Publications 2017
Publication IPSY 2017
Luminet, Olivier ; Spijkerman, Rose. '11 November 1918, an exceptional day!' Flashbulb memories on the First World War Armistice in Belgium from a Psychological and a Historical perspective. In: Memory Studies, Vol. 10, no. 3, p. 347-362 (2017). doi:10.1177/1750698017701617.
McNally, Richard J. ; Heeren, Alexandre ; Robinaugh, Donald. A Bayesian Network Analysis of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms in Adults Reporting Childhood Sexual Abuse. In: European Journal of Psychotraumatology, Vol. 8, no. 3 (2017). doi:10.1080/20008198.2017.1341276.
Dandache, Sophie ; Frenay, Mariane ; Van Nes, Marie-Claire ; Verschuren, Franck. A Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) for Implementing Pedagogical Tools in Undergraduate Respiratory Physiology. In: HAPS Educator, Vol. 21, no. 2, p. 36-42 (2017). doi:10.21692/haps.2017.013.
De Vos, A. ; Vanvooren, S. ; Vanderauwera, Jolijn ; Ghesquière, P. ; Wouters, J.. A longitudinal study investigating neural processing of speech envelope modulation rates in children with (a family risk for) dyslexia. In: Cortex, Vol. 93, p. 206-219 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2017.05.007.
OGEZ, David ; Zech, Emmanuelle ; Van Maanen, Aline ; Brison, Céline ; Meulemans, Sylviane ; Aimont, Mireille ; Duhoux, François ; Berlière, Martine ; de Timary, Philippe. A systematic encounter with a psycho-oncologist: Longitudinal study in women with breast cancer. In: British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research, Vol. 20, no.9, p. 1-12 (2017). doi:10.9734/BJMMR/2017/32251.
Broers, Valérie ; De Breucker, Céline ; Van den Broucke, Stephan ; Luminet, Olivier. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effectiveness of nudging to increase fruit and vegetable choice. In: European Journal of Public Health, Vol. 27, no.5, p. 912-920 (2017). doi:10.1093/eurpub/ckx085.
Gonzalez, Alvaro ; Dupriez, Vincent. Acceso a las universidades selectivas en Chile: ¿pueden las estrategias institucionales de los establecimientos secundarios atenuar el peso del capital cultural?. In: Revista Complutense de Educación, Vol. 28, no.3, p. 947-964 (2017). doi:10.5209/rev_rced.2017.v28.n3.51492.
Dubeau, Annie ; Plante, Isabelle ; Frenay, Mariane. Achievement profiles of students in high school vocational training programs. In: Vocations and Learning, Vol. 10, no. 1, p. 101-120 (2017). doi:10.1007/s12186-016-9163-6.
Gunst, E. ; Watson, J.C. ; Desmet, M. ; Willemsen, Jochem. Affect regulation as a factor in sex offenders. In: Aggression and Violent Behavior, Vol. 37, no.6, p. 210-219 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.avb.2017.10.007.
Kreusch, Fanny ; Billieux, Joël ; Quertemont, Etienne. Alcohol-cue exposure decreases response inhibition towards alcohol-related stimuli in detoxified alcohol-dependent patients. In: Psychiatry Research, Vol. 249, p. 232-239 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2017.01.019.
Samur, Dalya ; Luminet, Olivier ; Koole, Sander L.. Alexithymia predicts lower reading frequency: The mediating roles of mentalising ability and reading attitude. In: Poetics, Vol. 65, p. 1-11 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.poetic.2017.09.002.
Adam, Françoise ; Day, James ; De Sutter, Pascal ; Brasseur, Christophe. Analyse processuelle des facteurs cognitifs du trouble de l’orgasme féminin. In: Sexologies : revue europeenne de sante sexuelle - european journal of sexual health, Vol. 26, no.3, p. 153-160 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.sexol.2016.11.002.
Boudjemadi, Valérian ; Demoulin, Stéphanie ; Bastart, Jennifer. Animalistic dehumanization of older people by younger ones: Variations of humanness perceptions as a function of a target’s age.. In: Psychology and Aging, Vol. 32, no.3, p. 293-306 (2017). doi:10.1037/pag0000161.
Uzarevic, Filip ; Saroglou, Vassilis ; Clobert, Magali. Are atheists undogmatic?. In: Personality and Individual Differences, Vol. 116, p. 164-170 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.paid.2017.04.046.
Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Van Mensel, Luk ; Galand, Benoît ; Mettewie, Laurence ; Meunier, Fanny ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Van Goethem, Kristel ; Bulon, Amélie ; De Smet, Audrey ; Hendrikx, Isa ; Simonis, Morgane. Assessing Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in French-speaking Belgium: Linguistic, cognitive and educational perspectives. In: Les Cahiers de Recherche du Girsef, Vol. 17, no. 109, p. 1-25 (2017).
Dzhelyova, Milena Petrova ; Jacques, Corentin ; Rossion, Bruno. At a Single Glance: Fast Periodic Visual Stimulation Uncovers the Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Brief Facial Expression Changes in the Human Brain.. In: Cerebral Cortex, Vol. 27, no.8, p. 4106-4123 (2017). doi:10.1093/cercor/bhw223.
Baugniet, Sacha ; Roskam, Isabelle ; Grégoire, Jacques. Attachement et intelligence à l’adolescence : relation réciproque et mécanismes médiateurs. In: Enfance, Vol. 4, no.4, p. 463 (2017). doi:10.3917/enf1.174.0463.
Dethier, Vincent ; Philippot, Pierre. Attentional focus during exposure in spider phobia: The effect of valence and schematicity of a partial distractor.. In: Behaviour Research and Therapy, Vol. 93, p. 104-115 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.brat.2017.03.013.
Maurage, Pierre ; Heeren, Alexandre ; Lahaye, Magali ; Jeanjean, Anne ; Guettat, Lamia ; Verellen-Dumoulin, Christine ; Halkin, Stéphane ; Billieux, Joël ; Constant, Eric. Attentional impairments in Huntington’s disease: A specific deficit for the executive conflict.. In: Neuropsychology, Vol. 31, no. 4, p. 424-436 (2017). doi:10.1037/neu0000321.
De Vos, A. ; Vanvooren, S. ; Vanderauwera, Jolijn ; Ghesquière, P. ; Wouters, J.. Atypical neural synchronization to speech envelope modulations in dyslexia. In: Brain and Language, Vol. 164, p. 106-117 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.bandl.2016.10.002.
Billieux, Joël ; van Rooij, Antonius J. ; Heeren, Alexandre ; Schimmenti, Adriano ; Maurage, Pierre ; Edman, Johan ; Blaszczynski, Alexander ; Khazaal, Yasser ; Kardefelt-Winther, Daniel. Behavioural Addiction Open Definition 2.0-using the Open Science Framework for collaborative and transparent theoretical development : Commentaries. In: Addiction, Vol. 112, no. 10, p. 1723-1724 (2017). doi:10.1111/add.13938.
Gentile, Francesco ; Ales, Justin ; Rossion, Bruno. Being BOLD: The neural dynamics of face perception.. In: Human Brain Mapping, Vol. 38, no.1, p. 120-139 (2017). doi:10.1002/hbm.23348.
Rosoux, Valérie ; Bazan, Ariane ; Klein, Olivier ; Luminet, Olivier ; Van Ypersele, Laurence. Belgique /België. In: Mémoires en jeu, , no.3, p. 120-129 (2017).
Bestgen, Yves. Beyond single-word measures: L2 writing assessment, lexical richness and formulaic competence. In: System, Vol. 69, p. 65-78 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.system.2017.08.004.
Audrey Krings ; Sylvie BLAIRY ; Philippe FONTAINE ; Yun-Marie VANDRIETTE ; Heeren, Alexandre. Biais attentionnels et symptômes dépressifs : Quels sont leurs liens mutuels et leur association avec d’autres processus psychologiques ? Résultats préliminaires. In: Revue Francophone de Clinique Comportementale et Cognitive, Vol. 22, no.3, p. 15.
Lannoy, Séverine ; Billieux, Joël ; Poncin, Marie ; Maurage, Pierre. Binging at the campus: Motivations and impulsivity influence binge drinking profiles in university students. In: Psychiatry Research, Vol. 250, no. 1, p. 146-154 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2017.01.068.
Hellemans, Catherine ; Dal Cason, Davide ; Casini, Annalisa. Bystander Helping Behavior in Response to Workplace Bullying. In: Swiss Journal of Psychology, Vol. 76, no. 4, p. 135-144 (2017).
Honoré, Nastasya ; Noël, Marie-Pascale. Can working memory training improve preschoolers’ numerical abilities?. In: Journal of Numerical Cognition, Vol. 3, p. 516-539 (2017). doi:10.5964/jnc.v3i2.54.
Quek, Genevieve ; Rossion, Bruno. Category-selective human brain processes elicited in fast periodic visual stimulation streams are immune to temporal predictability. In: Neuropsychologia, Vol. 104, p. 182-200 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2017.08.010.
Mouton, Bénédicte ; Loop, Laurie ; Stiévenart, Marie ; Roskam, Isabelle. Child Differential Sensitivity to Parental Self-Efficacy Improvement: A Micro-Trial Perspective. In: International Journal of Behavioral Development, Vol. 42, no. 2, p. 203-213 (2017). doi:10.1177/0165025416687416 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Lyu, Jiyoung ; Agrigoroaei, Stefan. Childhood Misfortune and Adult Health in a National Study: The Mediational Role of the Quality of Social Relations. In: The International Journal of Aging & Human Development : a journal of psychosocial gerontology, Vol. 84, no. 3, p. 213-230 (2017). doi:10.1177/0091415016669147.
