Archives for UCLOUVAIN

Seminar of the doctoral school in biomedical and...

Monday 26 February - 13h00 - Salle Couvreur (73/0) Thibaut Fourniols, Advanced Drug Delivery and Biomaterials, LDRI Targeting tumor microenvironment by a nanomedicine, toward an improve of colorectal cancer therapy Charlotte Lefort, Metabolism and Nutrition, LDRI What are the roles...
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New applications of SLIM: the Mahakam, Mekong and...

I. Draoui, Y. Yang and H. Anh (MEMA)
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14:30 / Applied statistics workshops

Sabine Verboven, Atlas Copco

Data Science in Practice - Examples from Industry Abstract: Data science is a buzz word in the industry and the academical world. But do you know what it means? Are you aware what kind of questions you will be asked? What kind of projects you will manage? Some examples from a manufacturing...
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16:00 / Applied statistics workshops

Anne-Laure Buisson, VOO

Deux exemples d'analyses de données temporelles : survie et cluster de séquences Abstract: Les méthodes d'analyse de survie sont surtout utilisées dans le contexte des essais cliniques, avec des possibilités de tests très poussés sur l'efficacité comparé de plusieurs traitements. Mais...
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UCLouvain Economics Seminar

Harris Dellas, University of Bern

Fiscal Policy with an Informal Sector Harris Dellas, University of Bern Macroeconomic models that omit the shadow economy systematically mis-forecast and mis-measure the effect of fiscal - in particular tax - policy on economic activity and tax revenue. We add an informal sector to the Bank of...
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