Professor Vincent Blondel,
Rector of the Université catholique de Louvain,
Professor Michel Devillers,
Vice Rector of the Science and Technology Sector,
Professor Michel Verleysen,
Dean of the Louvain School of Engineering,
Professor Enrico Vitale,
Dean of the Faculty of Science,
Professor Philippe Chevalier,
Head of the IMMAQ institute,
Professor Jean-Didier Legat,
Head of the ICTEAM institute,
will be honoured to welcome you to the awards ceremony for the title of Doctor honoris causa
to Professor Stephen Boyd, Stanford University, USA
and Professor Peter Bühlmann, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
for their achievements in the field of « Data Sciences »
on Thursday, May 18, 2017
Auditorium BARB 94
08:30 am | Welcome
09:00 am | Introduction to the workshop on «Data sciences»
09:10 am | Optimisation, networks and machine learning
(F. Glineur, UCL - J.-C. Delvenne, UCL - P. Dupont, UCL)
10:25 am | Coffee break
10:45 am | Statistics and spatial geography (B. Govaerts, UCL and I. Thomas, UCL)
11:30 am | Round table: Moderator: Michel Verleysen (UCL).
Stephen Boyd (Stanford University), Peter Bühlmann (ETH Zürich),
Pierre Deville (Bisnode Group), Thibault Helleputte (DNalytics)
12:00 pm | Lunch
2:00 pm | Presentation by Stephen Boyd, Stanford University
« Convex Optimization »
3:00 pm | Presentation by Peter Bühlmann,ETH Zürich
« The Statistics-"Machine" in Data Science »
4:30 pm | Doctor Honoris Causa ceremony
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm | Drink (Hall Sainte Barbe)
The ceremony will be held in the Auditorium BARB 94 - Place Sainte Barbe, 1 - 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
All professors are invited to wear their gown / The cortege will depart from the « décanat EPL » Rue Archimède, 1 at 4:15 pm.
Registration is free but compulsory. Please register by completing the registration form. / Registration deadline: April 25, 2017
Recommended parking: Baudouin 1er
Contact person
Mrs. Tatiana Regout
We suggest the hotel IBIS next to the campus, others are in the area of the campus
• Hotel Ibis Styles Meeting Center
Boulevard de Lauzelle, 61
B - 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique
Phone: +32 (0)10 53 90 00 (booking) +32 (0) 10 45 07 51 (Reception)
Website : Ibis Styles
• Best Western Wavre Hotel (with shuttle to LLN)
B - Avenue Lavoisier 12 - 1300 Wavre, Belgique
Phone: +32 (0)10 88 74 30
Website : http://www.bestwesternwavre.com/
• Hotel "Les 3 Clés" (with public transport to LLN)
B - Chaussée de Namur 17 - 5030 Gembloux, Belgique
Phone: +32 81 61 16 17
Website : http://www.3cles.be/
• Hotel Leonardo (with shuttle transport to LLN)
B - Rue de la Wastinne 45 B - 1301 Wavre
Phone: +32 (0)10 41 13 63
Website : https://www.leonardo-hotels.com/leonardo-hotel-wavre