Willemsen, Jochem ; Della Rosa, Elena ; Kegerreis, Sue. Clinical Case Studies in Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Treatment. In: Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 8, no.108, p. 1-7 (2017). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00108.
Jones, Payton J. ; Heeren, Alexandre ; McNally, Richard J.. Commentary: A network theory of mental disorders. In: Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 8, p. 1305 (2017). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01305.
Roux, Benjamin ; Deplus, Sandrine ; Lahaye, Magali ; Philippot, Pierre. Comparaison d’une intervention basée sur la pleine conscience et d’un programme de relaxation chez les enfants et adolescents. In: Revue Francophone de Clinique Comportementale et Cognitive, Vol. 22, no.2, p. 3-26 (2017).
Saha, Sarama ; Riemenschneider, Henna ; Müller, Gabriele ; Levin-Zamir, Diane ; Van den Broucke, Stephan ; Schwarz, Peter E.H.. Comparative analysis of diabetes self-management education programs in the European Union Member States. In: Primary Care Diabetes, Vol. 11, no. 529, p. 537 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.pcd.2017.05.011.
Kever, Anne ; Grynberg, Delphine ; Vermeulen, Nicolas. Congruent bodily arousal promotes the constructive recognition of emotional words. In: Consciousness and Cognition, Vol. 53, p. 81-88 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.concog.2017.06.007.
Heeren, Alexandre ; Dricot, Laurence ; Billieux, Joël ; Philippot, Pierre ; Grynberg, Delphine ; de Timary, Philippe ; Maurage, Pierre. Correlates of Social Exclusion in Social Anxiety Disorder: An fMRI study. In: Scientific Reports, Vol. 7, no. 1, p. 260 [1-10] (2017). doi:10.1038/s41598-017-00310-9.
Brion, Mélanie ; D’Hondt, Fabien ; Lannoy, Séverine ; Pitel, Anne-Lise ; Davidoff, Donald A. ; Maurage, Pierre. Crossmodal processing of emotions in alcohol-dependence and Korsakoff syndrome. In: Cognitive neuropsychiatry, Vol. 22, no. 5, p. 436-451 (2017). doi:10.1080/13546805.2017.1373639.
Delespaux, Emily ; Zech, Emmanuelle. Deficits in cognitive inhibition and post-loss rumination: evidence from a thought suppression task / Déficits de inhibición cognitiva y rumiación posterior a una pérdida: evidencia a partir de una tarea de supresión de pensamientos. In: Estudios de Psicologia / Studies in psychology, Vol. 38, no.3, p. 608-638 (2017). doi:10.1080/02109395.2017.1342489.
Zech, Emmanuelle. Des violences du client et du thérapeute... Et si le thérapeute tendait vers l'auto-actualisation grâce à l'intégration de ses attitudes thérapeutiques?. In: Journal de l'Association Francophone de Psychothérapie Centrée sur la Personne et Expérientielle, Vol. 28, no. 2, p. 8-21 (2017).
Galdiolo, Sarah ; Roskam, Isabelle. Development of attachment orientations in response to childbirth: A longitudinal dyadic perspective.. In: Personality and Individual Differences, Vol. 108, p. 136 - 143 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.paid.2016.12.016.
Houssa, Marine ; Volckaert, Alexandra ; Grosbois, Nathalie ; Noël, Marie-Pascale. Differential impact of an executive-function and a social cognition training on preschoolers with externalizing behavior problems.. In: Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science, Vol. 7, no. 1, p. 598-620 (2017). doi:10.4236/jbbs.2017.712042.
Lannoy, Séverine ; Heeren, Alexandre ; Moyaerts, Nathalie ; Bruneau, Nicolas ; Evrard, Salomé ; Billieux, Joël ; Maurage, Pierre. Differential impairments across attentional networks in binge drinking.. In: Psychopharmacology, Vol. 234, no. 7, p. 1059-1068 (2017). doi:10.1007/s00213-017-4538-4.
Petit, Géraldine ; Luminet, Olivier ; Cordovil de Sousa Uva, Mariana ; Zorbas, Alexis ; Maurage, Pierre ; de Timary, Philippe. Differential spontaneous recovery across cognitive abilities during detoxification period in alcohol-dependence. In: PLoS One, Vol. 12, no. 8, p. e0176638 [1-18] (2017). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0176638.
Krieg, Julien ; Koessler, Laurent ; Jonas, Jacques ; Colnat-Coulbois, Sophie ; Vignal, Jean-Pierre ; Bénar, Christian G ; Maillard, Louis G. Discrimination of a medial functional module within the temporal lobe using an effective connectivity model: A CCEP study.. In: NeuroImage, Vol. 161, p. 219-231 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2017.07.061.
Poncin, Marie ; Vermeulen, Nicolas ; de Timary, Philippe. Distress Response to the Failure to an Insoluble Anagrams Task: Maladaptive Emotion Regulation Strategies in Binge Drinking Students. In: Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 8, p. 1795 [1-14] (2017). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01795.
Mazzone, Stéphanie ; Roskam, Isabelle ; Mikolajczak, Moïra ; Grosbois, Nathalie. Do Parents Talk about Emotions with Their Children? The Questionnaire of Parent-Child Conversations about Emotions (QPCCE). In: Psychology (Irvine), Vol. 8, p. 987-1007 (2017). doi:10.4236/psych.2017.87065.
Palermo, Romina ; Rossion, Bruno ; Rhodes, Gillian ; Laguesse, Renaud ; Tez, Tolga ; Hall, Bronwyn ; Albonico, Andrea ; Malaspina, Manuela ; Daini, Roberta ; Irons, Jessica ; Al-Janabi, Shahd ; Taylor, Libby C. ; Rivolta, Davide ; McKone, Elinor. Do people have insight into their face recognition abilities?. In: The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, Vol. 70, no. 2, p. 218-233 (2017). doi:10.1080/17470218.2016.1161058.
Devos, Christelle ; Boudrenghien, Gentiane ; van der Linden, Nicolas ; Azzi, Assaad ; Frenay, Mariane ; Galand, Benoît ; Klein, Olivier. Doctoral students’ experiences leading to completion or attrition: a matter of sense, progress and distress. In: European Journal of Psychology of Education, Vol. 32, no. 1, p. 61-77 (2017). doi:10.1007/s10212-016-0290-0.
Lochy, Aliette ; Zimmermann, Friederike ; Laguesse, Renaud ; Willenbockel, Verena ; Rossion, Bruno ; Vuong, Quoc C.. Does Extensive Training at Individuating Novel Objects in Adulthood Lead to Visual Expertise? The Role of Facelikeness. In: Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Vol. 6, p. 1-19 (2018). doi:10.1162/jocn_a_01212.
Mierop, Adrien ; Hütter, M. ; Stahl, C. ; Corneille, Olivier. Does attitude acquisition in evaluative conditioning without explicit CS-US memory reflect implicit misattribution of affect?. In: Cognition and Emotion, Vol. 33, no. 2, p. 173-184 (2019). doi:10.1080/02699931.2018.1435505.
Delbiso, Tefera Darge ; Altare, Chiara ; Rodriguez-Llanes, José ; Doocy, Shannon ; Guha-Sapir, Debarati. Drought and child mortality: a meta analysis of smallscale surveys from Ethiopia. In: Scientific Reports, Vol. 7, no. 1, p. 2212 [1-8] (2017). doi:10.2471/BLT.16.172700.
Colognesi, Stéphane ; Van Nieuwenhoven, Catherine. Développer des habiletés de relecture critique des productions des pairs. In: Education & Formation, Vol. e-307, p. 7-25.
Colognesi, Stéphane ; Lyon López, Natalia Paz ; catherine deschepper. Développer l’enseignement de l’oral au début du primaire : l’impact de deux activités spécifiques en parler-écouter. In: Language and Literacy, Vol. 19, p. 55-75.
Vanderauwera, Jolijn ; Wouters, J. ; Vandermosten, M. ; Ghesquière, P.. Early dynamics of white matter deficits in children developing dyslexia. In: Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Vol. 27, p. 69-77 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.dcn.2017.08.003.
Clobert, Magali ; Saroglou, Vassilis ; Hwang, Kwang-Kuo. East Asian religious tolerance versus Western monotheist prejudice: The role of (in)tolerance of contradiction. In: Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, Vol. 20, no. 2, p. 216-232 (2017). doi:10.1177/1368430215603458.
Estrada, Claudia ; Yzerbyt, Vincent. Efecto de las Creencias Esencialistas en las Estrategias de Consenso Intra-Grupal = The Effect of Essentialist Beliefs on Intra-Group Consensus Strategies. In: Psykhe, Vol. 26, no.1 (2017). doi:10.7764/psykhe.26.1.664.
Baudoin, Noémie ; Galand, Benoît. Effects of classroom goal structures on student emotions at school.. In: International Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 86, p. 13-22 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.ijer.2017.08.010.
De Couck, Marijke ; Cserjesi, Renata ; Caers, Ralf ; Zijlstra, W.-P. ; Widjaja, Devy ; Wolf, Nicole ; Luminet, Olivier ; Ellrich, Jens ; Gidron, Yori. Effects of short and prolonged transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation on heart rate variability in healthy subjects. In: Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic and Clinical, Vol. 203, p. 88-96 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.autneu.2016.11.003.
