Our lecturers are Belgian and international inter-disciplinary academic experts or managers and executives experienced in innovation management.
Mireille BUYDENS is a doctor of law, with a degree in economic law, and doctor of philosophy ((French-speaking) Free University of Brussels). After writing her dissertation on intellectual property at the Max Planck Institute in Munich and the FNRS, Mireille Buydens joined the Brussels bar in 1992. She was professor at the Catholic University of Louvain from 1995 to 2007, and has been professor at the (French-speaking) Free University of Brussels since 1998. Mireille Buydens is currently a partner in the firm of Janson Baugniet (Brussels). She is recognised for her practice in intellectual property law, particular concerning patents, and she chairs the Belgian Examination Commission for patent attorneys and member of the Intellectual Property Board. She is the author or co-author of many works on intellectual property. |
Annick CASTIAUX is a physicist. After a few years in research at the Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS) [National Scientific Research Fund], she joined the private sector where she works as a consultant in information and knowledge management at IRIS, in Louvain-la-Neuve. Her work focuses on the difficulty organisations experience in managing technological change. In 2002 she returned to the University of Namur, in Business Administration, where she teaches innovation strategy and marketing by incorporating her managerial and technological perspective. Her research on innovation management pertains essentially to information and communication technologies (ICT) and sustainable development. Annick Castiaux is also a guest professor at the Facultés Universitaires Saint-Louis and the UCL. |
Claudio CHIACCHIARI, Diplomé de géologie à l’Université de Genève (1992) et un diplôme de piano de la Société Suisse de Pédagogie Musicale (2000) sous la direction du compositeur Eric Gaudibert. Il a dirigé des projets liés à l’approvisionnement en eau au Yémen et au Sri-Lanka (CICR), enseigné la géographie pour la maturité suisse dans une école privée (Bénédict), et présidé une association de musiciens à Genève (AMA). En 2006, il fonde sa société Saisir le temps® – L’intelligence musicale qui a pour but de développer la créativité et l’art de composer dans l’entreprise. Conseiller, conférencier et formateur, il conçoit notamment des ateliers et des conférences sur la musique, le leadership, le travail en équipe, la complexité, la question du temps. Il réalise ses mandats seul ou avec des partenaires pour des organisations tant publiques que privées, en Suisse et en Europe. Depuis 2006, il est intervenant à l'Université de Genève où il enseigne le leadership, le travail en équipe et la créativité dans les formations continues pour les professionnels de la santé, du social et des ONG. |
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Erwan BELLARD après avoir été assistant d'enseignement et de recherche, puis chargé de cours en gestion des ressources humaines à l'Université de Genève, il est aujourd'hui collaborateur scientifique pour le Groupe Ressources Humaines à la GSEM, Université de Genève. A ce poste, il gère en équipe les formations continues en gestion des ressources humaines proposées par l'Université de Genève et intervient régulièrement dans des programmes de formation continue en tant que spécialiste de la gestion des RH, du comportement organisationnel et du management. Ces domaines de recherches sont le travail en équipe et la diversité, sujets sur lesquels il a réalisé une thèse et a écrit plusieurs articles dans la presse académique, la créativité, avec une recherche en cours menée en collaboration avec Claudio Chiacchiari de Saisir Le Temps, la gestion des seniors en entreprise, la formation et la question de la mesure des performances des pratiques et système de GRH. Parallèlement, depuis 2005, il est co-gérant et photographe pour la société BNB photographie en France (5 employés). Il est également actif dans le monde associatif dans lequel il a réalisé de nombreux projets (festival photographique, guide culturel et gastronomique…). |
Tom DE BLOCK is industry manager at Google and also associate expert in continuing university training at UCL |
Luc DE BRABANDÈRE is a civil engineer in applied mathematics (1971) and holds a degree in philosophy (2002) from the Catholic University of Louvain. A specialist in creativity, he is the author of a dozen books that have become a reference on the matter. A Senior Advisor and Fellow of the Boston Consulting Group, he practices corporate philosophy and devotes an increasing part of his time to teaching, mainly at the Louvain School of Management. He has co-founded CartoonBase to promote the use of cartoons to encourage creativity in the graphic arts and illustrations of all sorts. |
Chantal DE MOERLOOSE is professor at the Catholic University of Louvain and lecturer at the University of Liège. She holds degrees in management engineering, upper secondary school teaching and a PhD in management sciences. Her research interests focus on the success of new products and on educational methods. She teaches mainly strategic marketing for undergraduates, master’s and post-post graduate students already involved in professional life. She has published reference works on marketing with Jean-Jacques Lambin, including “Le Marketing Stratégique et Opérationnel” (at Dunod) and “La Recherche Marketing” (at McGraw-Hill), as well as several specialised articles. |
