
Bruxelles Saint-Gilles, Bruxelles Woluwe, Charleroi, Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons, Namur, Tournai

An institution as rich and complex as UCL requires governance that takes account of the university’s history and traditions, the diversity of its activities, and the essential principle of subsidiarity. Four entities direct the university’s management.

Board of Governors

The Board of Governors is made up of the Archbishop of Mechelin-Brussels and residential bishops of Wallonia. The Archbishop of Mechelin-Brussels, who is also the University Lord Chancellor, chairs the council. (Excerpt from University Basic Regulations, Article 5.)

Mgr A.-J. Léonard, Archbishop of Mechelin-Brussels, Chair, University Lord Chancellor
Mgr G. Harpigny, Bishop of Tournai
Mgr J.-P. Delville, Bishop of Liège
Mgr R. Vancottem, Bishop of Namur

Administrative Council

The Administrative Council is responsible for managing the university and representing it vis-à-vis third parties in accordance with the law of 12 August 1911. It manages the university’s estate and finances; guarantees the execution of legal, regulatory, contractual and statutory provisions applicable to the university’s organisation and operation; and accepts donations to the university. (Excerpt from University Basic Regulations, Article 9.)

Mr J. Hilgers, Chair
Prof. V. Blondel, Rector
Mr D. Opfergelt, Director General
Prof. E. Léonard, Vice-Rector for Personnel Policy
Prof. D. Lambert, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs
Prof. J. Grégoire, Vice-Rector of the Human Sciences Sector
Prof. J. Melin, Vice-Rector of the Health Sciences Sector
Prof. M. Devillers, Vice-Rector of the Science and Technology Sector
Prof. A. Vas, Vice-Rector for UCL in Hainaut
Mr P. Defeyt
Ms M. Detaille
Ms A. Houtman
Mr D. Malherbe
Mr M. Tilmant
Mr Th. Jacques
Staff Representatives : Prof. A. Jonas (Cora), Prof. E. De Clercq (Corsci) et Mr L. Wautier (Corta)
Student Representatives : Ms H. Jane-Aluja, Ms G. Corsini, Mr S. Dierckx, Mr G. Levy and Mr J. Alonzo Fanjul

Standing invitees

Prof. M. Lits, Pro-Rector for Teaching and Training
Prof. J.-C. Renauld, Pro-Rector for Research
Prof. D. Samson, Pro-Rector for International Affairs
Prof. M. Francaux, Pro-Rector for Regional Affairs
Ms F. Michaux, Head of Rectoral Staff
Ms Cécile Lecrenier, Head of Director General Staff (Council Secretariat)

Government delegates

Ms V. Charlier, French Community Government Delegate
Mr J.-M. Cadiat, French Community Budget Minister Delegate

Academic Council

The Academic Council defines the university’s scientific policy in terms of teaching and research, the policy implementation plan and policy applications. It coordinates the policy of sectors, faculties, institutes and other teaching or research entities.

It is consulted by the Administrative Council regarding the university’s cultural and social options and the university’s relations with society, other universities and research centres.

Moreover, it can make proposals or issue opinions regarding all of the above. (Excerpt from University Basic Regulations, Article 12.)

Ex officio members

Prof. V. Blondel, Rector, Chair
Mr D. Opfergelt, Director General
Prof. E. Léonard, Vice-Rector for Personnel Policy
Prof. D. Lambert, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs
Prof. M. Devillers, Vice-Rector of the Science and Technology Sector
Prof. J. Grégoire, Vice-Rector for the Human Sciences Sector
Prof. J. Melin, Vice-Rector for the Health Sciences Sector, Co-Chair
Prof. A. Vas, Vice-Rector for UCL in Hainaut
Prof. M. Lits, Pro-Rector for Teaching and Training
Prof. D. Samson , Pro-Rector for International Affairs
Prof. J.-C. Renauld, Pro-Rector for Research
Prof. M. Francaux, Pro-Rector for Regional Affairs

Human Sciences Sector representatives

Prof. L.L. Christians, President of the Religion, Spirituality, Culture and Society Research Institute, Sectoral Research Coordinator
Prof. M. De Wolf, Dean of the Louvain School of Management
Prof. A. Guiderdoni, President of the Institute of Civilisation, Arts and Letters
Prof. N. Nader-Grosbois, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences
Prof. G. Schamps, President of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research in Legal Studies
Prof. S. Van Bellegem, Dean of the Faculty of Economic, Social and Political Sciences and Communication, Sectoral Teaching Coordinator

