"Navigating Innovation" by Benoît Gailly
Every firm must maintain an entrepreneurial ecosystem and a coherent innovation strategy in order to stay ahead of the competition. For managers this means being able to build a vision of what innovation looks like in the context of their organization, fostering entrepreneurial behaviour, spotting opportunities and making the right decisions. Based on years of practical experience and unique insight, this handy guide identifies fundamental challenges and is rooted in concrete examples. Accompanied by a brand new app for iPhone and Android as well as a companion website (www.NavigatingInnovation.org), this is an easy dip in, dip out guide with a focus on successful execution. Navigating Innovation is a one-stop-shop, giving you a deeper understanding of the core concepts and tools to capture the right opportunities for your business.
"Thinking in New Boxes" by Luc De Brabandère : a new paradigm for business creativity
Recognised in the business world as an expert in the philosophy of management, Luc de Brabandère would in turn serve as director of the Brussels stock exchange, president of the National Geographical Institute of Belgium, Vice-President of the Boston Consulting Group and specialist in change management in organisations.
"Innovation Responsible" by Director of the Strategy and Innovation Institute in the departments of the ESSEC Business School
At a time when the field of possibilities open to human action has never been so broad and the consequences never so delicate to foresee and to control, the responsible nature of innovation is of particularly pressing importance.
It therefore comes down to incorporating the concept of Responsible Innovation in the very heart of the innovation strategies and processes, whether in high technologies or basic manufacturing, industry or services, while retaining the performance paradigm of organisations – which is vital in our competitive and globalised world.
From the moment offers are designed until they disappear, responsible innovation questions each aspect of the development processes by focusing on assessing the direct and indirect impacts of actions carried out and ecosystems mobilised. Responsible innovation is not merely a quest to improve the environment, human health or working conditions, but to integrate all these dimensions throughout the entire process.
Jouer avec les futurs by Oliver Wathelet
Toutes les organisations ont pour obligation, si elles veulent survivre, d'anticiper ce que sera demain.
À une époque où les évolutions technologiques, économiques et sociales sont radicales et de plus en plus rapides, l'exercice - qui était déjà complexe - représente un véritable défi !
Au lieu de chercher à prédire le futur de son organisation, il est plus que jamais nécessaire d'envisager l'avenir au-delà des tendances et des prophéties.
La construction de visions alternatives et de scénarios, démarche stratégique essentielle, est ici enrichie par de nombreux exemples issus des domaines de la bande dessinée, de la science-fiction, ou encore des jeux vidéo. En effet, s'appuyer sur des fictions permet d'envisager les futurs en s'autorisant de nouvelles manières de regarder les enjeux de son marché ou de son activité.
L'histoire montre que la rupture et l'innovation, qu'elles soient managériales, business ou stratégiques, viennent de ceux qui ont su se projeter autrement dans l'avenir. Premier ouvrage dédié à la construction des futurs, Jouer avec les futurs puise dans la créativité des cultures populaires et dans la pratique du design fiction. Il offre une combinaison des meilleurs outils pour appréhender l'avenir de son organisation et participer à sa transformation