MEERT, GAËLLE ; Wang, Jessica ; Samson, Dana. Efficient belief tracking in adults: The role of task instruction, low-level associative processes and dispositional social functioning.. In: Cognition, Vol. 168, no., p. 91-98 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2017.06.012.
Lannoy, Séverine ; D'Hondt, Fabien ; Dormal, Valérie ; Billieux, Joël ; Maurage, Pierre. Electrophysiological correlates of performance monitoring in binge drinking: Impaired error-related but preserved feedback processing. In: Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol. 128, no. 11, p. 2110-2121 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2017.08.005.
D'Hondt, Fabien ; Maurage, Pierre. Electrophysiological studies in Internet addiction: A review within the dual-process framework. In: Addictive Behaviors, Vol. 64, no.1, p. 321-327 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2015.10.012.
Dethier, Vincent ; Heeren, Alexandre ; Bouvard, Martine ; Baeyens, Céline ; Philippot, Pierre. Embracing the Structure of Metacognitive Beliefs: Validation of the French Short Version of the Metacognitions Questionnaire. In: International Journal of Cognitive Therapy, Vol. 10, no. 3, p. 219-233 (2017). doi:10.1521/ijct.2017.10.3.219.
Mazzone, Stéphanie ; Grosbois, Nathalie. Emotion-related socialization behaviours in parents of children with an autism spectrum disorder. In: Psychology, Vol. 08, no.08, p. 1134-1160 (2017). doi:10.4236/psych.2017.88074.
Jacobs, Emilie ; Léonard, Charline ; Grosbois, Nathalie ; Houssa, Marine ; Mazzone, Stéphanie. Entrainer la cognition sociale auprès d’enfants présentant une déficience intellectuelle. In: Revue Francophone de la Deficience Intellectuelle, Vol. 27, p. 127-140 (2017). doi:10.7202/1043129ar.
Deleuze, Jory ; Nuyens, Filip ; Rochat, Lucien ; Rothen, Stéphane ; Maurage, Pierre ; Billieux, Joël. Established risk factors for addiction fail to discriminate between healthy gamers and gamers endorsing DSM-5 Internet gaming disorder. In: Journal of Behavioral Addictions, Vol. 6, no. 4, p. 516-524 (2017). doi:10.1556/2006.6.2017.074.
Fraeyman, Jessica ; Foulon, Veerle ; Mehuys, Els ; Boussery, Koen ; Saevels, Jan ; De Vriese, Carine ; Dalleur, Olivia ; Housiaux, Marie ; Steurbaut, Stephane ; Naegels, Marc ; De Meyer, Guido Ry ; De Loof, Hans ; Van Hal, Guido ; Van den Broucke, Stephan. Evaluating the implementation fidelity of New Medicines Service for asthma patients in community pharmacies in Belgium.. In: Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, Vol. 13, no.1, p. 98-108 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.sapharm.2016.02.001.
Attout, Lucie ; Noël, Marie-Pascale ; Vossius, Line ; Rousselle, Laurence. Evidence of the impact of visuo-spatial processing on magnitude representation in 22q11.2 microdeletion syndrome.. In: Neuropsychologia, Vol. 99, no.1, p. 296-305 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2017.03.023.
Asanjarani, Faramarz ; Jazayeri, Rezvanossadat ; Fatehizade, Maryam ; Etemadi, Ozra ; De Mol, Jan. Examining the Reliability and Validity of the Fisher Divorce Adjustment Scale: The Persian Version. In: Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, Vol. 1, p. 1-15 (2017). doi:10.1080/10502556.2017.1402653.
Brion, Mélanie ; D’Hondt, Fabien ; Pitel, Anne-Lise ; Lecomte, Benoît ; Ferauge, Marc ; de Timary, Philippe ; Maurage, Pierre. Executive functions in alcohol-dependence: A theoretically grounded and integrative exploration. In: Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Vol. 177, p. 39-47 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2017.03.018.
Roskam, Isabelle ; Raes, Marie-Emilie ; Mikolajczak, Moïra. Exhausted Parents: Development and Preliminary Validation of the Parental Burnout Inventory. In: Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 8 (2017). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00163.
Asanjarani, F. ; Jazayeri, R. ; Fatehizadeh, M. ; Etemadi, O. ; De Mol, Jan. Exploring Factors Affecting Post-Divorce Adjustment in Iranian Women: A Qualitative Study.. In: Social Determinants of Health, Vol. 3, no.1, p. 15-25 (2017).
Ivanski, Chantelle ; Kohut, Taylor. Exploring definitions of sex positivity through thematic analysis. In: The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, Vol. 26, no.3, p. 216-225 (2017). doi:10.3138/cjhs.2017-0017.
Grosemans, Ilke ; Coertjens, Liesje ; Kyndt, Eva. Exploring learning and fit in the transition from higher education to the labour market: A systematic review. In: Educational Research Review, Vol. 21, p. 67-84 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.edurev.2017.03.001.
Fromont, Anne ; Haddad, Slim ; Heinmüller, Rolf ; Dujardin, Bruno ; Casini, Annalisa. Exploring the validity of scores from the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) in Burundi: A multi-strategy approach. In: Journal of Psychology in Africa, Vol. 27, no.4 (2017).
Belge, Jan-Baptist ; Maurage, Pierre ; Mangelinckx, Camille ; Leleux, Dominique ; Delatte, Benoît ; Constant, Eric. Facial decoding in schizophrenia is underpinned by basic visual processing impairments. In: Psychiatry Research, Vol. 255, p. 167-172 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2017.04.007.
Benetti, Stefania ; van Ackeren, Markus J. ; Rabini, Giuseppe ; Zonca, Joshua ; Foa, Valentina ; Baruffaldi, Francesca ; Rezk, Mohamed ; Pavani, Francesco ; Rossion, Bruno ; Collignon, Olivier. Functional selectivity for face processing in the temporal voice area of early deaf individuals. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 114, p. E6437-E6446 (2017). doi:10.1073/pnas.1618287114.
Henry, Hélène ; Zacher, Hannes ; Desmette, Donatienne. Future Time Perspective in the Work Context: A Systematic Literature Review of Quantitative Studies. In: Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 8. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00413.
Evers, Kris ; Van Belle, Goedele ; Steyaert, Jean ; Noens, Ilse ; Wagemans, Johan. Gaze-Contingent Display Changes as New Window on Analytical and Holistic Face Perception in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder. In: Child Development, Vol. 89, no.2, p. 430-445 (2017). doi:10.1111/cdev.12776.
Petit, Géraldine ; Luminet, Olivier ; Cordovil de Sousa Uva, Mariana ; Monhonval, Pauline ; Leclercq, Sophie ; Spilliaert, Quentin ; Zammit, François ; Maurage, Pierre ; de Timary, Philippe. Gender Differences in Affects and Craving in Alcohol-Dependence: A Study During Alcohol Detoxification. In: Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, Vol. 41, no. 2, p. 421-431 (2017). doi:10.1111/acer.13292.
Bestgen, Yves. Getting rid of the Chi-square and Log-likelihood tests for analysing vocabulary differences between corpora. In: Quaderns de Filologia: Estudis Lingüístics, Vol. 22, p. 33-56 (2017).
Fohn, Adeline ; Bouhmidi, Souad ; Bushati, Ekujtesa ; Mba, Diane ; Yesilgöz, Eylem ; Habermas, Tilmann. Given up by parents for survival: separation narratives by formerly persecuted elderly Belgian Jews. In: Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, Vol. 6, no.1, p. 74-81 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.jarmac.2016.07.015.
Bebiroglu Abiven, Neda ; Van der Noll, Jolanda ; Roskam, Isabelle. Growing Up in a Diverse Society: Adolescents’ Interest in Parental Religious Socialization Messages. In: Journal of Family Communication, Vol. 17, p. 288-300 (2017). doi:10.1080/15267431.2017.1286348.
Duong, Tuyen-Van ; Sørensen, Kristine ; Pelikan, Jürgen M. ; Van den Broucke, Stephan ; Lin, I-Feng ; Lin, Ying-Chin ; Huang, Hsiao-Ling ; Chang, Peter Wushou. Health-related behaviors moderate the association between age and self-reported health literacy among Taiwanese women. In: Women & Health : the multidisciplinary journal of women's health issues, Vol. 57, no.10, p. 1-15 (2017). doi:10.1080/03630242.2017.1333074 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Jaeken, Marine ; Zech, Emmanuelle ; Brison, Céline ; Verhofstadt, Lesley L. ; Van Broeck, Nady ; Mikolajczak, Moïra. Helpers' self-assessment biases before and after helping skills training. In: Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 8, no.1377 (2017). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01377.
Maurage, Pierre ; de Timary, Philippe ; D'Hondt, Fabien. Heterogeneity of emotional and interpersonal difficulties in alcohol-dependence: A cluster analytic approach. In: Journal of Affective Disorders, Vol. 217, no. 1, p. 163-173 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.jad.2017.04.005.
Mazzone, Stéphanie ; Grosbois, Nathalie. How are parental reactions to children’s emotions linked with Theory of Mind in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder?. In: Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, Vol. 40, p. 41-53 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.rasd.2017.05.003.
Mazzone, Stéphanie ; Grosbois, Nathalie. How are parental reactions to children’s emotions with autism spectrum disorders, related to their Theory of Mind abilities? . In: Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, (2017) (Soumis).
