04 April 2017
14h30 - 17h15
Auditorium BARB 11 - Place Sainte Barbe, 1

Granted to Prof. Dr. Rodney FOX
Anson Marston Distinguished Professor in Engineering, Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering, Iowa State University
Lecture program at UCL :
- Tuesday February 21, 2017 (BARB 11) : Introduction to disperse multiphase flows. Mesoscale description of polydisperse flows.
- Tuesday February 28, 2017 (MERC 12) : Quadrature-based moment methods (QBMM). The generalized population balance equation.
- Tuesday March 7, 2017 (MERC 12) : Mesoscale models for physical and chemical processes QBMM for spatially homogeneous flows.
- Tuesday March 21, 2017 (BARB 11) : QBMM for spatially inhomogeneous flows. High-order, realizable, kinetic-based, finite-volume methods.
- Tuesday March 28, 2017 (BARB 11) : Turbulence modeling for disperse multiphase flows. Application to fine-particle formation.
- Tuesday April 4, 2017 (BARB 11) : Application to bubbly flows. Application to gas-particle flows.
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