Publications récentes
Journal Articles
1. Vila-Henninger, Luis Antonio. The “Medicinal Cannabis Question”: How Actors Legitimate Vote Choice on Medical Marijuana Policy. In: The Sociological Quarterly, Vol. 59, no.2, p. 1-24. doi:10.1080/00380253.2017.1367266.
2. Joly, Jeroen; Dandoy, Régis. Beyond the Water’s Edge: How Political Parties Influence Foreign Policy Formulation in Belgium. In: Foreign Policy Analysis, Vol. 14, no. 4, p. 512-535 (2018).
3. Reuchamps, Min; Dodeigne, Jérémy; Perrez, Julien. Changing your political mind: The impact of a metaphor on citizens’ representations and preferences for federalism. In: Regional & Federal Studies, Vol. 28, no.2, p. 151-175 (2018). doi:10.1080/13597566.2018.1433663.
4. Chiru, Mihail. The Electoral Value of Constituency-Oriented Parliamentary Questions in Hungary and Romania. In: Parliamentary Affairs, Vol. 71, no.4, p. 950-969 (2018). doi:10.1093/pa/gsx050.
5. Defacqz, Samuel. The Legitimacy of European Networks: Perspectives from Belgian Civil Society Organisations. In: Journal of Contemporary European Research, Vol. 14, no.2, p. 123-137 (2018). doi:10.30950/jcer.v14i2.874.
6. Verstraete, Dylan; Devillers, Sophie; Dandoy, Régis; Dodeigne, Jérémy; Jacquet, Vincent; Niessen, Christoph; Reuchamps, Min. Les rôles, fonctions et choix politiques des bourgmestres en Wallonie et à Bruxelles. In: Courrier hebdomadaire / Centre de Recherche et d'Information Socio-Politique, Vol. 11, no. 2376, p. 5-52 (2018). doi:10.3917/cris.2376.0005.
7. Kernalegenn, Tudi. Les gauches alternatives à la découverte des régions dans les années 1968. In: La Revue Historique, Vol. 1, no.685, p. 147-166 (2018). doi:10.3917/rhis.181.0147.
8. Chiru, Mihail; Gherghina, Sergiu. National games for local gains: legislative activity, party organization and candidate selection. In: Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, no. online, p. 1-19 (2018). doi:10.1080/17457289.2018.1537280.
9. Biard, Benjamin. How do radical right populist parties influence resurging debates over the stripping of citizenship?. In: International Political Science Review,.
10. Legein, Thomas; Audrey, Vandeleene; Randour, François; Heyvaert, Pauline; Julien, Perrez; Reuchamps, Min. The basic income debate in Belgium - An experimental study on the framing impact of metaphors on the opinion formation process. In: Basic Income Studies : an international journal of basic income research, Vol. 13, no. 2, p. 1-16. doi:10.1515/bis-2018-0010.
11. Chiru, Mihail. Cheap Talk or Proper Signaling? Styles of Campaigning and Engagement in Constituency Service. In: Social Science Quarterly, Vol. 99, no.1, p. 283-295 (2017). doi:10.1111/ssqu.12404.
12. Biard, Benjamin. The influence of radical right populist parties on law and order policy-making. In: Policy Studies, Vol. 00, no. 00, p. 00. doi:10.1080/01442872.2018.1533110.
13. Vandamme, Pierre-Etienne; Jacquet, Vincent; Niessen, Christoph; Pitseys, John; Reuchamps, Min. Intercameral Relations in a Bicameral Elected and Sortition Legislature. In: Politics & Society, Vol. 46, no. 3, p. 381-400 (2018).
14. Macq, Hadrien; Jacquet, Vincent. S’engager dans un cyberparti. Internet et militantisme au sein du parti pirate belge. In: Reset : Recherches en Sciences Sociales sur Internet, Vol. 7, no.7, p. 1-23 (2018). doi:10.4000/reset.1102.