Kardefelt-Winther, Daniel ; Heeren, Alexandre ; Schimmenti, Adriano ; van Rooij, Antonius ; Maurage, Pierre ; Carras, Michelle ; Edman, Johan ; Blaszczynski, Alexander ; Khazaal, Yasser ; Billieux, Joël. How can we conceptualize behavioral addiction without pathologizing common behaviors. In: Addiction, no. 112, p. 1709 (2017). doi:10.1111/add.13763.
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Heenen-Wolff, Susann. Contre la normativité en psychanalyse. Sexe, genre, technique, formation : nouvelles approches contemporaines, préf. Hefez, Serge, In press: Paris, 2017. 978-2-84835-377-7. 200 p.
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Roskam, Isabelle ; Grosbois, Nathalie ; Noël, Marie-Pascale ; Schelstraete, Marie-Anne. La prise en charge des troubles du comportement du jeune enfant : Manuel à l’usage des praticiens (Evaluation, Mesure, Diagnostic), Mardaga: Wavre, 2017. 9782804704001.
Mikolajczak, Moïra ; Roskam, Isabelle. Le burnout parental: l'éviter et s'en sortir, Odile Jacob: Paris, 2017.
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Lesterhuis, Marije ; Verhavert, San ; Coertjens, Liesje ; Donche, Vincent ; De Maeyer, Sven. Comparative judgement as a promising alternative to score competences. In: Elena Cano ; Georgeta Ion (eds.), Innovative practices for higher education assessment and measurement (Advances in Higher Education & Professional Development (AHEPD)), IGI Global publication: Hershey, PA, USA, 2017, p. 119-138. 9781522505310. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-0531-0.
Saroglou, Vassilis. Culture, personality, and religiosity. In: A. T. Church, Personality across cultures. Vol. 2: Culture and characteristic adaptations, Praeger: Santa Barbara, CA, 2017, 153-184. 978-1-4408-4103-3.
Pena, P.A. ; Sylin, M. ; Van den Broucke, Stephan ; Leysen, J. ; de Soir, E.. Definitions, typologies, and processes involved in organizational trauma: A literature review. In: Stanislav Háša & Richard Brunet-Thornton, Impact of Organizational Trauma on Workplace Behavior and Performance, IGI Global: Hershey PA, USA, 2017, p. 1-17. 978-1-5225-2021-4.
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Heenen-Wolff, Susann. Der psychoanalytische Fallbericht: Dichtung, Wahrheit oder Selbsttäuschung. In: edited by Emil Anghern and Joachim Küchenhoff, Selbsttäuschung. Eine Herausforderung für Philosopphie und Psychoanalyse, Velbrück: Weilerswist, 2017, p. 157-178. 978-3958321168.
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Heenen-Wolff, Susann. Ein zeitgenössisches Märchen von Befreiung. In: Herausgeber: Laszig, Parfen, Gramatikov, Lily (Hrsg.), Lust und Laster. Was uns Filme über das sexuelle Begehren sagen, Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, 2017, p. XXXIV, 537. 978-3-662-53714-5. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-53715-2.
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Roskam, Isabelle. Evaluation, développement et facteurs de risque des troubles du comportement. In: Roskam, I., Nader-Grosbois, N., Schelstraete, M-A., & Noël, M-P., La prise en charge des troubles du comportement du jeune enfant. Manuel à l'usage des praticiens., Mardaga: Bruxelles, 2017, p. 7-38. 9782804704001.
Crollen, Virginie ; Noël, Marie-Pascale. How does space interact with numbers ?. In: Myint Swe Khine, Visual-spatial ability in STEM education. Transforming research into practice., Springer International Publishing Switzerland: Switzerland, 2017, p. 241-263. 978-3-319-44384-3.
Roskam, Isabelle. Intervenir efficacement pour améliorer le comportement de l'enfant. In: Roskam, I., Nader, N., Schelstraete, M-A., Noël, M-P., La prise en charge des troubles du comportement du jeune enfant. Manuel à l'usage des praticiens., Mardaga: Bruxelles, 2017, p. 193-214. 9782804704001.
Mouton, Bénédicte ; Loop, Laurie ; Stiévenart, Marie ; Roskam, Isabelle. Intervention sur le sentiment de compétence parentale. In: Roskam, I., Nader-Grosbois, N., Schelstraete, M-A., & Noël, M-P., La prise en charge des troubles du comportement du jeune enfant. Manuel à l'usage des praticiens., Mardaga: Bruxelles, 2017, p. 135-160. 9782804704001.
Donche,Vincent ; Noyens, Dorien ; Coertjens, Liesje ; Van Petegem, Peter. Investigating transitions to higher education: A conceptual framework. In: Eva Kyndt, Vincent Donche, Keith Trigwell, Sari Lindblom-Ylänne, Higher education transitions: Theory and research (New perspectives on learning and instruction), Routledge: Abingdon, 2017, p. 3-12. 9781138670891.
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Saroglou, Vassilis. Religion. In: V. Zeigler-Hill & T. Shackelford, Encyclopedia of personality and individual differences, Springer: New York, 2017. 978-3-319-28099-8. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-28099-8_845-1.
Houssa, Marine ; Grosbois, Nathalie. Stimuler les capacités en cognition sociale. In: I. Roskam, N. Nader-Grosbois, M.-P. Noël; M.-A. Schelstraete (Cord.), La prise en charge des troubles du comportement du jeune enfant : Manuel à l’usage des praticiens (PSY-Évaluation, mesure, diagnostic), Mardaga: Wavre, 2017, p. 71-97. 9782804704001.
Volckaert, Alexandra. Stimuler les fonctions exécutives. In: La prise en charge des troubles du comportement du jeune enfant. Manuel à l’usage des praticiens. (Evaluation, mesure, diagnostic), Roskam, Isabelle; Nader-Grosbois, Nathalie, Noël, Marie-Pascale & Schelstraete, Marie-Anne: Bruxelles, 2017. 978-2-8047-0400-1.
Volckaert, Alexandra ; Noël, Marie-Pascale. Stimuler les fonctions exécutives. In: Isabelle Roskam, Nathalie Grosbois, Marie-Pascale Noël, Marie-Anne Schelstraete, La prise en charge des troubles du comportement du jeune enfant. Manuel à l’usage des praticiens (Evaluation, Mesure, Diagnostic), Mardaga: Bruxelles, 2017, p. 39-70. 978-2-8047-0400-1.
Loop, Laurie ; Mouton, Bénédicte ; Stiévenart, Marie ; Roskam, Isabelle. Stimuler les pratiques de coaching émotionnel. In: Roskam, I., Nader-Grosbois, N., Schelstraete, M-A., & Noël, M-P., La prise en charge des troubles du comportement du jeune enfant. Manuel à l'usage des praticiens., Mardaga: Bruxelles, 2017, p. 161-192. 9782804704001.
Bukowski, Henryk ; Lamm, Claus. Temporoparietal Junction. In: Zeigler-Hill, V., Shackelford, T., Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences, Springer, Cham, 2017, p. 1-5. 9783319280998. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-28099-8_863-1.
Vanthournout, Gert ; Catrysse, Leen ; Coertjens, Liesje ; Gijbels, David ; Donche, Vincent. The development of learning strategies in higher education: impact of gender and prior education. In: Eva Kyndt, Vincent Donche, Keith Trigwell, Sari Lindblom-Ylänne, Higher education transitions: Theory and research (New perspectives on learning and instruction), Routledge: Abingdon, 2017, p. 135-156. 9781138670891.
Nils, Frédéric. Une logique bottom-up dans la conception et la gestion des programmes. In: Albarello, Luc & Collard-Bovy, O., Voyage en Formavie : Récits utopiques sur les apprentissages au fil de la vie, Presses universitaires de Louvain: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2017, p. 71-80. 978-2-87558-633-9.
Van der Linden, Lize ; Dricot, Laurence ; De Letter, Miet ; Duyck, Wouter ; de Partz de Courtray, Marie-Pierre ; Ivanoiu, Adrian ; Szmalec, Arnaud. A case study about the interplay between language control and cognitive abilities in bilingual differential aphasia: Behavioral and brain correlates. Learning and Plasticity 2017 (Äkäslompolo, Finland, du 02/04/2017 au 05/04/2017).
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Togoli, Irene ; Arrighi, Roberto ; Annobile, Giovanni ; Crollen, Virginie ; Collignon, Olivier. A shared numerical representation for action and perception in blind and sighted individuals. European Conference on Visual Perception 40th edition (Berlin (Germany)).
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Uzarevic, Filip. Agnostics vs. atheists: Comparing beliefs’ (un)certainty and outgroup (in)tolerance. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention (San Antonio, Texas, USA, du 19/1/2017 au 21/1/2017).
Van Nieuwenhoven, Catherine ; Jacot, Anne ; Frenay, Mariane ; De Ketele, Jean-Marie ; Wouters, Pascale. Apprentissage et transfert dans le cadre d’une formation obligatoire d’enseignants du supérieur : accompagnement et réalisation d’un portfolio professionnel. Rencontres du Réseau de recherche en éducation et formation - REF (Paris, CNAM, du 04/07/2017 au 05/07/2017).
Saroglou, Vassilis ; Brandt, Mark. Are atheists undogmatic and unprejudiced non-believers?. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention (San Antonio, Texas, USA, du 19/1/2017 au 21/1/2017).
Coertjens, Liesje ; Lesterhuis, Marije ; De Winter, Benedicte ; De Maeyer, Sven ; Michels, Nele. Assessing self-reflections in medical education using Comparative Judgement. European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction (EARLI) (Tampere, Finland, du 29/08/2017 au 02/09/2017).
