 (San Diego, USA, du 15/11/2013 au 21/11/2013).
Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Bricteux, Laurent ; Manconi, M. ; Winckelmans, Grégoire ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Numerical simulation of liquid metal turbulent heat transfer in a channel flow at Rer = 2000. NURETH15 (Pisa, Italy, du 13/05/2013 au 17/05/2013). In: The 15th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermalhydraulics, NURETH-15, 2013, Nureth15-299.
Bartosiewicz, Yann. Turbulence modeling at low Prandtl number. VKI Lecture series.
Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Manconi, Moïse ; Bricteux, Laurent ; Winckelmans, Grégoire ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Assessment of different RANS approaches and near wall modeling strategies for the prediction of turbulent heat transfer in liquid metals: comparison with DNS and LES. 20th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE20) (Anaheim, Californie, USA, du 30/07/2012 au 03/08/2012).
Angielczyk, Wojciech ; Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie ; Butrymowicz ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Comparative Analysis of 1D Relaxation Models Calculations Performed for Carbon Dioxide Two-Phase Transonic Flow Through Converging-Diverging Ejector Motive Nozzle. 50th European Two Phase Flow Group Meeting 2012 (Udine, Italy, du 16/05/2012 au 18/05/2012).
Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie ; Serre, G.. Delayed equilibrium model and validation experiments for two-phase choked flows relevant to LOCA. NURETH-14 (Toronto, du 25/09/2011 au 30/11/2011). In: Kerntechnik : independent journal for nuclear engineering, energy systems, radiation and radiological protection, Vol. 77, no. 2, p. 108-114 (May 2012).
Gavioli, Stefano ; Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Dynamic simulation of an ejector-based cooling system for residential solar air-conditioning. imeca2010 (Houston, USA, du 09/11/2012 au 15/11/2012). In: ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2012), 2012. doi:10.1115/IMECE2012-88867.
Seynhaeve, Jean-Marie ; Serres, G. ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Implementation and validation of the Delayed Equilibirum Model to predict two-phase choked flows in CATHARE. 20th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering - ICONE 20 (Anaheim, USA, du 30/07/2012 au 03/08/2012).
Bricteux, Laurent ; Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Manconi, M. ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Numerical prediction of turbulent heat transfer at low prandlt number. EUROTHERM 2012 (Houston, USA, du 09/11/2012 au 15/11/2012). In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 395, no. 012044 (2012). doi:10.1088/1742-6596/395/1/012044.
Little, Adrienne Blair ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Garimella, S.. Optical validation of ejector flow characteristics predicted by computational analysis. IMECE (ASME) (Houston, USA, du 09/11/2012 au 15/11/2012). In: Proceedings of the ASME 2012 International Mechnaical Engineering Congress & Expostion (format CD-Rom), 2012, IMECE2012-86767. doi:10.1115/IMECE2012-86767.
Bartosiewicz, Yann. Supersonic ejector technology for solar air-conditioning: Numerical and experimental results at the component ans system scale. Invited speaker series, Woodruff School of mechanical Engineering (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA).
Vanmaercke, Simon ; Tijskens, E. ; Bartosiewicz, Yann. Thermal-hydraulic and neutronic evaluation of a secondary passive SCRAM system for liqui metal reactors. 20th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering - ICONE 20 (Anaheim, USA, du 30/07/2013 au 03/08/2013).
Bartosiewicz, Yann. UCL contributions to NURISP FP7 Program : Modeling two-phase choking flows relevant to LOCA. NURISP FP7 final workshop (Karlsruhe, Germany).
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