15. Leloup, Fabienne; Lacour, C.; Chiasson, G.; Gauthier, M. Territoires et frontières. In: Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine, no. 3, p. 567-578 (2018).
16. Kernalegenn, Tudi; Pasquier, Romain. Les régions contre l'État ? Capacité politique et fragmentation territoriale en Europe. In: Droit et société, Vol. 98, no.1, p. 71-89 (2018).
17. Leloup, Fabienne. Introduction. In: Mondes en développement, Vol. 181, no. 1, p. 7 (2018). doi:10.3917/med.181.0007.
18. Gaudin, Thibault; Jacquet, Vincent; Pilet, Jean-Benoit; Reuchamps, Min. Les consultations populaires communales en Wallonie. In: Courrier hebdomadaire / Centre de Recherche et d'Information Socio-Politiques, Vol. 27, no. 2392-2393, p. 5-70 (2018).
19. Rihoux, Benoît; Kernalegenn, Tudi. Examining activist trajectories across fluid borders: three most welcome analytic shifts. In: Revue internationale de politique comparée, Vol. 25, no.1-2, p. 7-11 (2018). doi:10.3917/ripc.251.0007.
20. Baudewyns, Pierre; Cogels, Maximilien; Dandache, Sophie; Hamonic, Ella; Legrand, Vincent; Reuchamps, Min; Schiffino, Nathalie. Teaching political science with a mooc: analysing the supply side and the demand side. In: European Political Science, Vol. 17, no. 2, p. 276-295 (2018). doi:10.1057/s41304-017-0110-2.
21. Rihoux, Benoît; Vandeleene, Audrey; De Winter, Lieven; Baudewyns, Pierre; Deruette, Serge. Belgium: political development and data for 2017. In: European Journal of Political Research. Political Data Yearbook, Vol. 57, no. 1, p. 1-6 (2018). doi:10.1111/2047-8852.12200.
22. Jacquet, Vincent; Reuchamps, Min. Who wants to pay for deliberative democracy? The crowdfunders of the G1000 in Belgium. In: European Political Science Review, Vol. 10, no. 1, p. 29-49. doi:10.1017/S1755773916000163.
23. Mihail Chiru; Valentin Stoian. Liberty - security dilemmas and party cohesion in the European Parliament. In: Journal of Common Market Studies, (2018). (Accepté/Sous presse).
24. Ortiz Cabrero, Lorena. Postmodernist Relativism: A Return to Polytheism?. In: The Maastricht Journal of Liberal Arts, Vol. 10, no.1, p. 57-68 (2018). doi:10.26481/mjla.2018.v10.581.
25. Gaudin, Thibault; Jacquet, Vincent; Pilet, Jean-Benoît; Reuchamps, Min. Consultation populaire et référendum en Belgique. In: Courrier hebdomadaire / Centre de Recherche et d'Information Socio-Politiques, Vol. 25, no. 2390-2391, p. 5-62 (2018). doi:10.3917/cris.2390.0005.
Conference Papers
1. Dupuy, Claire; Bussi, Margherita. Bringing citizens back in the analysis of policy change. Unleashing the explanatory power of policy design. 2018 xxx.
2. Leloup, Fabienne; Considère, Sophie. Frontières ouvertes. 2018 xxx.
3. Vrydagh, Julien; Devillers, Sophie; Reuchamps, Min. Coupling mini-publics to collaborative governance: the case of the Education Reform in the Belgian French Speaking Community. 2018 xxx.
4. Caprioli, Mauro Ugo; Versailles, Alban. Populist leadership 2.0 : a mixed methods approach to Theo Francken’s discourse and his relationship with followers in the era of social media. 2018 xxx.
5. Le Gall, Cal. European integration and turnout: communicating vessels or negative integration?. 2018 xxx.
6. Randour, François; Vandeleene, Audrey; Perrez, Julien; Reuchamps, Min. 50 years of Belgian federalism: Analyzing political discourse across six State reforms. 2018 xxx.
