Fundamental research in the field of hydraulics, research in the field of soil and rock mechanics and researches in the field of Structural Engineering...
The objective of the pole Materials and Processes Engineering (IMAP) is to develop an integrated and multidisciplinary research of the full life cycle of materials, from chemical processing to recycling, including the processes control and materials characterization...
Mechatronics denotes the simultaneous and integrated combination of techniques deriving from mechanics, electricity, electronics, as well as control and computer sciences, used to design more reliable and more competitive products...
The research objective of the Applied Mechanics Division is the theoretical prediction of the behaviour of solids and fluids, with the help of new mathematical modeling and computer simulation techniques...
The TFL division has been achieving researches in energy and fluid mechanics for more than 40 years...
The CREDEM technological platform ensures the design, the manufacturing, the control, and the in-use testing of electromechanical devices...
Analysis, characterization, and processing laboratory...
Researches in the field of Structural Engineering is being carried out on several fronts in collaboration with the LEMSC laboratory, which includes numerous infrastructures and testing machines of all sizes...