Recent and most representative publications of the network members
-> 2015
-> 2014
-> 2013
-> 2012
-> 2011
-> 2010
-> 2009
-> 2008
Double-peer reviewed journal papers
- Maon F., Swaen V. and Lindgreen A. (in press), “One vision, different paths: An investigation of corporate social responsibility initiatives in Europe », accepted for publication in Journal of Business Ethics, DOI : 10.1007/s10551-015-2810-2.
- El Akremi, A., Gond, J-P., Swaen, V., Igalens, J., and De Roeck, K. (in press), “How employees perceive corporate responsibility ? Development and validation of a multidimensional corporate stakeholder responsibility scale”, accepted for publication in dans Journal of Management, DOI: 10.1177/0149206315569311.
- Vanhamme J., Swaen V., Berens G. and Janssen C. (in press), “Playing with fire: aggravating and buffering effects of ex ante CSR communication campaigns for companies facing allegations of social irresponsibility”, accepted for publication in Marketing Letters, doi:
Double-blind reviewed competitive papers
- Ehnert I., Gond J-P., and Swaen V. (2015), Reconsidering HR roles in the light of sustainability : rebalancing old roles and managing new tensions ?, In the symposium about "Paradox and sustainability: Moving beyong the business case", 2015 Annual meeting of the Academy of Management, August 7-11, Vancouver, Canada
- De Roeck, K., El Akremi, A. and Swaen, V. (2015). Integrating Social Identity and Justice Perspectives to Explain Employees' Responses to CSR. The 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 7-11, 2015, Vancouver, Canada.
- Swaen V., Janssen C. and Dupont B. (2015), “CSR communication and the sceptical consumer: An investigation of the roles of third-party labels and type of appeal across two product categories”, 44ème European Marketing Academy (EMAC) conference, May 26-29, Leuven, Belgium.
- Dupont B., Swaen V. and Vanhamme J. (2015), “Labelling the durability of a product through the lense of intertemporal choices theory”, presentation in the Special Interest Group on “The CSR paradox: Factors that hinder or enhance consumers’ socially responsible behaviour”, 44ème European Marketing Academy (EMAC) conference, May 26-29, Leuven, Belgium.
- Janssen C., Swaen V., and Vanhamme J., (2015), “There’s more to corporate crises than meets the eye: A consumer-oriented perspective and the link to corporate social responsibility”, C(I)RC - Corporate (Ir-)Responsibility and its Consequences in a globalized world Interdisciplinary workshop, February 20-21, Bochum, Germany.
Books / Book Chapters
- Ruwet C. (2014), “La légitimité des normes hybrides. Arbitrages entre légitimité épistémique, politique et de marché", in THIRION N. Crise et droit économique, Paris : Editions Larcier, pp.123-156
- Ruwet C (2014) "Quand des hétérodoxes dialoguent autour de l’énigme de l’internationalisation des services", Revue de la régulation, n°15, premier semestre 2014.
- El Abboubi M. and Oulahyane A. and Cornet A, 2014. La certification RSE comme levier de changement de GRH, In M-A Villette (Eds) "GRH et PME, Tome 2", Vuibert, Paris, France.
Double-peer reviewed journal papers
- Van Gameren V. and Ruwet C and Bauler T (2014), "Towards a governance of sustainable consumption transitions: how institutional factors influence emerging local food systems in Belgium”, Local Environment
- Pitseys J. and Ruwet C. (2014), "La mise en récit comme source de motivation et de légitimation au coeur des nouvelles techniques de régulation", Droit et Société, n°84, pp.
- Maon, F. and Lindgreen, A. (2014), "Reclaiming the child left behind: The case for corporate cultural responsibility", Journal of Business Ethics.
- El Amrani A. and El Kandouss F. and El Abboubi M. 2014. "Towards new stakeholder identification. A redefinition of stakeholders through legitimacy”, Global Business and Economics Research, vol 3, n°1.
- Vanhamme J. and Swaen V. and Berens G. and Janssen C. (2014), “Playing with fire: aggravating and buffering effects of ex ante CSR communication campaigns for companies facing allegations of social irresponsibility”, Marketing Letters, accepted for publication.
- De Roeck K. and Marique G. and Stinglhamber, F. and Swaen V. (2014), “Understanding Employees’ Responses to Corporate Social Responsibility: Mediating Roles of Overall Justice and Organizational Identification”, The International Journal of Resource Management, 25 (1), 91-112.