Dehem, Stéphanie ; Edwards, Martin ; Montedoro, Vincenza ; Detrembleur, Christine ; Stoquart, Gaëtan ; Renders, Anne ; Galinski, Daniel ; Sapin, Julien ; Vanderwegen, Martin ; Heins, Sophie ; Clarinval, Charlotte ; Frognet, Cécile ; Brouwers, Isaline ; Lejeune, Thierry. Assessment of upper limb motor impairments in children with cerebral palsy using a rehabilitation robot and serious game exercise. the 5th IEEE Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (Perth (Australie), du 02/04/2017 au 04/04/2017).
Galdiolo, Sarah ; Verhofstadt, Lesley ; De Mol, Jan ; Dewinne, Laura ; Vandaudenard, Sylvain. Associations between coparental pronoun usage and the quality of early family interactions. . the 18th European Conference on Developmental Psychology (Utrecht, the Netherlands, du 29/08/2017 au 01/09/2017).
Van den Broucke, Stephan. Automatic and voluntary processes influencing eating behaviour. 31st European Hedalth psychology Conference (Padova, Italy, du 29/08/2017 au 02/09/2017).
Henry, Hélène ; Desmette, Donatienne. Balance Travail-Famille et bien-être au travail : Analyse de l’effet de l’âge. Conférence #HRPro100 (Bruxelles, Belgium, 30/11/2017).
Cordonnier, Aline. Beyond temporal orientation: Examining past and future thinking through counterfactual lenses. Meeting for the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition (SARMAC XII) (Sydney, Australia).
Olivier, Elizabeth ; Bebiroglu Abiven, Neda ; Galand, Benoît. Bullying and cyberbullying in Belgian primary schools: The evaluation of an anti-bullying program . SRCD Biennial Meeting (Austin, Texas, du 06/04/2017 au 08/04/2017).
Lacroix, Emilie ; Salvaggio, Samuel ; Deggouj, Naima ; Wiener, Valérie ; Debue, Michel ; Edwards, Martin. Can balance disorders moderate our cognition? Creation and validation of a new questionnaire. 3ème Colloque GDR Vertige - Cognition & Vertige (Marseille, du 22/09/2017 au 23/09/2017).
Cartiaux, Olivier ; Wouters, Pascale ; Cornu, Olivier ; Frenay, Mariane. Caractériser la collaboration « chirurgien-ingénieur » en supervision et évaluation de mémoires de fin d’études Une étude de cas pilote sur les représentations de professeurs chirurgiens et ingénieurs . 29e colloque international de l'ADMEE-Europe (Association pour le Développement des Méthodologies d'Evaluation en Education en Europe) (AgroSup, Dijon, France, du 25/01/2017 au 27/01/2017).
Cartiaux, Olivier ; Wouters, Pascale ; Cornu, Olivier ; Frenay, Mariane. Caractériser la collaboration «chirurgien-ingénieur» en supervision et évaluation de mémoires de fin d’études Une étude de cas pilote sur les représentations de professeurs chirurgiens et ingénieurs . Echos Pédagogiques du LLL (UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve, 20/04/2017).
Grosemans, Ilke ; Coertjens, Liesje ; Kyndt, Eva. Career competences at the end of Higher Education: The Role of Structural and Personal Factors. EARLI (Tampere, Finland, du 29/08/2017 au 02/09/2017).
Lacroix, Emilie ; Deggouj, Naima. Cognition and vestibular disorders. Royal Belgian Society for Ear, Nose, Throat, Head and Neck Surgery (Louvain-la-Neuve, du 24/11/2017 au 25/11/2017).
Willems, Jonas ; Coertjens, Liesje ; Donche, Vincent. Cognitive and non-cognitive predictors of early academic achievement in higher education. EARLI (Tampere, Finland, du 29/08/2017 au 02/09/2017).
Dandache, Sophie ; Baudewyns, Pierre ; Reuchamps, Min ; Schiffino, Nathalie ; Frenay, Mariane. Comment la motivation module le lien entre satisfaction par rapport au dispositif d’un MOOC et réussite : comparaison d’étudiants sur campus vs étudiants internationaux. ABC-Day 2017 : Faire société : le rôle des acteurs éducatifs (Mons, 21/02/2017).
Dandache, Sophie ; Baudewyns, Pierre ; Reuchamps, Min ; Schiffino-Leclercq, Nathalie ; Legrand, Vincent ; Frenay, Mariane. Comment la motivation module le lien entre satisfaction par rapport au dispositif d’un MOOC et réussite : comparaison d’étudiants sur campus vs étudiants internationaux. 4e Colloque international en éducation : Enjeux actuels et futurs de la formation et de la profession enseignante (Montréal, du 18/05/2017 au 19/05/2017).
Van den Broucke, Stephan. Conclusies: Welke gezondheidsdoelstellingen voor België?. Symposium Welke gezondheidsdoelstellingen voor België (04/12/2017).
Galand, Benoît ; Tolmatcheff, Chloé. Conditions d'efficacité des dispositifs de prévention du harcèlement en milieu scolaire.. 4e Colloque International du LASALÉ - Pour une communauté éducative durable (Bruxelles, Belgique, du 09/10/2017 au 11/10/2017).
Brion, Mélanie ; Maurage, Pierre. Conflict processing modulated by alcohol-related stimuli in a modified Flanker task. 13èmes rencontres du Groupe de Réflexion en Psychopathologie Cognitive (GREPACO) (Lille (France), du 01/06/2017 au 02/06/2017).
Saroglou, Vassilis. Cultures and religions: Understanding Muslim-majority relations in secularized Europe. International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology Conference (Warsaw, Poland, du 16/7/2017 au 19/7/2017).
Mikolajczak, Moïra. De l’intérêt de l’apprentissage des compétences émotionnelles pour les cours de langues. "Emotissage" organized by the Center of Language Learning (Louvain-la-Neuve, du 05/07/2017 au 07/07/2017).
Flayelle, Maèva ; Maurage, Pierre ; Billieux, Joël. Development of questionnaires measuring the engagement and the motives related to TV series watching. 13ème rencontres du Groupe de Réflexion en Psychopathologie Cognitive (GREPACO) (Lille (France), du 01/06/2017 au 02/06/2017).
Frenay, Mariane. Diversification, personnalisation des parcours et des pratiques : quels enjeux ?. JIPES - Journées nationales de l'innovation pédagogique dans l'enseignement supérieur (Paris, du 26/09/2017 au 27/09/2018).
Rigo, Caroline ; Saroglou, Vassilis. Do birds of a feather flock together? (Dis)similarity in religiosity within couples as linked to sexual and marital satisfaction. International Association for Psychology of Religion Conference (Hamar, Norway, du 21/08/2017 au 24/08/2017).
Van der Linden, Lize ; Hartsuiker, Robert ; Duyck, Wouter ; Moerenhout, Caroline ; Pierart, Bernadette ; Szmalec, Arnaud. Does L2 fluency affect speech fluency in bilinguals who stutter?. Conference on Multilingualism 2017 (Groningen, The Netherlands, du 06/11/2017 au 08/11/2017).
Brunel Lionel ; Servajean Philippe ; Heurley Loïc ; Vermeulen, Nicolas. Does banana spontaneously activate yellow color? Color-related concepts help with color discrimination. The 39 th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (London, UK, du 26/07/2017 au 29/07/2017). In: Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, John Wiley & Sons, 2017. 9780991196760, p. 1684-1689.
Simonis, Morgane ; Galand, Benoît ; Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Van der Linden, Lize ; Szmalec, Arnaud. Does second-language immersion education influence executive functioning?. European Society of Cognitive Psychology 2017 (Potsdam, Germany, du 03/09/2017 au 06/09/2017).
Simonis, Morgane ; Galand, Benoît ; Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Van der Linden, Lize ; Szmalec, Arnaud. Does second-language immersion education influence executive functioning?. Learning and Plasticity 2017 (Äkäslompolo, Finland, du 02/04/2017 au 05/04/2017).
Broers, Valérie ; Van den Broucke, Stephan ; Luminet, Olivier ; Taverne, Cédric. Effectiviteit van nudging interventies om keuze voor bekende en onbekende groenten te verhogen. Event Nudging en Gedragsinzichten (08/12/2017).
Lesseur, Mélissa ; Christodoulides, George ; Simon, Anne-Catherine. Effects of Prosodic and Syntactic Segmentation on Discourse Processing and Speech Production. 23rd Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP 2017) (Lancaster, UK, du 07/09/2017 au 09/09/2017).
Desmedt, Olivier ; Luminet, Olivier ; Zamariola, Giorgia ; Broers, Valérie. Effects of prebiotics on affect, wellbeing and cognition: a systematic review. Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences (BAPS) meeting (Brussels).
Baudoin, Noémie ; Galand, Benoît. Effets du parcours scolaire, des relations entre pairs et du soutien de la part des enseignants sur le bien-être des élèves. Colloque international pluridisciplinaire – La qualité de vie à l’école (Nantes (France), du 01/06/2017 au 02/06/2017).
Mikolajczak, Moïra. Emotional intelligence and health: relationships, pathways and interventions. 3rd Congress of Emotional Education (Navarre, Pamplona, Spain, du 16/12/2017 au 17/12/2017).
Mikolajczak, Moïra. Emotional intelligence and health: relationships, pathways and interventions. Keynote speaker at the 6th International Congress on Emotional Intelligence (Porto, Portugal, du 19/07/2017 au 22/07/2017).
