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14th Belgian Day for Labour Economists


Friday 5th May 2017

Venue: Collège Thomas More, Place Montesquieu 2, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

Programme: PDF version of the programme

09:00 - 09:30     Registration (Entrance hall)

09:30 - 11:00     Parallel Session 1

Education and Training Policies
(Room More 57)

(Room More 72)

Fritz Schiltz (University of Leuven):
The effect of information shocks in primary schools. Evidence from a quasi-­experimental study  (with Kristof DeWitte)

Céline Piton (ULBrussels):
The unemployment impact of product and labour market regulation: Evidence from European countries

Joris Ghysels (Maastricht University):
The effect of summer schools on grade retention in Dutch secondary education: A regression discontinuity approach (with Carla Haelermans, Mélanie Monfrance and Iryna Rud)   

Yves Saks (National Bank of Belgium):
Socio-­economic transitions on the labour markets: a European benchmarking exercise   

Didier Fouarge (Maastricht University):
Why do some workers never participate in training? (with Zafer Büyükkeçeci and Andries de Grip)

Eva Van Belle (UGent):
Why is unemployment duration a sorting criterion in hiring? (with Ralf Caers, Valentina Di Stasio and Stijn Baert)

11:00 - 11:30      Coffee Break (Entrance Hall)

11:30 - 12: 30     Parallel Session 2

Labour Supply
(Room More 57)

Migration and Demography
(Room More 72)

Marion Collewet (UCLouvain):
Measuring labour supply preferences using hypothetical questions (with Lex Borghans)   

Arnaud Herault (University of Angers):
Occupational choices and network effects: Evidence from France (with Eva Moreno-­Galbis and Francois-Charles Wolff)

Lieze Sohier (UGent) :
Involuntary employment and working conditions  (with Elsy Verhofstadt and Luc Van Ootegem)   

Dalal Moosa (UCLouvain):
The demographic boom and the rise of informal employment : The case for Egypt (with Bruno van der Linden)

12:30 - 13:30      Lunch (Lounge, Collège Dupriez, Place Montesquieu 3)

13:30 - 15:00      Parallel Session 3

Education and labor market outcomes
(Room More 57)

Labor Demand
(Room More 72)

Sofia Maier (University of Antwerp):
Safe ports for all? Schooling responses to jobless times in Europe (with Sunčica Vujić)   

Françoise Delmez (University of Namur):
Are we working too much or too little? (with Vincent Vandenberghe)   

Deni Mazrekaj (KULeuven):
Forced to stay in school: Does it pay off? Private returns to vocational education in the Netherlands (with Sofie Cabus)   

Aron Kiss (European Commission):
Statutory minimum wages in the EU: Institutional settings and macroeconomic implications (with Alfonso Arpaia, Pedro Cardoso, Kristine Van Herck and Anneleen Vandeplas)

Brecht Neyt (UGent):
Student work, educational achievement and later employment: A dynamic approach (with Stijn Baert, Eddy Omey and Dieter Verhaest)


15:00 - 15:30      Coffee Break (Entrance Hall )

15:30 - 17:00       Keynote (Room More 52)
                             David Neumark (University of California-Irvine)
                             Preliminary Studies of the Long-Run Effects of Ant-Poverty Policies.

Local Organising Committee
Muriel Dejemeppe (IRES-UCLouvain) and Bruno Van der Linden (IRES-UCLouvain & FNRS)

Scientific Committee
Bart Cockx (UGent), William Parienté (UCLouvain), Ilan Tojerow (ULBrussels), Dieter Verhaest (KULeuven), Vincent Vandenberghe (IRES-UCLouvain) and Sunčica Vujić (University of Antwerp)