7. Chiru, Mihail; De Winter, Lieven; Vandeleene, Audrey. Revisiting the role of individual and party level factors for candidate selection decentralization and inclusiveness. 2018 xxx.
8. De Winter, Lieven; Dumont, Patrick. Belgium: a bargaining setting from highly constrained complexity towards near-chaos. 2018 xxx.
9. Versailles, Alban. The (de)Politicizing Behaviour of National Political Parties on European Integration. 2018 xxx.
10. Chiru, Mihail. Electoral incentives and legislator-constituency linkages in supra-national contexts. 2018 xxx.
11. Jacquet, Vincent; Reuchamps, Min; Schiffino, Nathalie. “Union sacrée ou union forcée ? Les parlementaires belges face à l’impératif délibératif : postures élitiste, corporatiste et hybride. 2018 xxx.
12. Jacquet, Vincent; Niessen, Christoph; Reuchamps, Min. Should Sortition Be Introduced in Parliament? A first empirical analysis of what Belgian citizens and parliamentarians think. 2018 xxx.
13. Biard, Benjamin. Do measures of militant democracy contribute to reduce the policy influence of radical right populist parties?. 2018 xxx.
14. Biard, Benjamin. Quelle influence pour les partis populistes de droite radicale sur la fabrique des politiques publiques?. 2018 xxx.
15. Versailles, Alban; Van Ingelgom, Virginie. How Can National Political Parties (de)Politicise European Integration ?. 2018 xxx.
16. Rakotoarijaona, Narindra Hajatiana; Leloup, Fabienne. Mise en œuvre de la Politique Nationale de l’Environnement (PNE) de 2010 et de la Politique Nationale pour le Développement Durable (PNEDD) de 2015 : entre politique et réalité. Cas de la commune rurale de Tolongoina à Madagascar. 2018 xxx.
17. Versailles, Alban. The (de)Politicizing Communication of National Political Parties on European Integration. 2018 xxx.
18. Biard, Benjamin. The direct and indirect policy influence of radical right populist parties: the Swiss SVP and the French FN in a comparative perspective. 2018 xxx.
19. Caprioli, Mauro Ugo; Versailles, Alban. Populist leadership and charismatic following. An empirical analysis of social media interactions between leader and followers.. 2018 xxx.
20. Caprioli, Mauro Ugo; Versailles, Alban. Populist leadership and charismatic following. An empirical analysis of social media interactions between leader and followers.. 2018 xxx.
21. Jacquet, Vincent; van der Does, Ramon. Should we care about small-scale deliberation? A systematic literature review of minipublic consequences. 2018 xxx.
22. Pennetreau, Damien. The Role of Frames in Welfare Legitimacy. 2018 xxx.
23. Fujita, Taisuke; Rihoux, Benoît; Àlamos-Concha, Priscilla. Locating QCA in the methodological logical space: a comprehensive typology. 2018 xxx.
24. Leloup, Fabienne. La coopération transfrontalière européenne en matière de santé. 2018 xxx.
25. Leloup, Fabienne. Frontières transformées, territoires recomposés, gouvernance : vers quel développement ?. 2018 xxx.
26. Leloup, Fabienne. De la gouvernance dans la coopération transfrontalière en matière de santé?. 2018 xxx.
27. Randour, François; Vandeleene, Audrey; Perrez, Julien; Reuchamps, Min. 50 years of Belgian federalism A longitudinal analysis of political discourse across six State reforms. 2018 xxx.
28. Vila-Henninger, Luis Antonio; Van Ingelgom, Virginie; Dupuy, Claire. Neoliberalism and Democratic Disaffection in France and the UK: A Series of Natural Experiments. 2018 xxx.
29. Bottin, Jehan. From buffers to lever for action: the democratic roles of public servants involved in deliberative processes. 2018 xxx.
30. Versailles, Alban; Van Ingelgom, Virginie. Explaining Public Support for the Euro. 2018 xxx.
31. Perrez, Julien; Randour, François; Dodeigne, Jérémy; Reuchamps, Min. The Belgian Tetris 3.0: how metaphors can differently influence the Flemish and Francophone political minds. 2018 xxx.
