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10, place Cardinal Mercier 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve Bureau C348 010/47.38.08
Research Interests :
My research interests focus on the typical and atypical development of numerical cognition. In particular, I work on the heterogeneity of dyscalculia and contribute on establishing different profiles of dyscalculia, by investigating their math profiles and their causes. My method consists in beginning by using case studies. This method permits me to deeply investigate the global neuropsychological functioning of different participants that have dyscalculia. Based on these findings, I then formulate a theoretical hypothesis and test it in a group study in order to verify but also to affine this hypothesis. The aim is to establish a theoretically motivated relationship between a particular cause and a specific math disability profile. For instance, in a case study and a group study with fourth-grade children, we found that participants having difficulties in storing arithmetic facts showed hypersensitivity-to-interference (De Visscher & Noël, 2013, under revision). This new hypothesis is theoretically supported by the recent working memory models on interference-based forgetting and the network interfering theory of arithmetic facts of Campbell. Further investigations are planned in order to specify the brain structure involved and the nature of this atypical sensitivity to interference in memory.
Publications :
De Visscher, A., Szmalec, A., Van Der Linden, L., & Noël, M.-P. (2015). Serial-order learning impairment and hypersensitivity-to-interference in dyscalculia. Cognition, 144, 38–48. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2015.07.007.
De Visscher, A., Berens, S. C., Keidel, J. L., Noël, M.-P., & Bird, C. M. (2015). The interference effect in arithmetic fact solving: An fMRI study. NeuroImage, 116, 92–101. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.04.063.
De Visscher, A., & Noël, M.-P. (2014). The detrimental effect of interference in multiplication facts storing: Typical development and individual differences. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 143(6), 2380–2400. doi:10.1037/xge0000029.
De Visscher, A., & Noël, M.-P. (2014). Arithmetic facts storage deficit: the hypersensitivity-to-interference in memory hypothesis. Developmental Science, 17(3), 434–42. doi:10.1111/desc.12135.
Noël, M.-P., Rousselle, L., & De Visscher, A. (2014, May 27). La dyscalculie développementale : à la croisée de facteurs numériques spécifiques et de facteurs cognitifs généraux. Développements. De Boeck Supérieur. doi:10.3917/devel.015.0024
De Visscher, A., & Noël, M.P. (2013). A case study of arithmetic facts dyscalculia caused by a hypersensitivity-to-interference in memory, Cortex, 49(1), 50-70.doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2012.01.003.