Archives for IRES


UCLouvain Economics Seminar - Chakraborty

Shankha Chakraborty (University of Oregon) Age-Specific Effects of Mortality Shocks and Economic Development Abstract: This paper examines the effect of age-specific mortality on the pattern of investment and economic development. In the presence of mortality risk, altruistic parents...
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Evaluer les performances sociales : opportunité ou...

Colloque organisé dans le cadre de la Chaire Les Petits Riens "L'économie Sociale au service de la lutte contre la pauvreté", pour faire le point sur l'avancement de la recherche réalisée par Anaïs Périlleux (CIRTES, IRES, UCL). Aujourd’hui, développer des outils permettant de mesurer et...
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Decent wages, decent work: how can we improve job...

Pr. Bruno Van der Linden will take part in a debate jointly organised by the Royal Academy for sciences, humanities and arts of Belgium and the British Academy for the humanities and social sciences. The debate will take place on 8th November 2016 at 6 pm. More info and registration.
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UCLouvain Economics Seminar - Macours

Karen Macours (PSE, Paris) Schooling, Learning, and Earnings: Long-term Effects of a Conditional Cash Transfer Program in Nicaragua Abstract: CCT programs have become the anti-poverty program of choice in many developing countries. Numerous evaluations, often based on rigorous...
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UCLouvain Economics Seminar - McNally

Sandra McNally (University of Surrey and London School of Economics) Entry Through the Narrow Door: The Costs of Just Failing High Stakes Exams Abstract: In many countries, there are important thresholds in examinations which act as a gateway to higher levels of education and/or good...
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