09 mai 2018
11 mai 2018
Salle du Conseil Fial - Collège Erasme - Place Blaise Pascal,1
Colloque international organisé par l' Institut supérieur de philosophie, Centre d’études phénoménologiques, UCLouvain (S. Camilleri), le Department of Philosophy, Istanbul 29 Mayis University (S. Varlik) et l' Institut für Islamwissenschaft und neuere orientalische Philologie, Universität Bern (U. Goeskens & K. Moser).
Mercredi / Wednesday 9
9:45 Welcoming words
10:00 Keynote lecture n°1: Massimo Campanini (Università di Trento), “Philosophical Commentaries on the Qur'an in the Twentieth Century: from Hermeneutics to Praxis”
Pause café / Coffee break
11:15 Urs Goeskens (Universität Bern)
“Shifting Concepts of Religion among Muslim Reformist Theologians and Intellectuals in the Light of Hermeneutics (Nasr Hamid Abu Zeid and Abdolkarim Soroush)”
12:00 Abdessamed Belhaj (UCLouvain),
« Al-Jali d’Abou Ya'rub al-Marzuqi : premier commentaire philosophique entier du Coran ? »
Pause déjeuner / Lunch Break
14.30 Carool Kersten (King's College London),
“From Methods of Exegesis to Hermeneutics of Alterity: The Writings of Hasan Hanafi and Hamid Dabashi as Examples of Hermeneutical Thinking in Islamicate Contexts”
15:15 Mansooreh Khalilizand (Universität Erlangen),
“Revelation and Prophetic Reading of the World. Shabestari’s Hermeneutical approach to the Concept of Revelation”
Pause café / Coffee break
16:15 Constance Arminjon (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes),
« De la critique des méthodes exégétiques à la doctrine de l’historicité du Coran : Mojtahed Shabestarî et l’acclimation de l’herméneutique en Islam »
Jeudi / Thursday 10 - Lieu / Venue: Louvain House
Revisiter l’héritage classique / Revisiting the Classical Heritage
9:45 Keynote lecture n°2
Nader El-Bizri (American University of Beirut), “Ontologico-Epistemic Directives in the Hermeneutic Phenomenology
of Falsafa”
Coffee break
11.00 Selami Varlik (Istanbul 29 Mayis University),
« Phénoménologie christologique vs. philosophie islamique : Ricoeur et le conflit entre inquiétude et certitude »
11.45 Alireza Shomali (Wheaton College),
“The Idea of Political Hermeneutics in Farabi’s Philosophy”
Pause déjeuner / Lunch Break
14:15 Naveen Kanalu Ramamurthy
(University of California),
“Hermeneutics in Premodern Islamic Jurisprudential Culture: Interpreting God’s Law through Human Reason”
15.00 Ali Pharaa (Stony Brook University),
“Ibn ‘Arabi’s Station of No Station as a Hermeneutics of Beauty”
Pause café / Coffee break
16.00 Gregory Vandamme (UCLouvain),
« La perplexité (hayra) au cœur du langage de la révélation dans l’herméneutique coranique d’Ibn ‘Arabî »
16:45 Keynote lecture n°3
Mohammed Chaouki Zine (Université de Tlemcen),
« Interpréter ou ne pas interpréter : La “docte ignorance” de la question herméneutique chez Ibn ‘Arabî»
Vendredi / Friday 11 - Lieu / Venue: Salle du Conseil FIAL, Place Cardinal Mercier
enjeux critiques et politiques / Critical and Political Issues
9:30 Mustafa Ali (The Open University),
“Philosophical Hermeneutics and the Islamicate: Transversals and Reversals”
10:15 Thomas Sojer (Universität Innsbruck),
“Entangled: The Grand Narratives and their Influences on Hermeneutics”
Pause café / Coffee break
11:15 Ezra Tzfadya (Universität Erlangen/Universität Bamberg),
“The 19th Century Origins of Wilayat al-Faqih: A Philosophic-Hermeneutic Approach to ‘Aql’ in the Thought of Mullah Ahmad Naraqi”
Pause déjeuner / Lunch break
14:00 Ahmad Bostani (Kharazmi University of Tehran),
“Henry Corbin’s Hermeneutical Approach: A Critical Appraisal”
14.45 Sylvain Camilleri (UCLouvain),
“Outline of a ‘Radical Hermeneutics’ of the Qur’an”