IV International Forum on Resilience July 2-4, 2009

Invited speakers

Dr Boris Cyrulnik


Neuropsychiatrist. Head of Education, University of Toulon

The title of the presentation to be presented at the Conference

Resilience and adaptation

Principal research interests

  • Resilience and cultures
  • Biology of the attachement
  • Shame and pride

Representative scientific publications

  • CYRULNIK, B., (2008). Autobiographie d’un épouvantail, Paris : Odile Jacob.
  • CYRULNIK, B., (2008). Children in War and Their Resiliences. In, H. PARENS, H.P. BLUM, A. SALMAN, The unbroken Soul, New York : Jason Aronson.
  • CYRULNIK, B., DELAGE, M., BLEIN, M.N, BOURCET, S., DUPAYS, A., (2007). Modifications des styles d’attachement après le premier amour, Annales Médico-Psychologiques, 165 , 154-161.


Pr Serban Ionescu


The title of the presentation to be presented at the Conference

Resilience, Regulation et Quality of life : which links ?

Principal research interests

Representative scientific publications

Pr Odin Hjemdal


Associated professor
Department of Psychology,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
N-7941 Trondheim
e-mail: odin.hjemdal@svt.ntnu.no

The title of the presentation to be presented at the Conference

Evaluation of resilience in adolescent and in adult

Principal research interests

  • Resilience
  • Psychometrics
  • Development of measures
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Generalized anxiety

Representative scientific publications

  • Friborg, O., Hjemdal, O., Martinussen, M., & Rosenvinge, J. H. (2009). Emipirical support for resilience as more than the counterpart and absence of vulnerability and symptoms of mental disorder. Journal of Individual Differences, 30(2), xx-xx.
  • Reinfjell, T., Hjemdal, O., Aune, T., Vikan, A., Veenstra, M., & Diseth, T. H. (2008). Can PedsQLTM 4.0 (generic core scale) predict depressive symptoms in an adolescent sample? Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 62(4), 279-286.
  • Hjemdal, O. (2007). Measuring protective factors: The development of two resilience scales in Norway. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 16(2), 303-321.
  • Hjemdal, O., Aune, T., Reinfjell, T., Stiles, T., & Friborg, O. (2007). Resilience capacity to buffer for depressive symptoms: A correlational study of protective factors in an adolescent sample. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 12(1), 91-104.
  • Hjemdal, O., Friborg, O., Stiles, T. C., Rosenvinge, J. H., & Martinussen, M. (2006). Resilience predicting psychiatric symptoms: A prospective study of protective factors and their role in adjustment to stressful life events. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy , 13, 194-201.
  • Friborg, O., Hjemdal, O., Rosenvinge, J. H., Martinussen, M., Aslaksen, P. M., & Flaten, M. A. (2006). Resilience as a modulator for pain and stress. Journal of Psychosomatic Research , 61, 213-219.
  • Hjemdal, O., Friborg, O., Stiles, T. C., Martinussen, M., & Rosenvinge, J. H. (2006). A new rating scale for adolescent resilience. Grasping the central protective resources behind healthy development. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 39, 84-96
  • Friborg, O., Barlaug, D., Martinussen, M., Rosenvinge, J. H., & Hjemdal, O. (2005). Resilience in relation to personality and intelligence. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 14, 29-40.
  • Friborg, O., Hjemdal, O., Rosenvinge, J. H., & Martinussen, M. (2003). A new rating scale for adult resilience: What are the central protective resources behind healthy adjustment? International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 12(2), 65-76.

Pr Pierre Philippot


Research Unit Emotion Cognition, HealthUniversity of Louvain at Louvain-la-Neuve Belgium

The title of the presentation to be presented at the Conference

Emotional acceptance and regulation in adversity

Principal research interests

Emotion, emotion regulation, psychotherapy, anxiety, mood disorders

Representative scientific publications

Philippot, P. & Feldman, R.S. (2004) (Eds.). The regulation of emotion. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Philippot, P. (2007). Emotion et psychothérapie. Wavre, Belgique : Mardaga.

Pr Bernard Terrisse


The title of the presentation to be presented at the Conference

Could people with handicap be resilient ?