Double-blind reviewed competitive papers
- Dupont Barbara, Janssen Catherine and Swaen Valérie (2014), « Consumer perceptions of greenwashing: The role of third-party labels, brand positioning, and type of ad appeal », 43ème European Marketing Academy (EMAC) conference, June 3-6, Valencia, Spain.
- El Abboubi M. et Oulahyane A. and Cornet A, (2014). « La certification RSE comme levier de changement de GRH », 3ème Conférence Internationale sur la RSE, La Martinique, France.
- El Abboubi M. et Salman N. and Henda S. (2014). « Les freins et les leviers liés à l’entrepreneuriat des femmes en coopérative au Maroc ». Journée Georges Doriot en entrepreneuriat, Rabat, Morocco.
- Janssen Catherine, Swaen Valérie, and Vanhamme Joëlle (2014), “There’s more to corporate crises than meets the eye: A consumer-oriented perspective and the link to corporate social responsibility”, Poster session, 43ème European Marketing Academy (EMAC) conference, June 3-6, Valencia, Spain.
- Liénart, S. and Castiaux, A. (2014), Socio-technical transitions to environmental sustainability: A 3D perspective at organizational level. ISIS report : Making the Number of Options Grow. Contributions to the Corporate Responsibility Research Conference 2013. Winiwarter, W. et Gelbmann, U. et Baumgartner, R. J. (eds.). Graz, Austria, Vol 6 , pp. 121 137.
Case Study
- Hota M. and Swaen V. (2014), “The QUICK France crisis 2011 – Prior CSR communication leads to post crisis opportunity”, submitted to the EFMD Case Writing Competition 2013, part of the Case Center Collection in the Corporate Social Responsibility Area, Reference 513-121-1.
Books / Book Chapters
- Lindgreen, Maon, F. and Vanhamme, J. and Sen, S. (Eds.) (2013), Sustainable value chain management: analyzing, designing, implementing and monitoring for social and environmental responsibility. Aldershot, UK: Gower Publishing.
- For strategic environmental sustainability not to be lost in translation(s) anymore. Liénart, S. & Castiaux, A. sept. 2013 Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Teirlinck, P. and Kelchtermans, S. and de Beule, F. (eds.). Vol 1 , p. 384-391
Double-peer reviewed journal papers
- De Roeck, K. and, Maon, F. and Lejeune, C. (2013), "Taking up the challenge of corporate branding: An integrative framework”, European Management Review, 10, 137-151.
- Reast, J., Maon, F. and Lindgreen, A. and Vanhamme, J. (2013), "Legitimacy-seeking organizational strategies in controversial industries: A case study analysis and a bidimensional model", Journal of Business Ethics, 118, 139-153.
- Marquet-Pondeville S. and Swaen V. and De Rongé Y. (2013), « Environmental Management Control Systems: Contextual and Strategic Drivers and Impacts on Environmental Competitiveness », Management Accounting Review, 24, 317-332.
- Du S. and Swaen V. and Lindgreen A. and Sen S. (2013), « The Role of Leadership Styles in Corporate Social Responsibility », Journal of Business Ethics, 114 (1), 155-169.
Double-blind reviewed competitive papers
- Ehnert Ina and Gond Jean-Pascal and El Akremi Assâad and Swaen Valérie (2013), « Reconsidering HR roles in the light of sustainability : Rebalancing old roles and managing new tensions ? », 8th International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network, November 14-15, KU Leuven & Vlerick Business School, Leuven, Belgium.
- Janssen C. and Swaen V. and Dupont B. (2013), “The determinants of consumer perceptions of greenwashing”, 2nd international CSR communication conference, September 18-20, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Danemark.
- Janssen C. and Swaen V. (2013), “Enhancing CSR communication credibility: On the use of infomercials”, paper accepted for presentation at the 42th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) conference, June 4-7, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Janssen C. and Swaen V. and Vanhamme J. (2013), “Toward an understanding of consumers’ perceptions of corporate crises and their link to corporate social responsibility”, paper accepted for presentation at the 3rd CSR Research Seminar, May 23-24, Brussels, Belgium.
