Archives for UCLOUVAIN

International Francqui Chair - Prof. Rodney Fox at UCL

Courses on Multiscale Modeling in Computational Fluid Dynamics teached by Professor Rodney Fox at UCL
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Operations Research Seminar

Seminar: Vladimir Shikhman

Tatonnements for Cobb-Douglas economy based on the power method Vladimir Shikhman, Technical University of Chemnitz We consider the general economy with agents maximizing Cobb-Douglas utilities from the algorithmic perspective. It is known that finding equilibrium prices reduces to an...
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Macro Lunch - Zhengyuan Gao

Zhengyuan Gao (CORE, UCLouvain) will give a presentation on An attempt to understand economic inequality from a non-abstract perspective
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Are climate extremes affected by irrigation ?

Speaker : W. Thiery (VUB and ETH, Zurich)
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Thesis defense of Charline Maertens de Noordhout

La soutenance publique de Madame Charline MAERTENS DE NOORDHOUT, pour l'obtention du grade de Docteur en Sciences de la Santé Publique, aura lieu le lundi 20 mars 2017 à 17:00. La thèse est intitulée: "Towards an improved estimation of the burden of bacterial foodborne diseases" Le jury...
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