Bernard Feltz, main promotor, professor, institut supérieur de philosophie (ISP)
Marcus Missal, professor, Institute of NeuroScience (IoNS)
PhD researchers
Anna Drozdzewska
Topic of the thesis: "Language, brain and causality- the causal efficacy of mental events"
Supervisors: Bernard Feltz, Marcus Missal
Starting date: October 2013
Müller Thomas
Starting date: 01/04/2016
Postdoctoral fellows
Sims Andrew
Starting date: 01/06/2016
Jebeile Julie
Starting date: 01/10/2016
Kim Wende
Topic of the thesis: "Neural correlates of cause-effect-relations: a set of functional neuroimaging studies"
November 2013 - 2015
Associate members
Guay Alexandre, professeur, ISP
Sartenaer Olivier, chargé de recherche FNRS, ISP
Verdée Peter, professeur, ISP