10 mai 2017
Auditoire Socrate -240
Conférences gratuites et ouvertes à tou·te·s
L’Institut de recherche en sciences psychologiques et la Faculté de psychologie et des sciences de l’éducation ont le plaisir d’accueillir trois experts-chercheurs internationaux :
8 mars, 12h30-14h00
Auditoire Socrate -240
Proactive Work Behavior: Meta-Analyses and New Developments, Hannes Zacher, University of Leipzig, Germany
In this talk, I present four new studies on proactive work behavior, or behavior that is both future- and change-oriented. In the first study, I investigated the potential consequences of proactive work behavior for emotional exhaustion. The second study is a meta-analysis on associations of individual and job characteristics as well as work outcomes with a specific form of proactive behavior: selection, optimization, and compensation strategies. In the third study, I examined the role of daily use of selection, optimization, and compensation strategies for daily innovative work behavior. Finally, the fourth study is a comprehensive meta-analysis on job crafting. Job crafting is a form of proactive work behavior that involves employees actively changing the characteristics of their jobs, including tasks, relationships, and cognitive appraisals, challenging and hindering job demands, as well as structural and social job resources. I conclude by discussing implications for future research and practice.
Invitants : Mariane Frenay, Benoit Galand, Isabel Raemdonck, Catherine Van Nieuwenhoven
10 mars, 12h30-14h00
Auditoire Socrate -240
Social aspects of memory and decision making, Charles Stone, University of New York, USA
In this seminar I will discuss my four main areas of research. First, I will talk about my research examining socially shared retrieval-induced forgetting (SS-RIF). SS-RIF is the phenomenon by which the selective retrieval on the part of a speaker, in the course of a conversation, can induce both the speaker and the listener to forget related information. Second, I will talk about my research examining how families transmit memories from one generation to the next through conversation. My present research focuses on World War II memories in Belgium and 9/11 memories in the USA. Third, I've recently begun a research project examining how social media (e.g., Instagram, Facebook, Twitter) shape the way individuals and groups remember the past. At the moment, my lab is extending the SS-RIF to instances of posting pictures on Instagram. Lastly, I will discuss my research examining the ways in which prejudice and dehumanization influence punishment decisions based on the crime and race of the suspect as well as my research examining how various social memory phenomenon (social contagion: spread of false information; collaborative inhibition: groups remember less than their potential; and SS-RIF) may help us better understand the ways in which jury deliberations shape what the jurors remember about the trial and, in turn, their decisions about guilt and innocence. In general, these areas of research converge around the importance of individual and collective memories and their relevance for, not just individual and collective identity, respectively, but forensic settings as we
Invitants : Olivier Luminet, Olivier Corneille, Rafael Dumas, Dana Samson
10 mai , 12h30-14h00
Auditoire Socrate -240
Stresseurs professionnels, Travail émotionnel et burnout dans la relation de soins, Didier Truchot, Université de Franche-Comté, France
Toute profession de contact (e.g., commerce, soins, éducation) développe des normes concernant ce qu’il est bon de ressentir dans une situation donnée (feeling rules) et ce qu’il est bon d’afficher comme émotion (display rules). Ceci implique un travail de gestion, de régulations des émotions de la part des professionnels, et qui peut avoir des conséquences néfastes pour leur bien-être au travail.
Après une présentation des catégories de stresseurs qui impactent la santé psychologique des soignants, nous aborderons la place du travail émotionnel dans leur bien-être au travail (Engagement, burnout).
Invitante : Annalisa Casini, Donatienne Desmette, Florence Stinglhamber, Stefan Agrigoroaei
Inscription :
Envoyez un E-Mail à Nadine Fraselle nadine.fraselle@uclouvain.be
Precisez :
-participera au séminaire :
Le 8 mars
-participera au lunch
Le 8 mars
-participera au séminaire :
Le 10 mars
-participera au lunch
Le 10 mars
-participera au séminaire :
Le 10 mai
-participera au lunch
Le 10 mai