Working Papers
- Janssen, C. and Swaen, V., and Dupont, B. (2013). The determinants of consumer perceptions of greenwashing. Working Paper 2013/36. Louvain School of Management, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
- De Roeck K. and El Akremi A. and Swaen V. (2013), “The impact of CSR on employees’ attitudes:Building an integrative framework through the lens of SIT », Working Paper 2013/10, Louvain School of Management, Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
- Chumpitaz R. and Swaen V. and Paparoidamis N. G. and Bartier A.-L. (2013), “Modeling Buying Intentions: The role of Nostalgic Value, Authenticity and Brand Attachment”, Working Paper 2013/09, Louvain School of Management, Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
- Janssen C. and Swaen V. (2013), “Enhancing CSR communication credibility: On the use of infomercials”, Louvain School of Management Working Papers Series, n°2013/07.
Double-peer reviewed journal papers
- Lindgreen, A. and Xu, Y.T and Maon, F. and Wilcock, J. (2012), "Corporate social responsibility brand leadership: A multiple case study", European Journal of Marketing, 46: 965-993.
- Vallaster, C. and Lindgreen, A. and Maon, F. (2012), "Strategically leveraging corporate social responsibility to the benefit of company and society: A corporate branding perspective", California Management Review, 54: 34-60.
- Innovation et respect environnemental sont-ils compatibles?: Le cas du secteur des TIC. Liénart, S. and Castiaux, A. déc. 2012 Dans : Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique . 2012/4 , Tome LI , p. 77-96
- Lindgreen A. and Swaen V. and Harness D. and Hoffmann Marieke (2012), “The Role of ‘High Potentials’ In Integrating and Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility”, Journal of Business Ethics, 99 (Suppl. 1), 73-91.
Books / Book Chapters
- Lindgreen, A. and Kotler, P. and Vanhamme, J. and Maon, F. (Eds.) (2012), A stakeholder approach to corporate social responsibility: Pressures, conflicts, reconciliation. Aldershot, UK: Gower Publishing.
- Jean-Marie Postiaux et Eric Domb, L’engagement sociétal de Pairi Daiza – Le lotus emblématique (2012)
- Maon F. and Swaen V. and Lindgreen A., (2012), Corporate Social Responsibility as a Continuous Multi-stakeholder Co-construction Process, in: , Lindgreen, A., Kotler, P. Maon, F., Vanhamme, J. (Eds.), Stakeholder approach to corporate social responsibility: Pressures, conflicts, reconciliation ., 978-1409418399, Gower, chapter 17, pp. 317-330
- Maon F. and Lindgreen A. and Swaen V., “Organizational Stages and Cultural Phases: A Critical Review and a Consolidative Model of Corporate Social Responsibility Development”, International Journal of Management Reviews, 12, 1, 20-38; reproduced in Gond J-P. and Moon J. (Ed.) (2011), Corporate Social Responsibility, Critical perspectives on Business and Management, Routledge, Part 3, 36, 978-0-415-54804-5.
Double-blind reviewed competitive papers
- Janssen C. and Swaen V. and Vanhamme J. (2012), “Toward an understanding of consumers’ perceptions of corporate social responsibility crises”, CSR Research Seminar, February 15, Gand, Belgique.
Books / Book Chapters
- Nicolas Poussing, Ceps Instead Luxembourg, dir. Unité Entreprises, La responsabilité sociale des entreprises au Luxembourg : quelles avancées, quels résultats ? (2011)
- Swaen V. and de Woot Ph. and de Callataÿ D. (2011), « The business school of the twenty-first century : educating citizens to address the new world challenges », In Mette Morsing et Alfons Sauquet Rovira, Business Schools and their Contribution to Society, to be published.
- Maon, F. and Lindgreen, A. and Swaen, V. (2011), “Designing and implementing corporate social responsibility: an integrative framework grounded in theory and practice”, in Sethi, S.P. (Ed.), Globalization and the Good Corporation, Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp. 71-89. (ISSN 978-94-007-0239-4).
Double-peer reviewed journal papers
- El Abboubi M. and Cornet A. (2011), "Les Enjeux de la Mobilisation des Parties Prenantes dans un Processus de Certification Sociale. Le Cas d’un Call Center", Revue Internationale PME, Vol. 24, n°1.
- Igalens J., El Akremi A. and Gond J-P. and Swaen V. (2011), “ La responsabilité sociale des entreprises vue par les salariés : phare ou rétroviseur ?”, Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, 82 (October – November – December), 33-45.