Casini, Annalisa ; Bensliman, Rachida ; Callorda Fossati, Ela ; Degavre, Florence ; Mahieu, Céline. Employment within a socially innovative organization as a source of job satisfaction and well-being at work? Insights from social enterprises in the elderly home care in Wallonia. 6th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise (Louvain-la-Neuve, du 03/07/2017 au 06/07/2017).
Zech, Emmanuelle. Evolution des théories et des interventions psychothérapeutiques de deuil : Vers un accompagnement humain, relationnel et flexible. 6ème colloque wallon des soins palliatifs, Plateforme de soins palliatifs de l’Est francophone (Liège, Belgique, du 12/10/2017 au 13/10/2017).
Salvaggio, Samuel ; Masson, Nicolas ; Andres, Michael. Eye Position Reflects the Spatial Coding of Numbers and Arithmetic Operations. Linguistic and Cognitive Influences on Numerical Cognition (Tübingen).
Salvaggio, Samuel ; Masson, Nicolas ; Andres, Michael. Eye Position Reflects the Spatial Coding of Numbers and Arithmetic Operations. 9th IoNS Young Researcher Day (Brussels, Belgium).
Salvaggio, Samuel ; Andres, Michael ; Masson, Nicolas. Eye position reflects the spatial coding of numbers during magnitude comparison. The origin of numerical abilities (The Royal Society, London, UK, du 20/02/2017 au 23/02/2017).
Salvaggio, Samuel ; Masson, Nicolas ; Andres, Michael. Eye position reflects the spatial coding of numbers during magnitude comparison. Advances in Numerical Cognition Research (Tournai, Belgium).
Bragard, Anne ; Desmet, Laetitia ; Schmitz, Julia ; Van Reybroeck, Marie ; Frenay, Mariane. Facteurs favorables à l’intégration d’élèves à besoins spécifiques en classes ordinaires en Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles : Etude menée auprès d’élèves intégrés, de leur famille et des acteurs scolaires. Rencontres du Réseau de recherche en éducation et formation - REF (Paris, CNAM, du 04/07/2017 au 05/07/2017).
Battal, Ceren ; Rezk, Mohamed ; Mattioni, Stefania ; Bottini, Roberto ; Occelli, Valeria ; Targher, Stefano ; Collignon, Olivier. Functional tuning for auditory motion direction in hMT+/v5 of sighted and blind individuals. 13th International Conference for Cognitive Neuroscience (Amsterdam, Netherlands, du 05/08/2017 au 08/08/2017).
Saroglou, Vassilis. Fundamentalists vs. flexible questers: Who is prosocial and happy? Comparing personalities across religions and countries. 29th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science (Boston, MA, USA, du 25/05/2017 au 28/05/2017).
Grosemans, Ilke ; Coertjens, Liesje ; Kyndt, Eva. Grasping the role of personal factors in work-related learning: A latent growth class modeling approach. Grasping the role of personal factors in work-related learning: A latent growth class modeling approach (Hannover, Germany, du 11/09/2017 au 12/09/2017).
Grosemans, Ilke ; Coertjens, Liesje ; Kyndt, Eva. Grasping the role of personal factors on work-related learning: A latent growth mixture modeling approach. Annual Meeting American Educational Research Association (San Antonio (TX), USA, du 27/04/2017 au 01/05/2017).
Van den Broucke, Stephan. Health Literacy In The Alternative Truth Era: On The Importance Of Digital And Media Literacy For Health Literacy. 5th Asian Health Literacy Conference (Kuala Lumpur, malaysia, du 12/11/2017 au 14/11/2017).
Montedoro, Vincenza ; Alsamour, Marie ; Dehem, Stéphanie ; Lejeune, Thierry ; Stoquart, Gaëtan ; Galinski, Daniel ; Dehez, Bruno ; Heins, Sophie ; Edwards, Martin. Hemineglect assessment and rehabilitation using a robotic serious game. the 5th IEEE Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (Perth (Australie), du 02/04/2017 au 04/04/2017).
Mattioni, Stefania ; Rezk, Mohamed ; Battal, Ceren ; Bottini, Roberto ; Collignon, Olivier. How input modality and visual experience affect the representation of categories in the lateralised brain.. BrainModes (National Brain Research Centre - Delhi, India).
Desmette, Donatienne ; Henry, Hélène. How to manage efficiently an aging workforce? The role of HR practices and SOC strategies on older workers’ focus on opportunities and job satisfaction. 4th Age Workplace Meeting – EAWOP-SIOP group (Lüneburg, Germany, du 09/11/2017 au 11/11/2017).
Délisse, Sébastien ; Galand, Benoît ; Dumay, Xavier ; Coertjens, Liesje ; Dupriez, Vincent. Implementation of instructional change and its effect on students' achievement . EARLI (Tampere, Finland, du 29/08/2017 au 02/09/2017).
Bestgen, Yves. Improving the character ngram model for the DSL task with BM25 weighting and less frequently used feature sets. VarDial 2017 (Valence (Espagne), 03/04/2017). In: Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects, 2017, p. 115–123.
Dangoisse, Florence ; Nils, Frédéric. Inclusion in higher education: how students with physical disabilities experienced the transition from high school to higher education?. Counseling and support: Decent work, equity and inclusion (Padova, du 05/10/2017 au 07/10/2017).
Bestgen, Yves. Indices d’association collocationnelle et évaluation de textes en langue étrangère : comparaison des bigrammes et trigrammes. TALN2017 (Orléans (France), du 26/06/2017 au 30/06/2017). In: Actes de TALN2017 (Vol. 1), 2017, p. 47-62.
Van den Broucke, Stephan. Informer et comprendre pour mieux adhérer. Therapeutic Adherence Days Brussels (Brussels, du 01/12/2017 au 02/12/2017).
Alves, Rui A. ; Van Reybroeck, Marie ; Limpo, Teresa. Introducing the European Literacy Network (ELN) being established by COST Action IS1401. Writing Research Across Borders IV Conference (Bogota, Colombia, du 13/02/2017 au 16/02/2017).
Lannoy, Séverine ; Dormal, Valérie ; Billieux, Joël ; Maurage, Pierre. Joint exploration of executive functions in binge drinking. 13ème rencontres du Groupe de Réflexion en Psychopathologie Cognitive (GREPACO) (Lille (France), du 01/06/2017 au 02/06/2017).
Van der Linden, Lize ; Hartsuiker, Robert ; Duyck, Wouter ; Moerenhout, Caroline ; de Partz de Courtray, Marie-Pierre ; Pierart, Bernadette ; Szmalec, Arnaud. L2 proficiency affects speech fluency in adults who stutter. 20th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP) (Potsdam, Germany, du 03/09/2017 au 06/09/2017).
Van den Broucke, Stephan ; Schinckus, Louise ; Vandenbosch, Jessica. La littératie en santé et les comportements d’autogestion chez les patients ateints du diabète . Séminaire du Réseau Francohone de Littératie en Santé (ReFLiS) (Paris, France, du 27/03/2017 au 28/03/2017).
Van den Broucke, Stephan. La littératie en santé et les inégalités sociales de santé. Semaine de la littératie en santé (Marseille, du 14/03/2017 au 16/03/2107).
Van den Broucke, Stephan. La littératie en santé: Lien avec les sources d’information et impact sur la gestion des maladies chroniques . Journées Institut pour la Qualité et la Sécurité en Santé (IQS) (du 06/07/2017 au 07/07/2017).
Szmalec, Arnaud ; Smalle, Eleonore ; Möttönen, Riikka ; Panouilleres, Muriel. Language learning in the adult brain: Disrupting the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex facilitates word-form learning. 20th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP) (Potsdam, Germany, du 03/09/2017 au 06/09/2017).
Crollen, Virginie. Le nombre : un concept visuel?. 53èmes journées pédagogiques du GPEAA (Marseille (France)).
Van den Broucke, Stephan. Les enjeux de la littératie en Promotion de la Santé. Première Journée d’Échanges Sur la Littératie en Santé (Loos, France, 03/02/2017).
Saroglou, Vassilis. Majority’s attitudes toward the Muslim veil: Outgroup derogation or defense of values? A review of 10 years of empirical research. International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology Conference (Warsaw, Poland, du 16/07/2017 au 19/07/2017).
Battal, Ceren ; Collignon, Olivier. Mapping Functional Organisation of the Occipital Cortex in Blind Individuals. Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences Annual Meeting 2017 (Brussels, Belgium, 31/05/2017).
Heeren, Alexandre ; McNally, Richard J.. Mapping network connectivity among symptoms of social anxiety and comorbid depression in people with social anxiety disorder. Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (San Diego, CA, USA, 19/11/2017).
Willemsen, Jochem. Meta-synthesis: What is it and how can it be applied to study patterns of transference?. 48th international annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research (Toronto, du 21/06/2017 au 24/06/2017).
Crollen, Virginie ; Lazzouni, Latifa ; Noël, Marie-Pascale ; Seron, Xavier ; Lepore, Franco ; Bellemare, Antoine ; Collignon, Olivier. Neural network of arithmetic processing in blind: subtraction but not multiplication triggers specific reorganization of occipital networks. Scientific Meetings - The Origins of numerical abilities (London (England)).
Dormal, Valérie ; Lannoy, Séverine ; D'Hondt, Fabien ; Maurage, Pierre. Neuromodulation of inhibition skills in binge drinking. 13ème rencontres du Groupe de Réflexion en Psychopathologie Cognitive (GREPACO) (Lille (France), du 01/06/2017 au 02/06/2017).