Françoise DE VIRON is a physicist. She has a PhD in physics and master’s in sociology (UCL). She has been teaching at the UCL since 2003, particularly knowledge management for the master’s degree programmes of the Louvain School of Management. She is the academic co-head of the executive programme in innovation management at the UCL. She is moreover an academic member of the Centre for Research in Entrepreneurial Change and Innovative Strategies (CRECIS). Her interests and publications concern chiefly knowledge and learning strategy in companies and educational institutions. She worked for 15 years as R&D Manager in the Tractable Group and as a consultant in organisational knowledge and learning management. |
Benoit GAILLY is an engineer and holds a PhD in applied sciences (UCL), an MBA (INSEAD), and a European Master’s Degree in science, society and technologies (ESST). He teaches innovation strategy and management at the Centre of Research in Entrepreneurial Change and Innovative Strategies (CRECIS) of the Louvain School of Management. His research is focused on strategies based on innovation and on support programmes for innovation and entrepreneurship. He has been involved in numerous innovation projects in large companies and start-ups since 1995. Professor Gailly is the author of numerous publications and the book entitled “Developing Innovative Organizations: A Roadmap to Boost your Innovation Potential”, published by Palgrave Macmillan. |
Frédéric GEVERS is a legal counsel at Prayon and also associate expert in continuing education at UCL |
Vincent LIEFFRIG, civil engineer (UCL) (1981), R&D Manager at AGC since 1986, involved in research project evaluation and portfolio management since 1995, and also associate expert in continuing university training at UCL |
Xavier PAVIE After some fifteen years in marketing departments (Nestlé, Unilever, Club Med), Xavier Pavie teaches at the ESSEC Business School (Paris) where he is also Director of the iMagination Center. He holds a degree in business science, and a PhD in philosophy. He is the author of several articles and works on innovation management (“Innovation responsable – Stratégies et levier de croissance des organisations”), strategy of services and philosophy. |
Benoît RAUCENT is Professor at the Polytechnique school of the UCL. He is also president of the Louvain Learning Lab (initiative of the UCL) and since 2016 also coordinates the OpenHub, a space for prototyping innovative products, financed by FEDER. |
Jean-Yves TILQUIN is Group R&D Director at CARMEUSE and also associate expert in continuing education at UCL |
Pierre TOSSUT, is Group R&D Director at PURATOS, Agronomic Engineer (Gembloux Faculty of Agronomic Sciences - Gembloux Agro-Biotech), Post Graduate in Management (Solvay Business School-Cepac), Advancement Management Programme (INSEAD-Fontainebleau) |
Ludo VANDERHEYDEN graduated from the UCL in 1974 as a civil engineering. He enrolled at Yale University where he earned his PhD degree in Administrative Sciences in 1979. He taught for some ten years in the USA (Harvard and Yale) and then joined INSEAD in 1988 where he was co-dean from 1990 to 1995. Professor of Technology & Operations Management, he is the holder of the Solvay technological innovation chair and the Mubadala Chair in Corporate Governance & Strategy. Ludo Vanderheyden has published in many journals such as the Harvard Business Review, the International Commerce Review, the Family Business Review, the Journal of Economic Theory, Mathematics of Operations Research, Mathematical Programming and the International Journal of Game Theory. |
Frédéric VAN MALLEGHEM, Director of CAMBIO Wallonia and Brussels, Managing director of Taxistop, graduate in Distribution/Marketing EPHEC (93), with an additional diploma in international advertising for the International Advertising Association (IAA) (93). He has also been a lecturer in training programmes for mobility consultants for the Walloon Region and Brussels Region since 2002. |
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Olivier WATHELET, Anthropologue, il travaille dans le secteur de l'innovation, en industrie et, plus largement, dans les secteurs créatifs. Il croit à la force de l'hybridation de l'anthropologie et du design pour inventer de nouveaux usages, services et produits. Et faire pivoter les organisations et les collectivités vers d'autres futurs.
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Julie HERMANS is Assistant Professor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at UCLouvain, as well as an invited professor at the University of Namur and the University of Bordeaux. Her research focuses on multiple-goal pursuit in entrepreneurial contexts such as innovation (exploration-exploitation), growth (development-consolidation), and sustainable enterprises (commercial-environmental goals). Her teaching focuses on collective entrepreneurship and the links between entrepreneurship and technological innovation. She teaches student at the master level, as well as post-graduates who are already involved in their professional live. |