14.12.2017 | Soutenance publique de thèse – Matias Schuster


Ce jeudi 14 décembre, Matias Schuster a soutenu publiquement sa thèse et a obtenu le titre de Docteur en sciences économiques et de gestion de l’Université catholique de Louvain.



Titre de la thèse : 

« Supply chain network design under demand uncertainty » 

Résumé : 

Due to the increasing volatility and complexity of global markets, the design and management of supply chains has become crucial in the success of a company. Supply chain network design decisions (i.e. number and location of facilities), have a significant impact on the performance of the company in the long term, and are directly affected by demand uncertainty. Mathematical models are an essential tool for companies to manage their supply chain efficiently, and thereby to reduce costs (e.g. facility, inventory, transportation) and to improve customer service. The purpose of this thesis is to provide different supply chain design models, integrating location and inventory decisions, that address the impact of demand uncertainty from different points of view. The ultimately goal is to provide managerial insights that may support the decision-making process in the supply chain design phase, and may allow to mitigate the impact of demand uncertainty.


Matias Schutser

Composition du jury :

Président :
Pr. Per Agrell, UCL, Belgique

Promoteur :
Pr. Jean-Sébastien Tancrez, UCL, Belgique

Autres membres du jury : 
Pr. El-Houssaine Aghezzaf, Universiteit Gent, Belgique
Pr. Mathieu Van Vyve, UCL, Belgique
Pr. Stefan Minner, Technische Universität München, Allemagne
Pr. Philippe Chevalier, UCL, Belgique 


Publié le 11 décembre 2017