Archives for UCLOUVAIN

Thesis defense of M. Thérèse Van Durme: "Case management...

La soutenance publique de la thèse de Madame Thérèse Van Durme pour l'obtention du grade de Docteur en Sciences de la Santé Publique, aura lieu le vendredi 31 mars 2017 La thèse est intitulée : "Case management for older people in Belgium" La soutenance de thèse sera précédée d’un...
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14:30 / Applied statistics workshops


Harnessing the therapeutic potential of the gut microbiota to target metabolic alterations: beyond the usual suspects. Abstract: Gut microbiota collectively represents around 40 trillion microorganisms living in the gut and is nowadays considered a crucial regulator of host immunity and...
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UCLouvain Economics Seminar

Seminar: Arnaud Costinot

The More We Die, The More We Sell? A Simple Test of the Home-Market Effect Arnaud Costinot, MIT The home-market effect, first hypothesized by Linder (1961) and later formalized by Krugman (1980), is the idea that countries with larger demand for some products at home tend to have larger sales...
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Uclouvain Economics Seminar - Arnaud Costinot

Arnaud Costinot (MIT) Will give a presentation on The More We Die, The More We Sell? A Simple Test of the Home-Market Effect Abstract: The home-market effect, first hypothesized by Linder (1961) and later formalized by Krugman (1980), is the idea that countries with larger demand...
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Plant conservation biology

Orateur : Dr. Colling, Guy (Musée national d'histoire naturelle - Luxembourg) Seminaire BDIV
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