- Gond J-P. and Igalens J. and Swaen V. and El Akremi A. (2011), « The human resources contribution to responsible leadership : An exploration of the CSR-HR interface », Journal of Business Ethics, 98 (Suppl. 1), 115-132.
- Lindgreen A. and Swaen V. and Harness D. (2011), “The Role of ‘High Potentials’ In Integrating and Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility”, Journal of Business Ethics, forthcoming.
- Reast J. and Lindgreen A. and Vanhamme J. and Maon, F. (2011), "The Manchester super casino: Experience and learning in a cross-sector social partnership", Journal of Business Ethics, 94(suppl.1): 197-218.
- Vallaster C. and Lindgreen A. and Maon F. (forthcoming), “Strategically leveraging corporate social responsibility to the benefit of company and society: A corporate branding perspective", California Management Review, in press.
Double-blind reviewed competitive papers
- El Abboubi M. (2011), “Stakeholder Identification, Positioning and Management in Corporate Social Responsibility Standards”, European Group of Organizational Studies annual colloquium, July 7-9, Gothenburg, Sweden.
- Janssen C. and Swaen V. and Vanhamme J. (2011), « Comment les consommateurs perçoivent-ils les crises liées aux activités socialement irresponsables de l'entreprise? », 27e Congrès de l'Association Française du Marketing (AFM), Brussels, Belgium, May 18-20.
- Janssen C. and Swaen V. and Vanhamme J. (2011), “Toward an understanding of consumers’ perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility Crises”, European Marketing Academy Conference 2011 hosted by University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics, Ljubljana, Slovenia from May 24-27, 2011.
- Maon, F. and Janssen, C. and Gond, J-P. (2011), “(Re)Considering the ideological premise of stakeholder influence strategy”, European Group of Organizational Studies annual colloquium, July 7-9, Gothenburg, Sweden.
- Maon, F. and Swaen, V. and Janssen, C. and Lindgreen, A. (2011), “From Eastern dawn to Northern lights: A comparative analysis of CSR implementation practices across Europe”, International Association of Business in Society annual meeting, June 23-26, Bath, UK.
Other publications
- Maon F. and Lindgreen, A. and Swaen, V. (2011), “IKEA's Road to Corporate Social Responsibility”, The Retail Digest, Spring - Silver Jubilee Edition, pp. 78-83.
Books / Book Chapters
- Gond J-P. and El Akremi A. and Igalens J. and Swaen V. (2010), “A Corporate Social Responsibility – Corporate Financial Performance Behavioural Model for Employees”, In C. Smith, C.B. Bhattacharya, D. Vogel, and D. Levine. (Eds.), Global Challenges in Responsible Business: Corporate Responsibility and Strategy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 13-48.
- Maon F. and Swaen V. and Lindgreen, A. (2010), “Impact of CSR Commitments and CSR Communication on Diverse Stakeholders: The Case of IKEA”. In C. Smith, C.B. Bhattacharya, D. Vogel, and D. Levine. (Eds.), Global Challenges in Responsible Business: Corporate Responsibility and Strategy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 161-190.
Double-peer reviewed journal papers
- Lindgreen A. and Córdoba J.R and Maon F. and Mendoza J.M, (2010), “Corporate social responsibility in Colombia: Making sense of social strategies”, Journal of Business Ethics, 91: 229-242.
- Maon F. and Lindgreen A. and Swaen V. (2010), “Organizational Stages and Cultural Phases: A Critical Review and a Consolidative Model of Corporate Social Responsibility Development”, International Journal of Management Reviews, 12, 1, 20-38.
Editorials of international journals
- Lindgreen A. and Swaen V. (2010), “Corporate Social Responsibility”, International Journal of Management Reviews, 12, 1, 1-7.
Double-blind reviewed competitive papers
- De Roeck K. and Swaen V. (2010), “CSR and employees’ post-merger identification”, 10th European Academy of Management, May 19-22, University of Vergata, Roma, Italy.
- El Abboubi M. and Cornet A. and Johnson M. (2010), “How do CSR Standards Affect stakeholder Management? An Integrative Framework Grounded in Pratice”, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 6-10, Montreal, Canada.