Principal research interests

Representative scientific publications


Pr Bernard Rimé


Research Unit Emotion Cognition, HealthUniversity of Louvain at Louvain-la-Neuve Belgium

The title of the presentation to be presented at the Conference

Social regulation of emotions

Principal research interests

  • Emotional experience and emotional knowledge
  • Immediate and long term consequences of emotional episodes
  • Emotion regulation and emotional recovery after upsetting events
  • Memory of emotional episodes
  • Verbal expression and social sharing of emotion
  • Collective memory of political events

Representative scientific publications

Monograph :

  • Feldman, R.S. & Rimé, B. (Eds.) (1991). Fundamentals of nonverbal behavior. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Pennebaker, J. W. , Paez, D. & Rimé, B. (Eds.) (1997). Collective memory of political events: Social and psychological perspectives. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Rimé, B. (2005). Le partage social des émotions. Préface de Serge Moscovici. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.

Representative scientific publication :

  • Rimé, B. (2007). The social sharing of emotion as an interface between individual and collective processes in the construction of emotional climates. Journal of Social Issues, 63, 307-322.
  • Kanyangara, P., Rimé, B., Philippot, P. & Yzerbyt, V. (2007). Collective rituals, intergroup perception and emotional climate: Participation in “Gacaca” tribunals and assimilation of the Rwandan genocide. Journal of Social Issues, 63, 387-403.
  • Rimé, B. (2007). Interpersonal emotion regulation. In J. J. Gross (ed.), Handbook of emotion regulation (pp. 466-485). New York: Guilford Publications.
  • Curci, A., & Rimé, B. (2008). Dreams, emotions, and the social sharing of dreams: At the core of the social functions of emotion. Cognition and Emotion, 22, 155-167.
  • Rimé, B. (2009). Emotion elicits the social sharing of emotion: Theory and empirical review. Emotion Review, 1, 60-85.

Dr Michel Delage


The title of the presentation to be presented at the Conference

Family resilience. From emotions to narrative activity

Principal research interests

Representative scientific publications

  • Delage, M. , Jacob, O. (2008). La résilience familiale.
  • Delage, M. , Haddam, N. , Lejeune, A. (2008). Soigner une maladie chronique. Marseille : Ed. Solal.
  • Delage, M. , Pedrot, Ph. (2005). Identités, filiations, appartenances. Grenoble : Presses Universitaires.
  • Delage, M. , Pedrot, Ph. (2003). Lien familial, lien social. Grenoble : Presses Universitaires.


Pr Micheline Dubé


Dubé Micheline,
Psychology Department,
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR),
P.O. 500, Three-Rivers, Quebec, CANADA G9A 5H7,
Telephone: 819 376-5011 extension 3534,
Fax: 819 376-5195,
Email: micheline.dube@uqtr.ca

Micheline Dubé, Ph.D. in psychology, Full Professor of Clinical Psychology at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, active researcher at Gerontology Laboratory of the UQTR and at the Research Centre on Aging of the Sherbrooke Geriatric University Institute and member of the Seniors’ Mental Health section of the Quebec Network for Research on Aging

The title of the presentation to be presented at the Conference

Situations of crisis and transition: How to adapt intervention programs and make them more effective for various populations.
The example of the Personal Goals Management Program.

Principal research interests

  • Personal Goals Management Program, with different populations
  • Depression and psychological distress among older persons
  • Criminal victimization (fear to be victim of abuses or crimes) among older persons

Representative scientific publications

  • Préville, M., Boyer, R., Grenier, S., Dubé, M., Voyer, P., Punti, R., Baril, M.-C., Streiner, D., Cairney, J., Brassard, J., Scientific Committee of the ESA Study (2008). The epidemiology of psychiatric disorders in the quebec older adult population. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 53(12), 822–832.
  • Cordeau, D., Dubé, M. (2008). L’échelle de simplicité volontaire : une version validée en français. Cahiers internationaux de psychologie sociale, 79, 33-46.
  • Dubé, M., Lapierre, S., Bouffard, L., Alain, M. (2007). Impact of a personal goals management program on the subjective well-being of young retirees. European Review of Applied Psychology, 57(3), 183-192.
    http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.erap.2005.04.004 (available online 2 april 2007).
  • Beaulieu, M., Dubé, M., Bergeron, C., Cousineau, M.-M. (2007). Are old men worried about crime? Men Journal of Aging Studies, 21(4), 336-346.
  • Lapierre, S., Dubé, M., Bouffard, L., Alain, M. (2007). Adressing suicidal ideations through the realization of meaningful personal goals. Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention, 28(1), 16-25.
  • Lapierre, S., Dubé, M., Bouffard, L., Alain, M. (2006). Retraite précoce et réalisation de buts personnels : une approche novatrice pour contrer les idéations suicidaires. Vie et vieillissement, 5 (4), 29-37.
  • Dubé, M., Bouffard, L., Lapierre, S., Alain, M. (2005). La santé mentale par la gestion des projets personnels : une intervention auprès de jeunes retraités. Santé Mentale au Québec, 30(2), 321-344.