32. Chiru, Mihail; Toka, Gabor; Popescu, Marina. Manufacturing tolerance? Political discourse, electoral campaigns and the expression of inclusive, pro-minority views. 2018 xxx.
33. Legein, Thomas; Vandeleene, Audrey; Randour, François; Heyvaert, Pauline; Perrez, Julien; Reuchamps, Min. Framing the Basic Income: An experimental study on the framing impact of metaphors on the opinion formation process. 2018 xxx.
34. Versailles, Alban. The (de)Politicizing Behaviour of National Political Parties on European Integration. 2018 xxx.
35. Niessen, Christoph; Reuchamps, Min; Dejan, Stjepanovic; Dodeigne, Jérémy; Habra, Augustin. When Dyadic Federations Fall Apart and When they Remain Together: a Qualitative Comparative Analysis of Bipolar Federalism around the World. 2018 xxx.
36. Leloup, Fabienne. European Cross-Border Cooperation : Process of Governance and Public Action. 2018 xxx.
37. Perrez, Julien; Randour, François; Reuchamps, Min. On the representativeness of political corpora in linguistic research. 2018 xxx.
38. Randour, François; Vandeleene, Audrey; Perrez, Julien; Reuchamps, Min. The use of metaphors in television debates: a case study of ‘(love) relationship’ metaphors on Belgian federalism. 2018 xxx.
39. Biard, Benjamin. How do strategies adopted by mainstream parties towards radical right populist parties affect policy? Belgium and Switzerland in comparison. 2018 xxx.
40. Pennetreau, Damien. Causal Narrative Frames: A Discursive Tool to Justify Solutions?. 2018 xxx.
41. De Winter, Lieven; Gomez-Reino Cachafeiro, Magarita; Lynch Peter. Fifty Years of Comparative Analyses of Ethnoregionalist Parties: What Have We Learned?,. 2018 xxx.
Book Chapters
1. Biard, Benjamin; Dandoy, Régis. Les préférences démocratiques au sein des partis populistes en Belgique. In: L'Etat face à ses transformations (Science Politique; xxx), xxx, 2018, p. 231-257. 978-2-8061-0390-1. xxx xxx.
2. Reuchamps, Min; Devillers, Sophie; Caluwaerts, Didier; Bouhon, Frédéric. Le vote obligatoire. In: Les systèmes électoraux de la Belgique , Larcier: Bruxelles, 2018, 403-422. 9782807907591. xxx xxx.
3. Buelens, Jo; Rihoux, Benoît. Green party members in Belgium : twins in contrasted sub-national communities. In: Green party members[working title] , MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, 2018. xxx xxx.
4. Chiru, Mihail. Exploring the Role of Decentralized Personalization for Legislative Behaviour and Constituency Representation. In: The Personalization of Democratic Politics and the Challenge for Political Parties , Rowman & Littlefield International / ECPR Press: London, 2018, p. 143-161. 9781785522956. xxx xxx.
5. Dandoy, Régis; Sandri,Giulia; De Winter, Lieven. Patterns of regional democracy. Government Forms and Performance in federal and decentralized West-European Countries. In: Challenges of Democracy in the 21st Century: Concepts, Methods, Causality and the Quality of Democracy , Routledge, 2018. 9780815381839. xxx xxx.
6. De Winter, Lieven. Ethnoregionalist parties. In: Handbook of Territorial Politics , Edward Elgar, 2018, p. 139-157. 9781784718770. xxx xxx. doi:; 10.4337/9781784718770.00016.
7. Leloup, Fabienne; Considère, Sylvie. Comment interroger la frontière par les représentations sociales?. In: Frontières et représentations sociales. Questions et perspectives méthodologiques , Académia, 2018, p. 27-60. 978-2-8061-0327-7. xxx xxx.