- Maon, F. and Janssen, C. (2010), “On the pursuit of ideological ends through power-based means: Reconsidering stakeholder pressures for Corporate Social Change”, Society for Business Ethics Annual Meeting, August 8-10, Montreal, Canada.
- Maon, F. and Swaen, V. (2010), “From Eastern dawn to Northern lights: A comparative analysis of CSR implementation practices across Europe”, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 6-10, Montreal, Canada.
- Maon, F. and Swaen, V. (2010), “From Eastern dawn to Northern lights: A comparative analysis of CSR implementation practices across Europe”, Academy of Marketing Science Conference, July 21-24, Lille, France.
- Swaen V. and Vanhamme J. and Berens G. and Janssen C. (2010), “Corporate Social Responsibility communication campaigns toward the consumer: Analysis of the risks during a crisis involving socially irresponsible corporate activities”, Communicating green – Communication d’organisation et environnement, November 18-19, IHECS, Brussels, Belgium.
University working papers
- De Roeck K. and Swaen V. (2010), “The role of CSR on employees’ post-merger organizational identification”, Working Paper 2010/01, February 2010, Louvain School of Management, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, available on //
Books / Book Chapters
- Gosseries A. and Meyer L. (2009), "Introduction: intergenerational justice and its challenges", in A. Gosseries and L. Meyer (eds.), Intergenerational Justice, Oxford: Oxford U. Press.
- Gosseries A. (2009), "Three models of intergenerational reciprocity", in A. Gosseries & L. Meyer (eds.), Theories of Intergenerational Justice, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Gond J-P. and El Akremi A. and Igalens J. and Swaen V., “A Corporate Social Responsibility – Corporate Financial Performance Behavioural Model for Employees”, In C. Smith, C.B. Bhattacharya, D. Vogel, and D. Levine. (Eds.), Global Challenges in Responsible Business: Corporate Responsibility and Strategy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, in press.
- Maon F. and Lindgreen A. and Swaen V. (2009), “Mainstreaming CSR: A triadic challenge from a general management perspective”, In S. Idowu, and W. Filho (Eds.), Professionals’ Perspectives of Corporate Social Responsibility, pp. 71-96, Berlin: Springer.
Double-peer reviewed journal papers
- de Nanteuil M. (2009), "L'éthique de la responsabilité... contre la RSE?", Sociologies Pratiques, 2009/1, n°18, pp. 65-77.
- El Abboubi M. and El Kandoussi F. (2009), "Le virage de la Responsabilité Sociale de l’Entreprise, le Cas du Secteur Agroalimentaire au Maroc", Reflets et Perspectives de la Vie Economiques, n°4.
- Gosseries A. and de la Croix D. (2009), “Population Policy through Tradeable Procreation Entitlements”, International Economic Review, 50 (2), 507-542.
- Janssen C. and Chavagne S. and Swaen V. (2009), “L’exploitation de la responsabilité sociétale de l’entreprise dans la publicité télévisuelle”, Reflets et Perspectives de la Vie Economique, Tome XLVIII, N°4, 51-58.
- Lindgreen, A. and Swaen, V. and Johnston, W. J., “The supporting function of Marketing in corporate social responsibility”, Corporate Reputation Review, 12 (2), 120-139.
- Lindgreen, A. and Swaen, V. and Johnston, W. J. (2009), “Corporate social responsibility: an empirical investigation of U.S. organizations”, Journal of Business Ethics, 85, Supplement 2, 303-323.
- Maon, F. and Lindgreen, A. and Swaen, V. (2009), “Designing and implementing corporate social responsibility: an integrative framework grounded in theory and practice”, Journal of Business Ethics, 87, Supplement 1, April/May, 71-89.
- Maon, F. and Lindgreen, A. and Vanhamme, J. (2009), “Developing Supply Chains in Disaster Relief Operations through Cross-sector Socially Oriented Collaborations: A Theoretical Model”, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 14: 149-164.
Editorials of international journals
- Lindgreen A. and Swaen V. and Maon F. (2009), “Introduction: Corporate social responsibility implementation”, Journal of Business Ethics, 85, Supplement 2, 251-256.
- Lindgreen A. and Maon F. and Swaen V. (2009), "Guest editorial: corporate social responsibility in supply chains", Supply Chain Management, 14, 2, 71-74.