Health Sciences Sector representatives

Prof. C. Behets Wydemans, Dean of the Faculty of Motor Skills Sciences
Prof. F. Lemaigre, President of the de Duve Institute
Prof. D. Vanpee, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Dental Medicine

Science and Technology Sector representatives

Prof. T. Pardoen, President of the Institute of Mechanics, Materials and Civil Engineering
Prof. J. Stillemans, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Architectural Engineering and Urban Planning
Prof. M. Verleysen, Dean of the Louvain School of Engineering

Staff representatives

Faculty Representatives: Prof. O. Servais (President), Prof. C. Beauloye and Prof. L. Vandendorpe
Research Staff Representatives - CORSCI : O. Schakman (President), S. Barthélemy and E. Massart
Technical and Administrative Staff Representatives - CORTA : Ms D. Arnould (President), Mr C. Marchant and Mr F. Santana-Ferra
Student Representatives : Ms S. Barrera, Ms O. Bouchat, Mr J. Defosse, Mr K. Dekoninck, Mr A. Grégoire, Mr F. Lemaitre, Mr I. Karavidas, Mr F.X. Lievens, Mr B. Robinet

Standing invitees

Ms F. Michaux, Head of Rectoral Staff
Ms Cécile Lecrenier, Head of Director General Staff
Mr P. Boumal, Director of the Strategic Analysis Department
M. D. Rahier, Director of the External Relations and Communication Department


Ms D. De Gand, Rector’s Office, ext: 7 8872 (secretariat: Ms. C. François, ext: 7 9215)

  Chair Secretary/Contact
Teaching and Training Committee (CEFO) Prof. M. Lits Philippe Parmentier
Research Committee (CREC) Prof. J.C. Renauld Anouk Distelmans
International Action Committee (CAI) Prof. D. Samson Christian Duqué
Lifelong Learning Committee (COFC) Prof. M. Lits Claudine Laperche
Libraries Committee (CBIB) Prof. M. Lits
Sustainable Development Committee (CODD) Prof. Marc Francaux  
Research Ethics Committee(CDR) Prof. M. Verdussen Marie-Anne Crijns
Culture Committee (CPC) Prof. V. Préat Frédéric Blondeau

Month File submission deadline Academic Council
556 October 2016 19/09/2016 03/10/2016
557 November 2016 24/10/2016 07/11/2016
558 Décember 2016 21/11/2016 05/12/2016
559 January 2017 09/01/2017 23/01/2017
560 February 2017 13/02/2017 27/02/2017
561 March 2017 13/03/2017 27/03/2017
562 April 2017 10/04/2017 24/04/2017
563 May 2017 15/05/2017 29/05/2017
564 July 2017 19/06/2017 03/07/2017

Executive Board

In the context of policy defined by the Academic Council, the Executive Board ensures daily management of university academic and research matters, subject to powers conferred on other authorities by virtue of prevailing regulation. (Excerpt from University Basic Regulations, Article 15.)

Président : Prof. V. Blondel, Rector

Secretaries: Ms D. De Gand and Ms C. François


Mr D. Opfergelt, Director General
Ms J. Hilgers and P. Defeyt, Administrative Council Representatives
Prof. E. Léonard, Vice-Rector for Personnel Policy
Prof. D. Lambert, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs
Prof. M. Devillers, Vice-Rector of the Science and Technology Sector
Prof. J. Grégoire, Vice-Rector of the Human Sciences Sector
Prof. J. Melin, Vice-Rector of the Health Sciences Sector
Prof. A. Vas, Vice-Rector for UCL in Hainaut
Prof. D. Samson, Pro-Rector for International Affairs
Prof. M. Lits, Pro-Rector for Teaching and Training
Prof. J.-C. Renauld, Pro-Rector for Research
Prof. M. Francaux, Pro-Rector for Regional Affairs
Prof. O. Servais, Faculty Representative
Mr T. Laloux, Research Staff Representative
Ms D. Arnould, Technical and Administrative Staff Representative
Mr A. Grégoire, Student Representative


File submission deadline
