Archives for UCLOUVAIN

Plenary Lecture

From Penicillin to the PEZ™ Machine

by Prof. Daniel Kahne from Harvard Medical School  
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Seminar of the doctoral school in biomedical and...

Perrin Ngougni Pokem (TFAR, FACM) : "Plasma pharmacokinetic of free and total temocillin (TMO) in healthy volunteers after intravenous administration" Adrien Paquot (BPBL): "Towards setting up and validating a quantification method for COX-2 metabolites of arachidonic acid and...
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INGI Seminar - Zero-trust networking implementation for...

The traditional approach to networking security is to use a firewall based on Layer3/Layer4 information. However, the industry has evolved over the last decade from monolithic predictive processes that would translate to a couple network endpoints to the massive scaling that you get today...
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IRSS Seminar : Marie Dauvrin

Les « séminaires de l’IRSS » ont lieu 2 fois par mois,  le jeudi sur le temps de midi (12:00 - 13:30) Lieu: local A447 de l'ESP Vous avez la possibilité de présenter un projet de recherche en cours d'élaboration (brainstorming) ; une revue de la littérature en cours ; une...
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