- Lindgreen A. and Swaen V. and Maon F. (2009), “Corporate Social Responsibility within the Organization”, Special issue of Corporate Reputation Review, 12, 2, 83-86.
- Swaen V. (2009), “Introduction : Quel avenir pour la responsabilité sociétale de l’entreprise ? ”, Reflets et Perspectives de la Vie Economique, Tome XLVIII, N°4, 5-10.
Double-blind reviewed competitive papers
- De Roeck K. and Swaen V. (2009), « The potential role of CSR in Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions: Process by which CSR supports employees’ post-merged organizational identification”, Cross border M&A: Challenges and opportunities in global business environment, November 12-13, Brussels, Belgium.
- De Roeck K. and Swaen V. (2009), “CSR and organizational identification in merger & acquisition”, Cross-border Mergers-Acquisitions conference, November 12-13, Parthenope University of Naples (Italy).
- De Roeck K. and Swaen V. (2009), « Processus d’impact de la RSE sur l’identification organisationnelle des employés en contexte de fusion – acquisition», 4e congrès du Réseau International de Recherche sur les Organisations et le Développement Durable, June 25-27, Lille, France.
- El Abboubi M. and Cornet A. (2009), “Stakeholders' Involvement as a social constructed process. A use of the Actor Network Theory”, Academy of Management Conference, August 7-11, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
- El Abboubi M. and Cornet A. (2009), A Belgian case study for stakeholder involvement, European Academy for Business in Society, Barcelone, Spain.
- El Abboubi M. and El Kandoussi F. (2009), “Diversity Management Status in Morocco. An Exploratory Study”, Equal Opportunity Istanbul annual conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Maon F. and Swaen V. (2009), « Shaping up the processual view on CSR : A multipartite sensemaking-sensegiving conceptualization », Academy of Management Conference, August 7-11, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
- Janssen C. and Chavagne S. and Swaen V. (2009), « L'exploitation de la Responsabilité Sociétale de l’Entreprise dans la publicité télévisuelle : une étude exploratoire », 4e congrès du Réseau International de Recherche sur les Organisations et le Développement Durable, June 25-27, Lille, France.
University working papers
- Maon F. and Swaen V. (2009), "Shaping the Processual View of CSR: A Multipartite Sensemaking-Sensegiving Conceptualization", Center for Responsible Business. Working Paper Series. Paper 45, available at
Other publications
- de Woot P. (2009), Manifesto for Globally Responsible Leaders
, GRLI, 2009
Books / Book Chapters
- Jean-Marie Postiaux, Benefits finance manager, Solvay et Président WWF-BE-Communauté francophone, Le rôle sociétal des entreprises, une responsabilité partagée (2008)
- De Cordt Yves (2008), L'intérêt social comme vecteur de la responsabilité sociétale, Coll. Responsabilité sociale des entreprises, Louvain-la-Neuve, Academia-Bruylant.
- El Abboubi Manal (2008), « Le Processus de Certification SA8000 dans les PME. Le Cas WebTel », In Raufflet, E. et Battelier, P. (Eds.), Responsabilité Sociale de L'entreprise: Enjeux de Gestion et Cas Pédagogiques, Presses Internationales Polytechniques, Québec.
- Lindgreen, A. and Swaen, V. and Johnston, W. (2008), “Corporate social responsibility: a snapshot of U.S. organizations’ practices”, in Idowu, S. L. and Filho, W. L. (Eds.), Global Practices of Corporate Social Responsibiliy, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 251-272.
Double-peer reviewed journal papers
- Gosseries A. (2008), “Constitutions and Future Generations”, The Good Society, 17 (2), 32-37.
- Gosseries A. (2008), “On future generations’ future rights”, Journal of Political Philosophy, 16(4), 446-474.
- Gosseries A. (2008), "La démocratie d'entreprise/Workplace democracy" (guest issue editor, with G. Ponthiere), Revue de philosophie économique/Review of Economic Philosophy, 9 (1), 124p.
- Maon F. and Lindgreen A. and Swaen V. (2008), “Thinking of the organization as a system: The role of managerial perceptions in developing a corporate social responsibility strategic agenda”, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 25 (3), 413-426.
- Swaen V. and Chumpitaz R. (2008), « L’impact de la responsabilité sociétale de l’entreprise sur la confiance des consommateurs », Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 23, 4.
