Archives for UCLOUVAIN
March 08, 2018
UCLouvain Economics Seminar - Gregory Jolivet
Grégory Jolivet
(University of Bristol)
will give a presentation on
A Structural Analysis of Health and Labour Market Trajectories
Abstract: We conduct a structural analysis of the joint dynamics of labor market and health outcomes. In our model, jobs are characterised by a wage, a...
Click to know more March 08, 2018
Industrial Seminar Computer Science
Enterprise Content Management
by Ronny Timmermans, Xenit
Unstructured or semi-structured content like documents, email and multimedia represent more than 80% of all information in any typical enterprise.
Open Source ECM systems manage big documents in the era of big data. Creating an...
Click to know more March 08, 2018
UCLouvain Economics Seminar
Gregory Jolivet, University of Bristol
A Structural Analysis of Health and Labour Market Trajectories
Grégory Jolivet, University of Bristol
We conduct a structural analysis of the joint dynamics of labor market and health outcomes. In our model, jobs are characterised by a wage, a full/part-time status and an occupational...
Click to know more March 07, 2018
Économie sociale et gouvernance de la transition
L'Académie royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique vous invite au cours-conférence du Collège Belgique :
Vers une société post-croissance
sous la responsabilité académique de Isabelle Cassiers
La première leçon Economie sociale et gouvernance de la transitionsera...
Click to know more March 07, 2018
Le Journal Club de gériatrie et gérontologie 07/03/2018
Le Journal Club, c'est l'occasion de se rencontrer en groupe pluridisciplinaire afin de discuter d'un (ou deux) article(s) de la littérature scientifique concernant les personnes âgées.
Le but est de disséminer les connaissances et de générer des questions pour, par exemple, donner des idées de...
Click to know more