Lacroix, Emilie. Neuropsychologie et innovations technologiques : Du diagnostic à la rééducation, quels outils utiles dans la pratique ? . 15ème journée Romande de Neuropsychologie (Genève, 23/11/2017).
Mikolajczak, Moïra. New developments in trait emotional intelligence and physical health. Annual Conference of the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences (ISSID) (Warsaw, Poland, du 24/07/2017 au 28/07/2017).
Alonso Peña, Pablo ; Leysen, Jan ; Van den Broucke, Stephan ; Sylin, Michel. Organizational Trauma Diagnosis Tool: A cross-organizational validation. 18th European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology Congress (Dublin, Ireland, du 17/05/2017 au 20/05/2017).
Grégoire, Jacques. Overcoming obstacles to creativity in science. 2e Congresso Internacional de Criatividade e Inovação (PUC Campinas, Brasil, du 27/06/2017 au 29/06/2017).
De Maeyer, Sven ; Coertjens, Liesje ; Bouwer, Renske ; van Daal, Tine. Paarsgewijs vergelijken: valide en betrouwbaar ? . Onderwijs Research dagen (Antwerp, Belgium, du 28/06/2017 au 30/06/2017).
Vermeiren, Kristof ; Coertjens, Liesje ; De Maeyer, Sven. Paarsgewijze vergelijking als evaluatietechniek voor wiskundig probleemoplossen. Onderwijs Research dagen (Antwerp, Belgium, du 28/06/2017 au 30/06/2017).
Frenay, Mariane ; Wouters, Pascale ; Warnier, Léticia ; Savard, Claude. Participation à un projet d’analyse de l’approche programme : apprentissages vécus par les responsables de programmes impliqués. Rencontres du Réseau de recherche en éducation et formation - REF (Paris, CNAM, du 04/07/2017 au 05/07/2017).
Caesens, Gaëtane ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Taskin, Laurent ; Desmarets, M. ; Bouchat, Pierre. Perceived organizational support and employees' empowerment: A multi-sample study. 18th congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) (Dublin, Ireland, du 17/05/2017 au 20/05/2017).
Caesens, Gaëtane ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Demoulin, Stéphanie ; De Wilde, Matthias. Perceived organizational support and employees' well-being: the mediating role of organizational de/humanization. 18th congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) (Dublin, Ireland, du 17/05/2017 au 20/05/2017).
Casini, Annalisa ; Callorda Fossati, Ela ; Bensliman, Rachida ; Degavre, Florence ; Mahieu, Céline. Prendre part à une initiative socialement innovante est-il bénéfique pour les travailleur.euse.s ? Une analyse comparative intra-sectorielle de la satisfaction et du bien-être au travail des professionnel.le.s de l’accompagnement à domicile des personnes âgées en Wallonie. . XXXVIIème Journées de l'AES: Economie sociale et Economie politique. Regards croisés sur l'histoire et sur les enjeux contemporains (du 05/09/2017 au 06/09/2017).
Galand, Benoît. Quels sont les effets de la différenciation pédagogique sur les dimensions cognitives et socio-affectives ?. Conférence de consensus « Différenciation pédagogique : Comment adapter l’enseignement pour la réussite de tous les élèves ? » (Paris, du 07/03/2017 au 08/03/2017).
Bestgen, Yves. Recherche d'indices de (dis)continuité thématique par une analyse automatique de corpus. journée d’études Référence, coréférence et structure textuelle (Conférence invitée) (ENS, Lyon, 27/11/2017).
Woltin, Karl-Andrew ; Sassenberg, Kai ; Albayrak, Nihan. Regulatory focus, coping strategies and symptoms of depression and anxiety: A comparison between Syrian refugees in Turkey and Germany. Self-Regulation of Health Pre-conference to the 18th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology (Granada, Spain, 05/07/2017).
Saroglou, Vassilis. Religious identity vs. cultural and national identities. “The unspoken sacre: The religious dimension of intercultural dialogue”, Fondazione Intercultura onlus (Bari, Italy, du 31/03/2017 au 03/04/2017).
Saroglou, Vassilis. Religious prosociality: Findings and the interplay of ideology and statistics. American Psychological Association (APA) Convention (Washington, DC, USA, du 03/08/2017 au 06/08/2017).
Heins, Sophie ; Dehem, Stéphanie ; Montedoro, Vincenza ; Rocca, François ; de Deken, Pierre-Henri ; Edwards, Martin ; Dehez, Bruno ; Mancas, Matei ; Stoquart, Gaëtan ; Lejeune, Thierry. Robotic-assisted Serious Game For Motor And Cognitive Post-stroke Rehabilitation. the 5th IEEE Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (Perth (Australie), du 02/04/2017 au 04/04/2017).
Masson, Nicolas. Shifts of spatial attention underlie numerical processing and mental arithmetic: Evidence from left and right neglect patients. International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS) (Vienna, du 23/03/2017 au 25/03/2017).
Bestgen, Yves. Simplification et normalisation en traduction: Evaluation d'une prédiction à propos de l'emploi des collocations par l'analyse automatique d'un corpus parallèle et comparable. 1er Congrès Mondial de Traductologie (Paris, du 10/04/2017 au 14/04/2017).
Heeren, Alexandre ; McNally, Richard J.. Social anxiety disorder as a densely interconnected symptom network. Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science (Boston, MA, USA, 26/05/2017).
Woltin, Karl-Andrew ; Guinote, Ana. Social power increases reliance on experiential information: The case of motor fluency.. 18th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology (Granada, Spain, du 05/07/2017 au 08/07/2017).
Kallai, Delphine. Social representations of nurses towards their patients in psychiatric units. Qualitative Methods in Psychology Conference of the British Psychological Society (Aberystwyth, United Kingdom, du 05/07/2017 au 07/07/2017).
Kallai, Delphine. Social representations of psychiatric nurses towards their patients: how do they think, talk and work with them?. 10th Biennial Conference of the International Society of Critical Health Psychology (Loughborough, United Kingdom, du 09/07/2017 au 12/07/2017).
Maurage, Pierre ; Brion, Mélanie. Source memory in Korsakoff Syndrome: Disentangling the mechanisms of temporal confusion. 6th Scientific meeting of the Federation of the European Societies of Neuropsychology (FESN) (Maastricht (The Netherlands), du 13/09/2017 au 15/09/2017).
Dellisse, Sébastien ; Galand, Benoît ; Dumay, Xavier. Soutenir le sentiment d’efficacité des enseignants lors de changements pédagogiques : étude expérimentale en Belgique francophone . 4ème colloque international en éducation, CRIFPE (Montréal, Canada, du 18/05/2017 au 19/05/2017).
Masson, Nicolas ; Andres, Michael ; Alsamour, Marie ; Pesenti, Mauro. Spatial biases in mental arithmetic are independent of reading direction habits. The origin of numerical abilities (The Royal Society, London, UK, du 20/02/2017 au 23/02/2017).
Szmalec, Arnaud. Stronger short-term verbal serial recall abilities in literate compared to illiterate people. Annual Meeting of the Groupe de Contact Psycholinguistique et Neurolinguistique(GCPN) (Université de Liège, Belgium, 12/12/2017).
Olivier, Elizabeth ; Dellisse, Sébastien ; Galand, Benoît ; Hospel, Virginie. Teaching practices supporting student engagement: Structure, involvement, and autonomy support, but what about control?. SRCD Biennial Meeting (Austin, Texas, du 06/04/2017 au 08/04/2017).
Rigo, Caroline ; El Marsni, Kenza ; Saroglou, Vassilis. Tense links between religion and sexual behavior among Muslims: The role of explanatory cognitive and emotional tendencies. 2nd International Convention for Psychological Science (Wien, Austria, du 23/3/2017 au 25/3/2017).
Van der Linden, Lize ; Pierart, Bernadette ; de Partz de Courtray, Marie-Pierre ; Duyck, Wouter ; Moerenhout, Caroline ; Szmalec, Arnaud. The cognitive basis of stuttering in bilinguals. (Dis)Fluency 2017 (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 15/02/2017 au 17/02/2017).
Smalle, Eleonore ; Simonis, Morgane ; Edwards, Martin ; Szmalec, Arnaud. The cognitive basis of the child advantage in language learning: A memory based approach. Interdisciplinary Advances in Statistical Learning (Bilbao, Spain, du 28/06/2017 au 30/06/2017).
Crollen, Virginie. The consequences of low visuo-spatial abilities on basic numerical processing.. Workshop on Nonverbal learning disabilities and low visuospatial difficulties (Padova (Italy)).
Taskin, Laurent ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Parmentier, Michaël. The dark side of office design: Towards de-humanization. EGOS (European Group for Organization Studies) (Copenhagen, du 06/07/2017 au 08/07/2017).
Rezk, Mohamed ; Pelland, Maxime ; Atilgan, Hicret ; Collignon, Olivier. The impact of blindness onset on the connectivity profile of the occipital cortex. Vision Sciences Society (VSS) annual meeting (Florida, USA, du 19/05/2017 au 24/05/2017). doi:10.1167/17.10.632.
Henry, Hélène ; Desmette, Donatienne. The impact of changes in retirement age on work motives:The role of occupational future time perspective.. 18th congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (Dublin, Irlande, du 17/05/2017 au 20/05/2017).