Double-blind reviewed competitive papers
- El Abboubi M. and Cornet A. (2008), « Entreprendre une Certification Sociale dans une PME: Quels Enjeux pour la Mobilisation des Parties Prenantes ? », 9ème Congrès International Francophone en Entrepreneuriat et PME (CIFEPME), Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
- El Abboubi M. and Cornet A. (2008), “The Impact of Stakeholder Collaboration in an Organisational Change? The Case of CSR Certification”, European Academy of Business in Society (EABIS) annual meeting, Cranfield, UK.
- El Abboubi M. and Cornet A. (2008), “Stakeholders' Involvement as CSR Analyser”, Academy of Management: The Questions We Ask, August 8-13 2008, Anaheim, California, USA.
- El Abboubi M. and Cornet A. (2008), « Pour un Nouveau Modèle de Management des Parties Prenantes dans les Processus de Certifications Sociales », Réseau International de la Recherche sur les Organisations et le Développement Durable (RIODD), Lyon, France.
- El Abboubi M. and Cornet A. (2008), « Entreprendre une Stratégie de RSE dans les PME: Quels Outils de Management des Parties Prenantes ? », ORCE-EDC, Paris, France.
- El Abboubi M. and Cornet A. (2008), “Toward a New Model of Stakeholder Management for Social Certification’s Process”, International Academy of Management Business (IAMB), San Diego, USA.
- Lindgreen, A. and Campbell, T. and Swaen, V. and Harness, D. (2008), “Benchmarking corporate social responsibility practices: Malawi and Botswana compared to the U.S.A.”, in Fleckenstein, M., Primeaux, P., Werhane, P., and Flanagan, P. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th Annual International Conference Promoting Business Ethics: Business Ethics: Back to Basics, October 22-24, the Vincentian Universities in the United States, New York.
- Lindgreen, A. and Swaen, V. and Harness, D. (2008), “The role of ‘high potentials’ in implementing corporate social responsibility”, in Fleckenstein, M., Primeaux, P., Werhane, P., and Flanagan, P. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th Annual International Conference Promoting Business Ethics: Business Ethics: Back to Basics, October 22-24, the Vincentian Universities in the United States, New York.
- Maon, F. and Swaen, V. and Lindgreen A. (2008), ”Walking CSR: Cultural Phases and Development Stages Along the Path”, 2nd International Sustainability Conference, 21 - 22 August, Basel, Switzerland.
- Maon, F. and Swaen, V. and Lindgreen A. (2008), “Highlighting change motors at play in organizational progress toward corporate social responsibility”, Academy of Management: The Questions We Ask, August 8-13 2008, Anaheim, California, USA.
- Maon, F. and Swaen, V. and Lindgreen A. (2008), “Reaching successive levels of CSR: conceptualizing a dynamic framework for the responsible company”, Fourth International Society of Business, Economics and Ethics (ISBEE) World Congress, July 15-18, University of Cape Town, South Africa.
- Gentilini C. and Chumpitaz R. and Swaen V. (2008), “The challenge of education to sustainable development: some guidelines to communicate with children”, 37th annual conference of the European Marketing Academy, May, University of Brighton, UK.
- Lindgreen, A. and Swaen, V. and Maon, F. and Johnston, W. (2008), “Corporate citizenship and marketing practices: an empirical study”, EBEN-UK Annual Conference: Corporate Social Responsibility: The Management of Ethics in Business, April 1-2, University of Cambridge, UK.
- Maon, F. and Swaen, V. and Lindgreen A. (2008), “Reaching successive levels of CSR: conceptualizing a dynamic framework for the responsible company”, EBEN-UK Annual Conference: Corporate Social Responsibility: The Management of Ethics in Business, April 1-2, University of Cambridge, UK.
- Maon, F. and Swaen, V. and Lindgreen A. (2008), “Unfolding CSR positioning through systematic analysis of managerial perceptions: insights from a case study in the pharmaceutical industry”, EBEN-UK Annual Conference: Corporate Social Responsibility: The Management of Ethics in Business, 1-2 avril, University of Cambridge, Royaume-Uni.
University working papers
- Maon F. and Swaen V. and Lindgreen A. (2008), « Mainstreaming the corporate social responsability agenda : A change model grounded in theory and practice », Working Paper 08/22, IAG - Louvain School of Management, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, available at //