Archives for UCLOUVAIN


UCLouvain Economics Seminar - Harris Dellas

Harris Dellas (University of Bern) will give a presentation on Fiscal Policy with an Informal Sector   Abstract :Macroeconomic models that omit the shadow economy systematically mis-forecast and mis- measure the effect of fiscal - in particular tax - policy on economic...
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Séminaire CESPOL 22/02

Dr. GAELLE PELLON, in charge of research- First Spin off Program, will present her work “Les élections dont vous êtes le héros: une expérimentation game-based learning
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INGI seminar

Reasoning About a Machine with Local Capabilities - Provably Safe Stack and Return Pointer Management by Dominique Devriesse, KUL Capability machines provide security guarantees at machine level which makes them an interesting target for secure compilation schemes that provably enforce...
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Brown Bag Seminar

Murat Yilmaz, ECARES, ULB

The Bargaining Set of an Exchange Economy with Discrete Resources Murat Yilmaz, ECARES, ULB A central notion for allocation problems when there are private endowments is core: no coalition should be able to block the allocation. However, for an exchange economy of discrete resources, core...
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INGI Seminar

"Tell Me How You Move, I Will Tell You Who You Are: Latest Advances in Location Privacy Protection Mechanisms" by Sonia Ben Mokhtar, LIRIS/INSA Lyon. The widespread adoption of continuously connected smartphones and tablets drove the adoption of mobile applications, among which many use...
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