Archives for UCLOUVAIN

LDRI seminar

Tuesday 20 February - 14h00 Auditoire De Visscher (74/0) - Prof. Catherine Le Visage Université de Nantes, France Polysaccharide hydrogels for cell therapy and regeneration of cartilage tissues related publications Henry et al. Innovative strategies for intervertebral disc...
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PhD thesis in Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Tuesday 20 February - 16 h00 - Auditoire Maisin Pauline de Berdt - Advanced Drug Delivery and Biomaterials, Dental Regenerative and Innovative Materials, LDRI Spinal Cord Injury: How could dental stem cells from human apical papilla take up the challenge? related publications:...
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Macro Lunch - Pauline Morault

Pauline Morault (Aix-Marseille School of Economics) will give a presentation on Arranged Marriages under Transferable Utilities Abstract :  In many societies, marriage is a decision taken at the familial level. Examples range from Renaissance Europe to contemporary rural Kenya....
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Research Seminar : Challenges of Street-Level...

Street-level bureaucrats are public officials interacting with citizens. Street-level bureaucracy (SBL) research has three main areas of interest. First, street-level bureaucrats hold some discretionary power in making decisions regarding citizens. SLB researchers look at the impact of this...
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LDRI Seminar

Monday 19 February - 13h00 - Auditoire De Visscher (74/0) - Dr. Moreno Galleni Centre d'Ingénierie des Protéines, Université de Liège Combinatorial design of proteins that specifically targets structured RNAs info :  
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