How to enroll if LSM is your home university?

LSM Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

Selection Process (LSM as home university): COHORT 2018-20*

This selection process aims at determining, on the basis of your current situation, whether the access to the chosen Double Degree can be granted or not.

NOTE: You are interested by a Double Degree with LSM and your home university is one of the DD partner university, please refer to your home university website in order to get information about requirements and procedure. Note that you will also have to respect the LSM academic admission requirements.

  • To meet the LSM academic admission requirements to register into the LSM Master in Business Engineering or into the Master in Management.
  • DD application file presenting your individual skills, your professional projects, your motivation and academic project for the chosen double degree.
  • Successfully pass the joint DD selection interview based on your DD application form.
  • For non Belgian degree holder : GMAT 550 (only Quantitative and Verbal) or equivalent.
  • For Belgian degree holder : an average of 67% out of your current Belgian bachelor degree or GMAT 550 if under that average.
  • English proficiency: C1 level (CEFR) will be evaluated during the selection interview or must be proven for July 1st, 2019 if requested by the selection's jury.
  • If applying for KULeuven: Dutch level: B2 if Master in English / C1 if Master in Dutch, to be proven during the selection interview.

Note that three criteria will be taken into account during the selection :

  • Academic results of each university studies year;
  • The applicant's profile based on motivation, professional experience, personal skills (initiative, leadership, entrepreneurship, team spirit, cultural openness, etc.) and a strong academic project into the chosen double-degree;
  • Language skills.

Step 1: Choose the DD you wish to acquired

Step 2: Application submission: Deadline March 11th, 2018*

Step 3: Selection Interview: in March-May

Applicants are invited to a joint interview in front of representatives of the partner university and LSM.

Step 4: Selection Results: May

The partner university you have been selected for will confirm that you are academically eligible to their master.

Step 5: Selection confirmation: June 2019

Your selection remains provisional until the results of the exams June session 2019. Indeed, you must acquire min. 60 ECTS credits of LSM Master's level courses (languages courses and prerequisite courses excluded).
Otherwise you will be dropped out of the DD and will spend your annual block 2 into the regular LSM programme without any exchange.

* Most of the slots will be allocated during the March-May 2018 selection. Note that an exceptional selection will be organised in September-November 2018.