Archives for ISBA

14:30 / Statistics Seminars

Johannes Lederer, Bochum University

Tuning Parameters in Brain Imaging Abstract: Regularization is essential for analyzing the large and complex data that are generated in economics, neuroscience, astronomy, and many other fields. However, Lasso, Ridge Regression, Graphical Lasso, and other regularized methods depend on...
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YRD : Young Researchers Day | March 09, 2018

Programme YRD 9/3/2018 09h00 : Pauline Ngugnie Diffouo "Static risk measure of life annuity products" 09h25 : Manon Martin “Combining ASCA and mixed models to analyse high dimensional designed data” 09h50 : Vincent Bremhorst  “Inclusion of time-varying covariates in cure survival models...
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Short courses

Johannes Lederer, Bochum University

Introduction into high-dimensional statistics : Theory and Practice, by Johannes Lederer, Bochum University   Dates   6/03 (replacing 5/03) - 7/03 - 12/03 - 14/03/2018 at ISBA, UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve   Registration Please register on-line : Registration Form  ...
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14:30 / Applied statistics workshops

Connie Aerts, KU Leuven

Bridging Statistical Modelling and Starquakes: Asteroseismology   Abstract: After an introduction in the study of starquakes for the non-expert, we reveal why the 4-year long uninterrupted data from the NASA Kepler space telescope implies a revolution in astrophysics.  We highlight...
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16:00 / Applied statistics workshops

Donatien Hainaut, ISBA, UCL, IMMAQ

  Réseaux neurones et assurance non-vie   Résumé: Dans cet atelier, nous explorerons l’utilisation des réseaux neurones en assurance non-vie.   Tant pour la construction du tarif que pour la gestion de son exposition au risque, l’assureur  estime la...
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