UCL : a sustainable developement pioneer
1971. The first stone is laid on the site of Louvain-la-Neuve, and with it the idea is born of an entirely pedestrianised city based on both ‘soft mobility’ and living together in cultural diversity – qualities that are sought after everywhere by everyone today. UCL was in the early avant-garde.
Today, with transition to sustainable development all the more urgently needed, UCL is firmly committed to its visionary attitude. One of the first signatories to the 2012 Rio+20 Higher Education Sustainability Initiative, the university ratified its own sustainable development plan with an ambitious goal to reduce university emissions 40% by 2030.
UCL fully assumes its social responsibility and its role in innovation and insists everyone associated with the university act individually and collectively to meet this challenge. As part of its mission, it hopes to mould students into citizens with sustainable development values and minds committed to the transition to the world of tomorrow.