Archives for UCLOUVAIN
March 19, 2018
How about 'The challenge of providing defensible...
M. Widmann (University of Birmingham)
Click to know more March 19, 2018
LDRI seminar
Monday 19 March - 13h00 - Salle Couvreur (73/0) - Dr. Nicolas Lanthier
Laboratory of Hepatogastroenterology, IREC
The role of the liver in insulin resistance: focus on hepatic macrophages and fetuin-A
Related publications:
Lanthier N et al. Kupffer cell depletion prevents but has no...
Click to know more March 16, 2018
14:30 / Statistics Seminars
Johannes Lederer, Bochum University
Tuning Parameters in Brain Imaging
Regularization is essential for analyzing the large and complex data that are generated in economics, neuroscience, astronomy, and many other fields. However, Lasso, Ridge Regression, Graphical Lasso, and other regularized methods depend on...
Click to know more March 15, 2018
School tobacco policies and adolescent smoking
La prochaine séance des Séminaires IRSS aura lieu le jeudi 15 mars de 12h00 à 13h30, salle A447 au 4ème étage (bâtiment 30).
Nora MELARD fera une présentation sur le thème : "School tobacco policies and adolescent smoking"
Un lunch-sandwich est prévu. Pour une bonne organisation,...
Click to know more March 15, 2018
UCLouvain Economics Seminar - Ingela Alger
Ingela Alger
(Toulouse School of Economics)
will give a presentation on
Uninvadable social behaviors and preferences in group-structured populations
Abstract : Humans evolved in populations structured in groups that extended beyond the nu-clear family. Individuals interacted with...
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