Speakers in symposium


  • Amoros, P., Pastor, C., Balsells, M.-A., Fuentes, N., Molina, M.-C., Mateos "Family resilience and quality of life in family crisis situation."
  • Baurain, C., Nader-Grosbois, N. "Emotional regulation in connection with the interactive climate at normally developing children and children with intellectual disability."
  • Bouteyre, E. "To be or not to be tutor of academic resilience? The contours of this function."
  • Cappe, E., Adrien, J.-L., Wolff, M. "Quality of life and adjustment in parents caring for a child with pervasive developmental."
  • Daffe, V., Nader-Grosbois, N. "Patterns of parental emotional regulation and theory of mind in a population of children with and without intellecctual disability."
  • Detraux, J.-J., Di Duca, M. "Relationships family-professionals : a necessary "getting on together" to favouring resilience process."
  • Dumont, M., Leclerc, D., Massé, L., Potvin, P., & McKinnon, S. "Stress Management Program for Adolescents Used as a Lever to Resiliency : Program Presentation and Preliminary Results."
  • Duriez, N. "Family therapy and learning of new patterns of emotional regulation in families with addictive transaction."
  • Ebersold, S. "Revelation of handicap, affiliation effect and resilience."
  • Fiasse, C., Nader-Grosbois, N. "Self-concept and self-regulation in children with intellectual disability."
  • Gascon, H. "Parental stress and siblings of autistic children."
  • Gaudreault, J., Jourdan-Ionescu, C. "Resilience of children presenting an Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder."
  • Grosman, A., Courtois A. "Victims of attack : to revive or to survive ?"
  • Haelewijck, M.-C., Bara, M. "Self-determination as factor of protection of resilience."
  • Halouane, Z. "A girl's resilience and quality of life following a double trauma, bodily and psychic."
  • Hayoit, A., Saloppé X., Pham Th., Marghem B. "The perception of quality of life in prison."
  • Jourdan-Ionescu, C., Julien-Gauthier, F. "Development of practices centred on resilience for adolescents with intellectual disability."
  • Lahaye, M., Luminet, O., Van Broeck, N., Bodart, E. "The impact of emotional competences on the quality of life of children suffering from asthma."
  • Lemetayer, F., Lanfranchi, J.-B. "Quality of life and depression in obese children."
  • Leroy, V., Mikolajczak M., Grégoire J. "Harnessing temptation in learning situation."
  • Lunden, K. "Attachment and enhancing resilience in small children."
  • Mercier, M. "School, handicap, social representations and resilience."
  • Migerode, F., Buysse, A., De Mol, J., Maes, B. "Interpersonal influence in families with a child with a disability."
  • Mikolajczak, M., Quoidbach, J., Nelis, D. "Measuring individual differences in Emotion Regulation : the emotion regulation profile - revised (ERP-R)."
  • Moussa, F. "The double traumatism of the imprisonment at the primary education prisoner in the Algerian south (M'zab)."
  • Muntean, A., Baciu, V., Stan, V. "Adoption and resilience."
  • Nader-Grosbois, N., Leriche S. "Resilience in young women in situation of early motherhood."
  • Nader-Grosbois, N., Masson, I. "Resilience and self-regulation in adults with intellectual disability."
  • Roskam, I., Meunier, J.-C., Stievenart, M., & Van de Moortele, G. "Developmental trajectories of externalizing behaviour and resilience factors in preschoolers."
  • Saloppé, X., Pham Th. "Psychopathy in forensic hospital : affectivity and quality of life."
  • Scelles, R. "Don't hinder the construction of siblling links help the children to win over the enigma of handicap."
  • Schauder, S. "Resilience and art-therapy : applications and limits of a therapeutic setting."
  • Van Broeck, N. "Psychological research and interventions in pediatric health care. Emotional competence and quality of life in children with chronic and acute medical illness."
  • Vandevonder, L. "To live with handicap : parents and professionals, partners oriented on the same project of the person with handicap."
  • Vanthournout, B., Lamarche, A. "Study of clinical, psychodynamic, social and familial factors favouring the resilience in HIV positive adolescents, since the birth or the infancy."
  • Varescon, I. "Emotions and Resilience in Drug Addiction."
  • Verhofstadt, L. "How do Couples Cope with Personal and Relational Stressors ? A family Life-Cycle Perspective."
  • Wintgens, A., Hayez J.-Y. "Resiliency or mental health preoccupations in siblings of autistic children."