- The CERMA (Center of Excellence in Consumer Relations and Responsible Marketing) of LSM.
The research themes covered by this center of Excellence range from the understanding of the expectations, attitudes and behavior of consumers from a multidisciplinary perspective (psychology, sociology, anthropology, economics) to the study of responsible marketing strategies (linked to sustainable development and corporate social responsibility), through the study of relational marketing both strategically and operationally (data mining, multi-canals communication). - The CRECIS (Center for Research in Entrepreneurial Change and Innovative Strategies) of LSM. This center studies management strategies and practices developed by commercial and non-commercial organizations to follow dynamically and responsibly the technological developments and challenges in the economic, environmental and social area in which they operate. Mobilizing an interdisciplinary team and articulating different levels of analysis (from the most micro level focus on individual behavior to the most macro level focus on institutional and economic factors) the CRECIS's work is focused on three transversal processes: innovation, management change and entrepreneurship. .
- Founded in 2014, the IESEG Center for Organizational Responsibility (ICOR) is based at the IESEG School of Management, in Lille and Paris, France. It shows the involvement of various stakeholders of the school to reflect and act upon its own social and environmental impact and upon the impact of organizations at the local and global levels. ICOR adopts a cross-disciplinary, transversal approach to responsible organizational practices and sustainable business value creation, spanning over ethics, people management and development, strategy, finance, marketing and accounting. The central goal of ICOR is to contribute through its multi-disciplinary expertise to the development of more inclusive and sustainable local and global business ecosystems. It aims at doing so by leading by example through the continuous reinforcement of the integration of social and environmental considerations in the way the school operates in its own environment, creating and sharing sound and practice-oriented knowledge, and collaboratively developing relevant tools and applications for students, professionals and organizations.
- The Centre for Research in Accounting and Sustainability
(CerCeDD) aims to develop research, training and knowledge transfer activities on issues related to the accounting for sustainable development in order to increase knowledge in this area and contribute to improving practices within organizations.
- Chair Hoover: Created in 1991, the Chair Hoover aims to stimulate an ethical reflection in teaching and research at the ESPO (UCL), and helps to nurture a clear and informed debate on ethical issues faced by our society in the scope of the faculty’s competences/disciplines. These objectives are pursued through (1) the organization of debates, seminars, symposia and a certificate in economic and social ethics, (2) by welcoming foreign visitors and participating in many activities organized by third parties in Belgium and /or abroad. These activities are relayed by a large number of downloadable publications from the Publications page or from the personal members of the Hoover Chair’s page.
- Guberna: Some of our members (Yves De Cordt Yves de Rongé, Valérie Swaen) are part of Guberna academic council which is the advisory board of Guberna. Concretely, the role of the Academic Council is to be a sounding board and to provide advice and comments focused on the development of knowledge and research in the broad area of governance. The Academic Council serves as a platform for the exchange of information and ideas on current and future research projects in the field of corporate governance. In addition, the Academic Council offers a way to stimulate research on governance among students as part of their master dissertations/master thesis.
- Bernheim Foundation: Issue of a written will in 1974, the Bernheim Foundation was approved as a public utility by Royal Decree of 28 January 1987. Emile Bernheim had himself drafted the statutes of the Foundation. The objectives are clearly defined,"The goal I pursue ... is to bring different forms/alternatives to the promotion of peace and in accordance with the ideas which have always been mine, a contribution to the development of human and civic values, improving social relationships to the raising of the quality of life, looking for a balance between the necessities of progress, management, organization and individual aspirations for greater happiness, dignity, opportunity, Creation and initiative. "