Lejeune, Ch, Beausaert, S., & Raemdonck, I.. The impact on employees’ job performance of exercising self-directed learning with personal development plan practice. IPSY DAY (Louvain-la-Neuve).
Stinglhamber, Florence ; Ohana, Marc ; Caesens, Gaëtane. The influence of perceived organizational support on employees' attitudes and behaviors: The role of coworkers’ perceptions and employees’ voice. 18th congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) (Dublin, Ireland, du 17/05/2017 au 20/05/2017).
Andres, Michael. The role of mental representations of space and fingers in number processing. Linguistic and Cognitive Influences on Numerical Cognition (Tübingen, du 08/09/2017 au 09/09/2017).
Gillis, Aurélie ; Galdiolo, Sarah. The role of partner support against depressive symptoms during the transition to parenthood: Towards a dyadic perspective. . the 18th European Conference on Developmental Psychology (Utrecht, the Netherlands, du 29/08/2017 au 01/09/2017).
Gillis, Aurélie ; Galdiolo, Sarah. The role of partner support against depressive symptoms during the transition to parenthood: Towards a dyadic perspective. . the 10th colloque du réseau interuniversitaire de recherche en psychologie du développement (Aix-en-Provence, France, du 15/06/2017 au 16/06/2017).
De Clercq, Mikaël ; Frenay, Mariane ; Galand, Benoît. The role of study programs on freshmen’s academic adjustment: context-specificity under investigation. EARLI 2017 (Tampere, du 29/08/2017 au 02/09/2017).
Barilari, Marco ; Bottini, Roberto ; Collignon, Olivier. The role of vision in the development of sound symbolism.. Rovereto Workshop on Concepts, Actions, and Objects (CAOs) (Rovereto - Italy, du 04/05/2017 au 06/05/2017).
Barilari, Marco ; Bottini, Roberto ; Collignon, Olivier. The role of vision in the development of sound symbolism.. Ten years of Mind/Brain Science at the University of Trento (Rovereto - Italy, du 19/10/2017 au 21/10/2017).
Casini, Annalisa. Toward a new conceptual approach of professional recognition and its association with workers' health and well-being. ProWorkNet Annual Conference (Sigtuna (Suède), du 19/09/2017 au 20/09/2017).
Van Nieuwenhoven, Catherine ; Wattiez, Rudi ; Bothy, Eric ; Colognesi, Stéphane. Une recherche collaborative visant à identifier les gestes du superviseur pour accompagner l’étudiant en stage. 29e colloque de l’ADMEE (Dijon, du 25/01/2017 au 27/01/2017).
Bernstein, Emily E. ; Heeren, A. ; McNally, Richard J. . Unpacking rumination and executive control: A network perspective. Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, 2017 (San Diego, CA, USA, 18/11/2017).
Lacroix, Emilie ; Deggouj, Naima ; Edwards, Martin. VSAD : A new battery for the evaluation of Visuo-Spatial Abilities in Deafness. 6th International Conference on Auditory Cortex (Banff, Canada, du 10/09/2017 au 15/09/2017).
Fernández - Alcántara, Manuel ; Schul-Martin, Laetitia ; García Caro, M. Paz ; Fernández Ávalos, M. Inmaculada ; Pérez Marfil, M. Nieves ; Zech, Emmanuelle. Variability and obstacles perceived by professionals that face perinatal death in Spain: a qualitative study. 11th International Conference on Grief and Bereavement in Contemporary Society – a Common Language (Lisbon, Portugal, du 12/07/2017 au 14/07/2017).
Lacroix, Emilie ; Edwards, Martin ; Deggouj, Naima. Vestibular impairments and visuo-spatial dysfunction : Comparison of subjective and objective cognitive assessment in patients with bilateral vestibular loss. Annual Research in Imagery and Observation Group Meeting (University of Roehampton - London, du 18/05/2017 au 19/05/2017).
Lacroix, Emilie ; Edwards, Martin ; Deggouj, Naima. Vestibular impairments and visuo-spatial dysfunction : Comparison of subjective and objective cognitive assessment in patients with bilateral vestibular loss. IFOS ENT World Congress (Paris, du 24/06/2017 au 28/06/2017).
Lacroix, Emilie ; Edwards, Martin ; Deggouj, Naima. Vestibular impairments and visuo-spatial dysfunction : Comparison of subjective and objective cognitive assessment in patients with bilateral vestibular loss. 3ème Colloque GDR Vertige - Cognition & Vertige (Marseille, du 22/09/2017 au 23/09/2017).
Lacroix, Emilie ; Edwards, Martin ; Deggouj, Naima. Vestibular impairments and visuo-spatial dysfunction: Comparison of subjective and objective cognitive assessment in patients with bilateral vestibular loss.. International Society of Otoneurology (SIO) (Geneva, du 25/03/2017 au 25/05/2017).
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Geers, Laurie ; Pesenti, Mauro ; Andres, Michael. Visual illusions modify object size estimates for prospective action judgements. . 9th IoNS Young Researcher day (Institute of Neurosciences, UCL, Brussels, 11/12/2017).
Uzarevic, Filip ; Saroglou, Vassilis. Who controls my life? Comparisons between religious believers and nonbelievers in normatively non-religious contexts. 2nd International Convention for Psychological Science (Wien, Austria, du 23/3/2017 au 25/3/2017).
Henry, Hélène ; Desmette, Donatienne. Work-family conflict across the lifespan: Analyzing the role of age and occupational future time perspective. 4th Age Workplace Meeting – EAWOP-SIOP group (Lüneburg, Germany, du 09/11/2017 au 11/11/2017).
Ohana, Marc ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Workgroup justice climate and workgroup commitment: Examining the role of social exchange. 18th congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) (Dublin, Ireland, du 17/05/2017 au 20/05/2017).
Galand, Benoît ; Hospel, Virginie. Évaluation de l'adaptation belge du programme Check & Connect : Enjeux et défis de la mise en oeuvre d'un programme de prévention « clé sur porte » dans un système scolaire décentralisé . 4ème Colloque International du LASALÉ (Bruxelles, du 09/10/2017 au 11/10/2017).
Bestgen, Yves. Évaluation de mesures d'association pour les bigrammes et les trigrammes au moyen du test exact de Fisher. TALN2017 (Orléans (France), du 26/06/2017 au 30/06/2017). In: Actes de TALN2017 (Vol. 2), 2017, 10-18.
Bestgen, Yves. Évaluer le seuil de fréquence pour la sélection des paquets lexicaux: de bonnes nouvelles avec quelques réserves. 9th International Corpus Linguistics Conference 2017 (CILC17) (Paris, du 31/05/2017 au 02/06/2017).
Brion, Mélanie. A dual-process model exploration of executive and emotional dysfunctions in alcohol-dependence and Korsakoff syndrome, prom. : Maurage, Pierre, 08/05/2017.
Jaeken, Marine. Améliorer les compétences d’exploration d’aidants inexpérimentés : évaluation multi-niveaux de l’efficacité d’une formation aux compétences d’aide d’exploration, prom. : Mikolajczak, Moïra ; Verhofstadt, Lesley ; Zech, Emmanuelle, 14/09/2017.
Oyarce Cadiz, Daniela. Création d’une méthodologie d’analyse des articulations interpsychiques parents-enfants : l’analyse des difficultés d’angoisse de séparation , prom. : Passone , Sesto-Marcelo, 07/12/2017.
Biervoye, Aurélie. Investigation des traitements cognitifs et neuraux sous-jacents à la Théorie de l'Esprit, prom. : Samson, Dana, 26/01/2017.
Roland, Nathalie. La persévérance en première année à l’université : quand la psychologie sociale s’invite dans les problématiques éducatives, prom. : Frenay, Mariane ; Boudrenghien, Gentiane, 07/06/2017.
De Clercq, Mikaël. L’étudiant face à la transition universitaire : approche multidimensionnelle et dynamique du processus de réussite académique , prom. : Frenay, Mariane ; Galand, Benoît, 09/06/2017.
Jacot, Anne. Mandatory training and motivational dynamics of learning and transfer of learning processes from a constructivist approach , prom. : Raemdonck, Isabel ; Frenay, Mariane, 11/09/2017.
Bayot, Marie. Pleine conscience et empathie : impact des composants cognitifs, émotionnels et éthiques de la pleine conscience dans sa relation au phénomène empathique, prom. : Mikolajczak, Moïra, 27/10/2017.
Honoré, Nastasya. Specific and general cognitive factors underlying numerical development : how training these factors impacts arithmetic in preschoolers ?, prom. : Noël, Marie-Pascale, 20/03/2017.
Schinckus, Louise. Supporting diabetes self-management Focus on education implementation and emotional health, prom. : Van den Broucke, Stephan ; Mikolajczak, Moïra, 18/09/2017.
Smalle, Eleonore. The cognitive basis of the child advantage in language learning : a memory-based approach, prom. : Szmalec, Arnaud ; Edwards, Martin, 24/04/2017.
Peschard, Virginie. Towards a cross-modal exploration of cognitive biases in social anxiety, prom. : Philippot, Pierre, 01/07/2017.
Tolmatcheff, Chloé ; Galand, Benoît. Evaluation du dispositif « Prévention et prise en charge du harcèlement, du cyber harcèlement et des discriminations en milieu scolaire : comment agir sur les violences visibles et invisibles en éducation scolaire ? » - Rapport final 2016-2017, 2017. 42 p.
Linsoussi, Jean-Baptiste. Santé sexuelle et reproductive & paupérisation des populations rurales de la Donga au Bénin., 2017.
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