8. Kernalegenn, Tudi. Les régions à petits pas. Retour sur 30 ans de démocratie régionale. In: 30 ans de démocratie régionale. Des régions pour quoi faire? , Berger-Levrault: Paris, 2018. 978-2-7013-1978-0. xxx xxx.
9. Kernalegenn, Tudi. Quelle démocratie régionale pour demain?. In: 30 ans de démocratie régionale. Des régions pour quoi faire? , Berger-Levrault: Paris, 2018. 978-2-7013-1978-0. xxx xxx.
10. Vandeleene, Audrey; De Winter, Lieven. The curious stability of candidate selection methods in Belgium in times of crisis. In: The Selection of Politicians in Times of Crisis , Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon, 2018. 9781138895218. xxx xxx.
11. Kernalegenn, Tudi. La recomposition du mouvement breton au tournant des années 1980. In: Les Années Mitterrand, 1984-1988 : L’alternance et la première cohabitation vues des régions , Presses universitaires de Rennes: Rennes, 2018, p. 87-96. 978-2-7535-7313-0. xxx xxx.
12. Reuchamps, Min; Onclin, François; Niessen, Christoph. Apparentement et seuil électoral. In: Les systèmes électoraux de la Belgique , Larcier: Bruxelles, 2018, 447-463. xxx xxx.
13. Niessen, Christoph; Schiffino, Nathalie; Jacquet, Vincent; Deschamps, Ludovic. Critical Candidates: Elite Attitudes toward the Functioning of Representative Democracy. In: Candidates, Parties and Voters in the Belgian Partitocracy , Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, 2018, 341-364. xxx xxx.
14. Sinardet, Dave; De Winter, Lieven; Dodeigne, Jérémy; Reuchamps, Min. Language, identity and voting. In: Mind the Gap. Political Participation and Representation in Belgium , ECPR Press: Colchester, 2018, p. 113-132. 9781786605412. xxx xxx.
15. Ritschard, Gilbert; Bussi, Margherita; O'Reilly, Jacqueline. An index of precarity for measuring early employment insecurity. In: Sequence Analysis and Related Approaches (Life Course Research and Social Policies; xxx), Springer Link, 2018. 978-3-319-95420-2. xxx xxx. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-95420-2.
16. Dandoy, Régis; Matagne, Geoffroy; Van Wynsberghe, Caroline; Bottin, Jehan; Cogels, Maximilien. L’impact de la campagne électorale sur le vote : mise en perspective et études de cas. In: Les systèmes électoraux de la Belgique , Larcier: Bruxelles, 2018, p. 732. 9782807907591. xxx xxx.
17. Verhaegen, Soetkin; Hoon, Louise; Kelbel, Camille; Van Ingelgom, Virginie. A three-level game in Belgium: Explaining citizens’ attitudes about the division of competences in a multi-level governance context. In: Mind the Gap , ECPR Press, 2018. N.A.. xxx xxx.
18. Chiru, Mihail; Gherghina, Sergiu. Romania: an ambivalent parliamentary opposition. In: Opposition Parties in European Legislatures: Responsiveness Without Responsibility? (Routledge studies on political parties and party systems; xxx), Routledge: Abingdon, 2018, p. 191-210. 9781138674875. xxx xxx.
1. Caluwaerts, Didier; Reuchamps, Min. The Legitimacy of Citizen-Led Deliberative Democracy: The G1000 in Belgium. Routledge: London, 2018. 9781138281943. 162 pages.
2. Bouhon, Frédéric; Reuchamps, Min. Les systèmes électoraux de la Belgique. Larcier: Bruxelles, 2018. 9782807907591. 732 pages.
3. Biard, Benjamin. L'État face à ses transformations. Academia L'Harmattan: Louvain-la-neuve, 2018. 978-2-8061-0390-1. 354 pages.
4. Kernalegenn, Tudi; Pasquier, Romain. 30 ans de démocratie régionale. Des régions pour quoi faire?. Berger-Levrault: (France) Paris, 2018. 9782701319780; 978-2-7013-1978-0. 244 pages.