Archives for UCLOUVAIN
March 24, 2017
Mining gravity data from a Karst hydrosystem
Orateur : Damien Delforge
Click to know more March 24, 2017
Migration, Emploi et Économie
Les considérations économiques jouent un rôle important dans la perception des bienfaits et des méfaits de l’immigration. La conférence aborde trois questions au cœur de l’actualité. La première est celle des effets de l’immigration sur l’économie des pays d’accueil, en particulier les effets...
Click to know more March 24, 2017
ISV Thesis
Gabrielle Laurie HAUSTENNE : Mathematical modeling of the genetic regulatory network controlling competence for natural transformation in Streptococcus thermophilus. (Pascal Hols, promoter)
Click to know more March 24, 2017
Econometrics and Finance Seminar
Seminar: Sophie Moinas
Funding Constrainsts and Market Liquidity in the European Treasury Bond Market
Sophie MOINAS, Toulouse School of Economics
(Joint with Minh Nguyen and Giorgio Valente)
Theoretical studies show that shocks to funding constraints should affect and be affected by market liquidity. However,...
Click to know more March 24, 2017
Lesson Given by Mister Dirk Wouters (2)
Mister Dirk Wouters, Belgian Ambassador to the United States, former Permanent Representative of Belgium to the European Union and Visiting Professor at the UCL Interfaculties School of European Studies will give lessons on 24 March 2017 on the following subject:
Belgium and European...
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