In the framework of the EU H2020 EcoLaSS - Evolution of Copernicus Land Services based on Sentinel Data, the Research Laboratory in Environmetrics and Geomatics of the Earth and Life Institute, seeks qualified and highly motivated candidates to join its research team for
A post-doc fellowship in agriculture remote sensing exploiting the Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 time series (24 months) (more information)
In support to the Observatoire des Forêts d'Afrique centrale (OFAC) hosted in Yaoundé (Cameroon), the Research Laboratory in Environmetrics and Geomatics of the Earth and Life Institute, seeks qualified and highly motivated candidates for
Mapping the different types of forest of the Congo Basin by high resolution satellite remote sensing (18 months, with possible renewal up to 3 years) (more information)
In support to the European Research Infrastructure for the biodiversity community, the Research Laboratory in Environmetrics and Geomatics of the Earth and Life Institute is opening one PhD fellowship in
Natural habitat monitoring using Sentinel-1&2 satellite time series for biodiversity assessment (12 months, with renewal up to 4 years) (more information)
En réponse aux besoins de nombreux acteurs en Wallonie et avec le support du Service public de Wallonie, le Laboratoire de recherche en Environmétrie et Géomatique de L'Earth and Life Institute cherche un(e) candidat(e) qualifié(e) et motivé(e) pour pourvoir un poste de chercheur afin de réaliser la
Cartographie de l'occupation du sol de Wallonie à partir de données multi-sources (plus d'informations)
Twelve positions in polar climate research available in Belgium and among them three in UCL !
A consortium of five Belgian universities is seeking PhD students, post-doctoral researchers and computer scientists to work in the framework of the PARAMOUR project (Decadal Predictability and vAriability of polar climate: the Role of AtMosphere- Ocean-cryosphere mUltiscale inteRactions) funded by the program EOS –The excellence of Science.
PARAMOUR aims at revealing fundamental drivers of climate variability and assessing climate predictability in high latitudes by using coupled regional climate models in both hemispheres.
We invite applications for the following positions:
1/ PhD Student: Influence of small-scale ocean and sea ice processes on the decadal variability and predictability of the atmosphere-ocean-ice sheet system in the Totten glacier area, Antarctica (UCL).
2/ PhD Student: Influence of initialization and basal processes within ice sheet models on the decadal variability and predictability of the atmosphere-ocean-ice sheet system (ULB)
3/ PhD Student: Influence of small-scale atmospheric processes on the decadal variability and predictability of the atmosphere-ocean-ice sheet system in the Totten glacier area, Antarctica (KU Leuven).
4/ PhD Student: PhD Student: Influence of small-scale Greenland ice sheet processes on the decadal variability and predictability of the atmosphere-ocean-ice sheet system (VUB).
5/ PhD Student: Influence of the oceanic and atmospheric processes driving the sea ice extent variability in Arctic and sea surface temperature changes around Greenland (ULiège).
6/ Post Doctoral Researcher: Decadal variability of the Southern Ocean and its contribution to the predictability of the atmosphere-ocean-ice sheet system (UCL).
7/ Post Doctoral Researcher: Sensitivity of the ice sheet/ice shelf system on decadal variability and predictability of the atmosphere-ocean-ice sheet system (ULB)
8/ Post Doctoral Researcher: Decadal variability of the Greenland ice sheet and its contribution to the predictability of the atmosphere-ocean-ice sheet system (VUB)
9/ Post Doctoral Researcher: Decadal variability of the Greenland Ice sheet Surface Mass balance linked with the Arctic Amplification and recent atmospheric circulation changes (ULiège).
10/ Computer scientist: supervising the technical developments of a climate model configuration covering Totten glacier region (KU Leuven)
11/ Computer scientist: supervising the technical developments of a climate model configuration covering Antarctica and the Southern Ocean (UCL)
12/ Computer scientist: supervise the technical developments of a climate model configuration covering Greenland, the North Atlantic and the Arctic (VUB)
The description of the positions is available on the project website http://www.climate.be/php/users/klein/PARAMOUR/open_positions.html .
Evolution and Tracers of the Habitability Of Mars and Earth
The Georges Lemaître Centre for Earth and Climate Research (www.uclouvain.be/elic) / Earth and Life Institute of the Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium is looking for a scientist for its activities within the framework of the EOS ET-HOME "Evolution and Tracers of the Habitability Of Mars and Earth"
More information about the project and the expected profile can be found here: EOSJobOfferUCL
Applicants should send a CV (include the grades) with a letter of motivation (all in PDF format) and if possible two or three references before February 28, 2018 to Vinciane Debaille (Coordinateur of the EOS, ULB, vdebaill@ulb.ac.be), Veronique Dehant (Professor at UCL, veronique.dehant@uclouvain.be), with copy to Özgur Karatekin (karatekin@oma.be), scientist at the Royal Observatory of Belgium.
Postdoctoral fellowship in quality assessment of Arctic climate data
The Georges Lemaître Centre for Earth and Climate Research (www.uclouvain.be/elic) / Earth and Life Institute of the Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium is seeking a postdoctoral fellow for participation to the Copernicus EU funded project SQUARE4ECVs (Scientific Quality Assessment and Report for Essential Climatic Variables).
More information about the project and the expected profile can be found here: call_UCL_SQUARE4ECVs.pdf
Applicants should send (i) a statement of research experience, qualification and interest, (ii) a complete CV, and (iii) two letters of recommendation, as one PDF file via e-mail to Dr. François Massonnet (francois.massonnet@uclouvain.be). The position is open until filled.
PhD grant in sea ice modelling available
Within the APPLICATE EU project, the Georges Lemaître Centre for Earth and Climate Research (www.uclouvain.be/elic) / Earth and Life Institute of the Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium is seeking a PhD student for 42 months.
APPLICATE (Advanced Prediction in Polar regions and beyond: modelling, observing system design and LInkages associated with ArctiC ClimATE change) is a 4-year project, funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 program, and coordinated by the Alfred Wegener Institute, Bremerhaven (16 partners), that aims at advancing our ability to model and predict the Arctic climate system along with its impacts on the weather and climate in lower latitudes (www.applicate.eu).
The successful candidate will contribute to improve the Louvain-la-Neuve sea ice model (LIM; www.climate.be/lim), which is part of the Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean (NEMO; www.nemo-ocean.eu) platform, by incorporating in this model subgrid-scale snow thickness and ice floe size distributions together with a comprehensive representation of lateral ice melting and form drag. He/she will also assess the impact of these changes on the ability of the EC-Earth general circulation model (www.ec-earth.org), which includes NEMO-LIM, to predict the Arctic weather and climate on short timescales (one month to one year).
Required qualifications:
- Completed MSc or equivalent (5 years) in glaciology, physical oceanography, climatology, physics, applied mathematics or related fields;
- Experience using complex numerical models and good computational programming, post-processing and data management skills;
- Demonstrated verbal and written communication skills (in English) necessary to work in a multidisciplinary team environment, author technical and scientific reports and publications, and deliver scientific presentations.
The PhD grant is for 42 months, starting as soon as possible, with a net monthly salary of about 1850 EUR. This includes social insurances.
Applicants should send (i) a statement of research experience, qualification and interest, (ii) a complete CV including a list of publications, and (iii) two letters of recommendation via e-mail to Prof. Thierry Fichefet.
The call is open until the position is filled.