Archives for UCLOUVAIN

Controls on weathering fluxes from hydrothermally-active...

Speaker : François Gaspard.
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3rd Belgian-Japanese Public Finance Workshop

Profs. Jean Hindriks and Pierre Pestieau, together with a group of academics in Osaka University (Japan), have decided to renew the annual meeting in public finance between Japan and Belgium. The workshop will be held at CORE in Louvain-la-Neuve on March 2-3, 2018. Attendance is free, but...
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4th Industrial Organization in the Digital Economy Workshop

In collaboration with the Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE), Université Catholique de Louvain, the Liège Competition and Innovation Institute (LCII), with HEC Liège, Université de Liège is organizing the 4th edition of the Industrial Organization in the Digital Economy...
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UCLouvain Finance Seminar

Michael V. Pykthin, Federal Reserve Bank

Credit Exposure in the Presence of Initial Margin Michael V.  Pykhtin, Federal Reserve Board It has been widely believed that mandatory posting of initial margin (IM) required by the BCBS-IOSCO margin rules should effectively eliminate counterparty risk from bilateral trading. We apply...
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Dispersal and the spatial theatre of life history evolution

Speaker : Dries Bonte (UGent)
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